Wednesday 17 July 2024

Showcase Shows Aussie Authors Shine! - by Ruth Bonetti

WHAT an action packed writers' weekend!

Billed as a showcase rather than a conference, the deliberate focus was to offer as many of our inspirational and prolific writers a platform to share their learning experiences and to encourage others.


opened on 6 July with a keynote by Ben Gray. He challenged us to build presence and connect with communities of readers. To plant seeds by word of mouth, and seek simple and real ways to connect with future readers.



17 brave souls touted their books, braving the shepherd’s crook that threatened to haul them off if they over-stayed their 90-second mark. Most were timely with (psst!) some seconds' lenience extended to those on a roll. As wielder of that shepherd crook, I was the only one hauled off in disgrace. My excuse was to make others feel better!

 30 seconds later...Oops!



As well as our anthology Palette of Grace, (which features 18 authors from all walks of life, nine first-time published), three books were launched in style, Adele Jones and Rebekah Robinson pitching high notes in song. They set a hard act to follow. (Watch this space for next event, though!)


Panels were encouraged to give platform to more voices, across two rooms, choosing between:

  • Writing about trauma...Life stories
  • YA panel... Romance...Short Stories
  • Dreams, goals and prayers
  • Self-publishing...editing
  • From paper to screen
  • Edgy fiction
  • Shaping characters
  • Podcasts
  • Publishers' POV
  • Neurodivergence
  • Overcome writers' block.


Spotlight on various writing groups; Holy Scribblers, Grace Writers, Omega Writers and Rendered Realms. The latter shared ideas for marketing with pizzazz. 

No description available.

                        'More, please!' 

Unanimous feedback from 55 attendees was heeded… drum roll…  ANNOUNCING! 

                    WRITERS' TRAINING DAY

12 October 8:30am - 4.30pm then socialise over dinner

                'It's so easy!'

​It's what you've heard presenters say, but you just feel overwhelmed and think,

"Maybe if you know what you're doing!'

You really want someone to hold your hand and take you through the process. 

If that's what you feel, this day is for you!

Three 2-hour sessions of hands-on how-to bring-your-laptop step-by-step guidance taking you through: 

  • Making and editing audio files for podcasts, reels or YouTube uploads (with Beck Robinson)
  • Uploading a document file of your book to an eBook publisher (with Jeanette O’Hagan)
  • Using (free) Canva to make PR Illustrations (with Anne Hamilton).

Bring your laptop, plugs and extension cords, notebook and pen. 

Lunch, morning and afternoon tea are provided. 

Cost $62 Book now

Coopers Colonial Motel 

1260 Beaudesert Road

Acacia Ridge Q 4110

We look forward to your presence, to help you build your platform. 

Ruth Bonetti founded Omega Writers back in 1992,  and is awed by the rich harvest Christian authors have reaped since. She came away from the CASQ shining with bright ideas of a new series to empower presenters of Words and Music. Watch this space...

Her Trilogy Midnight Sun to Southern Cross has won awards including the CALEB Nonfiction prize. 
Available: Autographed copies from and 
Facebook: Ruth Bonetti
Burn My Letters: Karl Johan Back
Blog (occasional) 


Thursday 20 June 2024

Prayerful, Spirit-Led Writing (Regardless of Overt Christian Content)


A speaker at a Christian writers' conference said that she always kept a Bible on her desk when she was writing so that she would be open to whatever God wanted her to say. It was also a reminder that she was doing her writing in God's strength, not her own. This challenged me. I do pray about my writing, but am I always conscious that I'm partnering with God in whatever I write? If I'm honest, I would have to say 'No'.

If I'm working on an overtly Christian piece, such as a devotional or a personal testimony, then 'Yes', I would pray that God shows me what to write about and how to go about it. I also pray over tricky or difficult writing problems. 'I've just gotten my fictional heroine into this sticky situation. Help, Lord. How am I going to get her out?' I might also pray if I'm discouraged, under attack, overwhelmed or lacking in motivation. But I don't always pray when I'm doing research for my latest manuscript, preparing a talk on ambiguous pronouns, or writing an article on how to grow veges in your back yard. Actually, that last one would be a superb piece of fiction on my part, because I'm the world's worst gardener and the last person you'd want advising you on eggplant and broccoli! But the point is that it's easy to relegate some of our writing tasks and topics to the 'worthy of prayer' basket and others to the 'regular stuff that doesn't need prayer' bin. Or is it just me?

