Thursday 29 December 2022

CWD Highlights - October-December 2022

Christian Writers Downunder is a diverse group of writers, editors, bloggers, illustrators. As a group we support each other through our Facebook page and blog.

Today's blog will highlight some of the achievements of our members from October-December 2022

New Releases

Core Values: Love by Rebekah Robinson & Anne Hamilton

Rebekah Robinson & Anne Hamilton released Core Values: Love on 28 November 2022

The DNA of God Series, book 1: Galatians 5 describes the growing DNA of God in our lives as a list of attributes, or fruit, emanating from His Spirit. This first volume explores the love aspect of God’s nature, and its outworking in the hearts of believers respective to His other flavours.

Buy link:

Rebekah Robinson lives in Brisbane, Australia and loves God and people.
Anne Hamilton is an accomplished, multi-award-winning author of over 20 books.

Lady in Irons by Sara Powter

Sara Powter released book 3, A Lady in Irons in her Unlikely Convict Ladies series was released on November 6th.

Katy is mourning the death of her husband after he dies in a shooting accident. Barely coping, she awaits the birth of their child. If it’s a girl, she must hand the family home over to her husband’s brother. The day after giving birth to a daughter, she and her daughter are literally left on the side of a road. She collapses and is found by someone whom she thought had died in a fire ten years before. Perry, badly scarred himself, nurses her back to health. They marry and move in with her widowed friend, Mary.

After some years, she discovers her husband and friend in each other’s arms. Now living in a love triangle, she flees. Grasping the only straw available, she intentionally gets arrested so that she can be sent to a colony far away. By doing this, her marriage can be annulled. What happens in the Colony is not what she expects. Governor Macquarie comes to her rescue. But what of Perry and her children?

You can find it here

Pursuing Prayer by Dienece Darling 

Melbournian Dienece Darling writes inspirational fiction to encourage and entertain Christians and has released her first reader's magnet to subscribers of her blog.

Pursuing Prayer

Everything should have been Catherine’s and hers alone.

In London 1733, Catherine Fox expects to inherit everything from her father until he remarries just before passing away. With a possible heir jeopardizing their future, Catherine’s husband is furious. Not even the possibility of the babe being a girl soothes him, but surely, sharing her inheritance with a sister must be better than losing everything to a little brother. Perhaps prayer will help. Only, can she trust God to give the right answer?

As time passes, Catherine begins to wonder if the pursuit of prayer ever results in anything more than bruised knuckles against the closed doors of Heaven.

Pursuing Prayer is free to subscribers of Dienece's blog. Sign up via Free Short Story | Dienece Darling

Max Nutt's New Book by Elizabeth Klein

Elizabeth Klein has a short story published Thursday, 1st December 2022 called Max Nutt's New Book in Christmas Tales 7 on  by Storm Cloud Publishing. 

Elizabeth's story is about a mouse who is pressured into writing his second book but has writer's block. When the juices get flowing again, his book turns out to be another best seller.


CALEB Awards 

The winners of the CALEB awards was announced at the CALEB Awards Dinner at the Omega Writers Conference Kingscliffe.

Unpublished Nonfiction

Stephanie Walters won the Unpublished Adult Nonfiction manuscript prize. She received a Manuscript Review and Feedback from Nicole Partridge, Journalist, Writer and Literary Agent to the value of $400

Published Nonfiction

Emily Maurits won the Published Nonfiction award with Two Sisters and Brain Tumour.

Published Young Adult Fiction

Kristen Young won the Published Young Adult Prize with Elite, the second book in her Collective Underground series

Published Adult Fiction

Meredith Resce won the Published Adult Prize with In Want of a Wife, the second book in her Luella Linley Licence to Meddle series.

Congratulations to Stephanie, Emily, Kristen and Meredith

Historical Novel Awards

In the middle of December, Book 1 of Sara Powter's Unlikely Convict Ladies trilogy has been long-listed for the Historical Novel Awards while Dancing to Her Own Tune is a finalist. The awards are announced on 31 December 2022

Congratulations Sara


The Rhiza Edge Short Story Competition for 2022 is now open!

Rhiza is looking for stories for Diverging Worlds: Short stories in dystopian and steampunk worlds, a collection of short stories in steampunk or dystopian worlds. The anthology will be edited by Lynne Stringer and Emily Larkin

Stories (up to 5000 words) need to be clean and 12+ friendly as we sell these books into schools.

Stories need to be in a Dystopian or a Steampunk world.

Entries can be submitted up to May 2023

Interested? Read more here.


Rendered Realms at Supanova

Lynne Stringer, Adele Jones and Jeanette O'Hagan (or the Rendered Realms team) once again had a table at Supanova Brisbane in early November.  It was good to see the crowds back and fun as always to enact with avid Spec Fic fans, especially the book lovers.

Next year, Rendered Realms may explore other events as well as Supanova and Oz Comic Con. 

Sara Powter at Sydney Book Fair

At the end of November, I had a stall at the inaugural Book Fair in Sydney, which she found  eye-opening, having never done anything like this before.

Sara Powter also participated in the NaNoWriMo competition. She completed 50k words done in 2 weeks and the full book completed ( a shade under 90K words). I was so early in submitting my words that they were not even ready for me.

Omega Writers Conference 2022 Kingscliff

One of the highlights of the year was the Omega Writers Conference 2022 Kingscliff. Writers from across Australia and New Zealand attended the three day event in at the Peppers Resort at Kingscliffe. The keynote speaker Stephen James kept the attendees entertained and inspired with his flare for storytelling and games and I can attest to the value of his worships. Lystra gave a challenging and much needed session on the need for respect, consultation, patience and listening when writing about First Australians. With different streams and also connect groups, the long-awaited conference was a great way to refresh, renew and connect with other like-minded writers. 

The next in-person conference will be held from 20 to 22 September 2024. We will hold an online event in 2023.

Did you have a new release or event or brag point that didn't make it to the Highlights Post? Keep an eye out for the next call for information from members - the next Highlights post will be in end of March 2023.

Congratulations to all our members for your milestones and achievements.

Jeanette O'Hagan


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