Christian Worldview

If we're a Christian and we write, then our Christian worldview should be at the forefront of everything we do, regardless of whether or not we're writing an overtly Christian piece. Our worldview will affect:

  • The content of what we write (e.g., choosing the best scripture for a devotional; writing a scene in which our fictional heroine has a moral dilemma; steering clear of ungodly advice in our mainstream article on interpersonal relationships).
  • The way we write (e.g., speaking the truth in love; offering hope even in dark situations).
  • Our motives in writing (e.g., to glorify God rather than ourselves; to provide food for thought; to help others in practical ways).

Pray About the Veges

Prayer is crucial in all of these endeavours. Ask God to show you:

  • The topics or themes to explore.
  • The research you'll need and which bits of that research are most important.
  • The structure to use for your nonfiction piece or the plot to use in your novel.
  • How to write in an engaging way.
  • How to reach your target audience.
  • How to persevere when the going gets tough.
  • How to withstand opposition or overcome barriers.
  • How to tackle a tricky issue with sensitivity.
  • What to keep in and what to leave out.
  • Which people can be trusted to give you good feedback.
  • How to edit your work and make the best use of feedback.

This list is certainly not exhaustive. Everything about your writing should be covered in prayer.

What about the article on growing veges in your back yard? There's nothing particularly Christian about that, so surely that one doesn't need prayer. What if you pray and the Holy Spirit prompts you to include a few sentences about the value of composting in increasing the productivity of soil? You think, 'That's weird, God. I was just going to tell readers which seeds to buy and how often to water them.' But you don't know that one of your readers is a single Mum who can't afford to buy fresh veges. A relative has just given her a compost bin, but she's not sure how to use it. That paragraph on composting is the part of your article that inspires her to grow her own veges. In no time, her family is eating fresh produce from their own back yard at a fraction of the cost they'd pay at the supermarket. They also single-handedly stamp out world hunger, but that's another story.

I can think of many times when I've felt God prompt me to add a sentence I didn't intend to include or take out a sentence that seemed fine to me. Or I've been editing someone's work and I've had a little niggle about one section that seems fine at first glance. Sometimes it becomes clear why God gave me that directive; other times I have no clue. However, God knows the big picture. If we pray over all of our writing, we can trust that He will speak to us and that his instructions will be for our good and those of our readers. This blog could serve as an example. I spent several hours yesterday writing a post on how to approach your writing from a Christian worldview, but it just wasn't coming together. This morning I felt God leading me to focus on the part that related to prayer and leave the rest for another time. That meant a complete rewrite. Maybe there's someone who really needed to read this right now and God wanted me to encourage them.

Of course, I don't always get it right. I've written this post as much for myself as anyone. I often forget to pray about the little details in my writing or slip into complacency when I think I know what I'm doing (and I don't). Let's spur each other on to write from a place of prayer in all of our writing, not just the projects with overt Christian content. You never know when your compost will cause a bean to sprout.

Have you had times when God prompted you to include something in your writing that you hadn't previously thought of? Have there been times when you've felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to delete or change something that seemed fine? I'd love to hear your examples.

Author Bio

Nola Lorraine (aka Nola Passmore) has a passion for faith and social justice issues, and loves weaving words that inspire others with courage and hope. Her inspirational historical novel Scattered was published in 2020, and was one of three finalists in the 2021 CALEB Awards. She has also co-edited the Christian charity anthology Glimpses of Light with Jeanette O’Hagan. She has more than 150 short publications, including fiction, poetry, devotions, true stories, magazine articles and academic papers.  She and her husband Tim run a freelance writing and editing business, The Write Flourish. She’d love to connect with you through her website:

Picture Credits

All pictures taken from Pixabay. Praying beneath the cross is by Gerd Altmann, the vege gardener is by Richard Duijnstee, and the compost bin is by Azur95.

Monday 17 June 2024

The 2024 Omega Writers Conference is taking shape!

Omega Writers is excited to see the 2024 Omega Writers conference taking shape.

Held in Sydney from 20-22 September 2024, this opportunity to connect in person with so many Christian Writers from across the country only comes around once every two years!

It’s a great opportunity to hear author, publisher and teacher Susan May Warren talk about the joys, responsibility and craft of being a Christian writer. Susan May Warren is an in-demand speaker and teacher. You don’t want to miss your chance to be in the room for her talks.

The price of the conference is all-inclusive, which means accommodation, meals and teaching are all included in the price (Hub appointments are extra). But we have a day rego option that brings the price down for people who have local accommodation.

Sydneysiders take note! Our last conference was in Kingscliff and our next conference may very well be in another state so make the most of this opportunity by registering now. Day rego is a great option for Sydney locals who can enjoy the fun, fellowship and learning while staying in their own comfy beds. 

This national conference, the only one drawing Christians from across the country, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other creatives wanting to serve their Creator with excellence. It doesn’t matter where you are on the writing journey, the Omega conference will leave you inspired, equipped and spurred on along your writing journey.

Don’t miss out! Register now!

Caleb Award Update

Are you judging the 2024 Caleb Award? Don’t forget your score sheets are due back on 20 June.

Editors and how to find one!

Have you ever wondered about the different types of editing, but been too afraid to ask? This blog from editor Iola Goulton gives a clear explanation of the different types of editor a writer needs. You’ll be able to connect with editors of all types at our in-person conference as part of our hub.

The Hub offers 2024 Omega Writers Conference delegates the chance to book appointments with agents, publishers, editors and industry experts. You can discuss a work in progress, or to pitch a manuscript ready for submission to an agent. This is an invaluable opportunity for writers to gather feedback, suggestions, and guidance as well as to increase their understanding of the publishing process. Appointments are 30 minutes long and will either occur in person or online, depending on the location of the agent/publisher/expert.

Bookings for The Hub are now open. These appointments are only available to conference attendees. Appointments will be allocated on a first in first served basis and will be capped once the editor/publisher/expert’s booking limit has been reached. Actual appointment times will be confirmed closer to the time of conference. Some flexibility may be required to cater for time zone differences etc. Bookings close on 9 August.

Costs: $50 for members, $70 for non-members.

Book here

Thursday 30 May 2024

Goals and Deadlines by Jo Wanmer

Are you a procrastinator? 
How do you make sure you get things done, or do they sit forgotten? We all struggle to get to some tasks. Especially if they are difficult to start and harder to complete. 
Take for example the laundry. I mean who wants to wash clothes? Boring, menial task. But yet we manage to do it…repeatedly. Why?
We want to smell good, look fresh, be clean. That’s our goal. And we need the item that is hidden in the laundry basket…we want to wear it tonight.
 A deadline. 
And so the job gets done. 

 A simplistic example I know. But it demonstrates a life principle. To get anywhere worthwhile we need goals. SMART goals. Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Recordable and have a set Time limit. 
How does that affect our writing? Ask anyone who has participated in NaNoWriMo, the classic writer’s SMART goal, and they will talk of increased productivity. 
What is a SMART goal and how do we set them? 

Let's look as NaNo’s method to get us productive.
 S - Specific Goal – 50,000 words 
 M - Measurable – our software counts for us. 
 A - Achievable – it’s a push, but possible. Thousands have proved it. 
 R - Recordable – a daily graph comparing where we are in relation to our goal appears when we record our daily word count. 
 T - Time limit. – One month, strictly. 

Therefore, the task for each day, or each week is clear. I thrive under it's discipline and have written three books that way. I love to tell a story and the system inspires me. But, where are those books? Reclining on my computer, visible only to me. Why? In my head, publishing , seems to be an insurmountable task. 

I need a goal. That’s easy. The goal is to publish them. 
How to achieve that aim? Not so easy. 
One manuscript has been edited, adjusted, rewritten, re-edited, and yet still waits on my laptop. Several readers have read it and given positive reports. So wouldn’t you think some publisher would knock on my door and plead to publish it! 

After a strong encouragement from the Lord last October, including an Encouragement award from Caleb awards, I have pushed myself to cast off discouragment and return to writing. In that time, I’ve written another book (under the discipline of NaNoWriMo) and finished another that was languishing, awaiting inspiration. Good…but not good enough. They need to, deserve to be read.
How do I make a SMART goal to help me release these books out in the world?
First, I researched and wrote a list of necessary tasks that must be done to have a book ready for publication. It then became obvious. I need a progression of goals…and time limits.

So I created a deadline. I booked tickets for Omega Writer's Conference in September. By then I need to have blurbs, synopsis, book summaries done. I need to be ready to sell myself and my books to an agent. I need to improve my platform. Polish another book. The specific goal is to have two books ready for publication.  
I created a goal sheet with monthly goals that can be recorded, trying to keep the goals achievable. The chart enables me to record progress. 

To help with this, I’ve also created personal goals, covering health and spiritual well-being. I’ve yet to create a recording chart to track progress in this area. Until I do that it is not a SMART goal. However, my sugar readings, that are measured every day, have dramatically improved. 

After conference, I will set another goal. This will be TO GET PUBLISHED. I am determined. I have pushed down the negative voices and will self-publish if necessary. My stories carry God's heart and deserve to be distributed.  

 Accountability…is another important ‘A’ word. I guess you are now my accountability partners! 

How about you? How do you keep yourself on task? In this self-appointed, isolated occupation of writing, how do you keep yourself choosing keyboard over other pressing, time-stealing occupations, like the washing?

Jo Wanmer has lived in Queensland for over seventy years. She is currently celebrating 53 years of marriage to Steve. They have two children,eight grandchildren and nearly 9nine great-grand children. They are hoping this trend slows a little!
She writes out of her passion to bring a dynamic faith and daily experience of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to her readers. He loves everyone of them and is waiting to embrace them, chat with them and laugh together.
Her first book, Though the Bud be Bruised, won a Caleb award and was published in 2012. The other titles are coming!

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Showcase YOUR writing - 6-7 July by Ruth Bonetti

Christian Authors Showcase Queensland is the ideal venue to launch this exciting anthology of local writers–on Saturday 6 July at 3pm. 

SHOWCASE (6 -7 July) will be packed with opportunities to connect with publishers, editors, designers and fellow authors. 

"More please! Next year?" feedback chorused in unison after CASQ launched in August 2023.

"Sure. In two years’ time." 

But ... then again ... WHY NOT ... NOW? 

Simply reinvent, streamline and enlarge the template into dual streams. 

There's enthusiasm, so many local authors keen to showcase their writing that panels are preferred to give voice to many. 

Similar to last year’s Showcase, it will be a time of fun, learning and worshipping. 


Take opportunities to meet with traditional publishers from Wombat-Rhiza, Armour Books and CHI-Books. The latter is the imprint of our keynote speaker Ben Gray, international publisher, local author, national prayer organiser, missions coordinator, pastor. And discuss paths and pitfalls with the many motivated, experienced Indie publishers.


Promote your writing in a 2 minute spotlight. Or, with likely sell-out numbers, edit and polish your pitch to a tight 90-seconds. Alert: A shepherd's crook will curb the verbose. 

No photo description available.

PANELS/TOPICS will include:

  • Self-publishing ("Wish I knew before...")
  • Publishers' POV
  • Editing
  • Shaping characters
  • Writing life stories
  • Overcoming writers block
  • Writing about trauma
  • Turn your scene into a script
  • Edgy Fiction

MARKETING - Show don't tell! And how better than in an eye-catching costume? 

No photo description available.

Take Tips from the Rendered Realms girls, Lynne Stringer, Jenny O'Hagen and Adele Jones. 


A bookstall will take stock of your books to sell for the weekend. That sure softens hard sell phobia.


                      Saturday 6th July 

           8:30am to 5 pm

           Dinner at your own expense at the motel restaurant if you wish to stay and join us.


           Sunday 7th July

           9:00 am to 4:00pm


Early bird rates apply until 1st June -$95 full time (both days)

                                   $55 per day part time.

Includes Morning/ afternoon teas and lunch -  they were filling, gluten-free and YUMMY last year.

After 1st June rates will be $125 full time and $70/day part time.

 Venue: Coopers Colonial Motel, Acacia Ridge Brisbane. Book overnight accomodation ASAP.

Check our website for details and booking. 

 Hurry to catch that early bird! Book

 ABOUT Ruth Bonetti

Since in 1991 the idea to form Omega Writers was planted in Ruth's head and heart, she feels awed by a prolific harvest of writers' publications. Ruth has published 12 titles, two by Oxford University Press and others by her imprint Words and Music. 

Research for her award-winning trilogy Midnight Sun to Southern Cross offers scope to genre morph into Kids Lit historical novels.

Book chapter narrations

FaceBook Author Page

Speak Out Audio Book

YouTube channel

Thursday 25 April 2024



My family and I have recently been required to pour over and sort through years of belongings, photos, letters, and memories of loved ones who have passed away. It has been a challenging process, in many ways heart wrenching, often confronting, sometimes joyous. It has been as though we have entered the vaults of our loved one’s lives. Their material lives are a testament of memories with stories, histories, and intimacies to tell. Remembering is a powerful process, it can be liberating and empowering.


During the Easter holidays this year (the time I prefer to label “The Passion week”) my wife and I spent much of our time we would spend in reflection, rest and recreation working through about 35 years of our own archives, files, and ministry notes and resources. This was a space and time-determined imperative. In the process we needed to discern what was necessary to retain and those elements that would need to be processed for shredding (including much confidential material). A monumental experience after successfully filling four wheely-bins of discarded material. Amongst all the archives we also discovered artifacts we have chosen to retain as they are eminent memories. Emotionally charged. Important. Relevant. Impactful.

The Australian Light Horse

Amongst them was an order of service that sparked a precious memory from twenty years ago.I had been invited with my family to the birthday of Albert (Bert) Whitmore (1899 - 2002). I remember being so honoured and proud of my son when he was blessed to shake his hand. Bert was the last surviving Light Horseman and last surviving South Australian World War One veteran. Having joined the service as a 17-year-old Bert joined his fellow comrades in arms shortly after they had captured Beersheba in the historic cavalry charge. Bert rode in the successful third battle for Gaza. Allied victories soon led to the capture of Jerusalem. The rest - they say- is history. Bert described the scenes he had witnessed  as "like riding through the Bible". Israel is an archaeological museum of peoples, and lives and stories and beliefs. In the midst of the war, Bert had been graced to view with his own eyes the good news places he had read of and heard about in Sunday School. Beersheba is the place of cisterns in the desert where “The well of Abraham” can be seen on numerous plaques heralding the narrative to visitors. 

Author Shane Brigg at "Abraham's Well" at Beersheba in Israel


Today monuments and cenotaphs are seen in this place too of the time Bert and his mates rode through.  In Jerusalem there are many cenotaphs, memorial places, plaques, and archaeological sites of significance. The most eminent and debated over is the burial place of the risen Jesus. The word cenotaph is derived from the Greek kenos taphos, meaning "empty tomb." A cenotaph is a monument, sometimes in the form of a tomb, in our modern usage it is often utilized as a place of remembrance to a person or group of persons buried elsewhere. Including our ANZACs.


Bert Passed away at the age of 102. Soon after the opportunity our community had made to honour him in life we then gathered for his funeral service which took place on the 31st of October 2002. This date was also the 85th anniversary of the Battle of Beersheba. I was honoured to attend this humble man’s graveside State funeral service in the Barmera cemetery. It was a solemn, impactful, appreciation of a servant-hearted man and his comrades who had laid down their lives. The words “Lest we forget” resounded. The phrase simply implores that 'it should not be forgotten'. We say or write 'lest we forget' in commemorations to always remember the service and sacrifice of people who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. A Bugle sounded. Bagpipes played. 

Albert Whitmore. The last Light Horseman

I visited that cemetery several times over the years.


Among the artifacts we found as we cleaned up all those archives was the memorial service handout of a ten year old boy's funeral that I had conducted at that same cemetery a couple of years after Bert Whitmore’s farewell. I was his Chappy and Pastor caring for his family over many years. I have kept that order of service. This was a difficult memory to process. Especially considering that only a little while later I was doing another service for his Dad who had passed away after his battle with cancer. Bagpipes played at their funeral, but there was no bugle. The phrase “Lest we Forget” was not announced for these two friends of mine. But they had both fought a brave fight: one which is the battle of all young people to live their lives, grow, learn, wrestle through the challenges, connect, love and be loved by others and celebrate every heartbeat, the other was to experience the same and to have lived and loved and fought a brave battle for health. Then to have known the peace of God in the last hours as hands were held, prayers were said. I will ever remember them as having fought the good fight of faith. Sometimes this fight may have been faltering for them. Sometimes it was full of glory. Remembering them is important. It helps to anchor my own life and be thankful for the lives I have been honoured to know. It also deepens the appreciation of those whom I have not known and yet who are important to value and appreciate and take time to remember.


This ANZAC day we will pause to remember our service people who have laid down their life and living to secure peace in our world. Many have paid the ultimate price of their life in sacrifice. No greater love. Lest we forget.

The phrase 'Lest we forget' is from a line in the1897 Rudyard Kipling poem, “Recessional”:

"God of our fathers, known of old,

Lord of our far-flung battle line,

Beneath whose awful hand we hold

Dominion over palm and pine—

Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,

Lest we forget—lest we forget!"


Remembering is a powerful process.

Shane Brigg Chaplain Remembrance Day Service Prayers

The memories that had been catalysed by our archival cleanout over passion week have culminated in my final thoughts here:

The opportunity to journey with loved ones (like my family and friends), acquaintances and even people less known to us but whose stories have had an impact on our lives (Like Bert Whitmore) is a blessing.

The memories literally grounded in the cemetery in Barmera are not just of deaths, but of lives and loves that have touched my life. And Life goes on.


The siblings, wife, family, and friends of those who we had buried at the Barmera cemetery gathered at the beautiful Lake Bonney near this landmark at the culmination of my tenure in this region. It was for a baptism in its waters. As we remembered the saving works of Jesus. No Greater Love has any one than to lay down their life for their friends. And as those who went through the waters, we recognised that this act was more than just a memorial of death. It was a living symbol of Jesus having laid down his life he rose again to give us life. Life abundant. The sister and daughter of that little boy and the dad who had passed away was baptised.

 There was no bugle or bagpipes, but someone played a guitar and we sang.

 "Lord, I lift Your name on high

Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us

You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift Your name on high."

(Written by Rick Founds).

We could have added a stanza we might have borrowed from Kipling (my thoughts):

God of our fathers, known of old, (and known to us)

Lord of our far-flung battle line, (Our lives, our world, our time)

Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, (Jesus, you never leave us nor forsake us)

Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Lake Bonney Barmera, South Australia

The Passion week is a time for us to remember. Baptisms are a mark on our lives to memorialise in our own living Jesus death and resurrection. A testimonial of saving love. We do that conscientiously and consequentially of our faith journeys. Jesus life and death and resurrection has redeemed our past and marked and influenced our future. I am grateful.  Remembering is powerful.

The opening of the memorial portal that was stored in all the archival and material elements that my wife and I have kept and reviewed have meant that I have and will conscientiously make  time to remember my family and friends. My loved ones and their lives. To tell and write more of their stories. To bless. To heal. Those who have lived their lives and touched ours in the past and their passing have marked and influenced our future. I am grateful.  Remembering is powerful.

Love is a reminder that the story of our lives is interwoven with those of others. The strongest reminder is the greatest of love. The laying down of lives. Living sacrifices. Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is love, and no greater love has anyone than they lay down their lives for their friends. (1 Corinthians 13:13, John 15:13).

This ANZAC day I chose to remember. I chose to remember, appreciate, honour those who have served and have laid down their lives in times of war and conflict to secure a future and peace for us. I am truly grateful. 

Bert Whitmore Light Horse Memorial Barmera RSL 

On the 14th August 2022, on Albert Whitmore’s birthday a memorial was unveiled by Tony Pasin MP & Bert`s family at the Barmera RSL. The Plaque reads :

“Erected by the RSL Barmera Sub Branch to celebrate Albert (Bert) Whitmore.

The last surviving WWI Light Horseman”

 The Front Inscription reads :

“L E S T   W E   F O R G E T”.


I won’t.  I hope we all remember. Remembering is powerful.