Friday, 30 November 2012

From the Publisher's POV

by Jackie Randall

I follow a publisher in her blog. She is anonymous. She drinks and swears A LOT. She lives in America. And she shares with incredible frustration and honesty how much bad writing and bad querying ends up at publishing houses.

Following the blog of this lady, who calls herself Query Quagmire, has helped me see what publishers look for in a new book and what stuff doesn't even get past their intern's desk onto theirs'.

Here's a quote from her overnight: 

"The last thing I did today at the office was read a manuscript that made me smile. It was… whimsical. It was understated. It had me reading way more of it than I had intended. And when I glanced at the clock and realized most of my colleagues had gone home while I was absorbed in this unpolished manuscript from an author that no one had ever heard of… I knew I had a winner. And I wrote back to the author immediately and requested not only the full manuscript but “whatever they needed from the press to support their work” which is my euphemism for an advance contract.

"That could be you. 

"Or it couldn’t be. It could really go either way.

"But neither of us will know unless you try."

I've followed her blog for a while. In most of her posts, she quotes and exposes some of the lamest writing that she sees or hears about. But this one has left me feeling very encouraged, and has given me something to aim for. I want my writing to make a publisher (and reader) forget where she is at the end of the day. I want her to mutter 'Yes!' into her wine glass and leap to her reply to me. 

Because, then my writing would be life-changing for the people I want to minister to.
I would like to write more here, but my 3-year-old grandson needs surgery today and I will be left holding the (9-month-old) baby and I have to drive to their house in the next few minutes. 

I hope I've given you something today. (And if you're thinking of following Query Quagmire's blog, make sure you have a thick hide... the language there is... full on.)

Monday, 26 November 2012

When we wish we'd written differently

Recently, members of CWD have been discussing all things Lucy Maud Montgomery related on our Face Book page. Some have been able to visit Prince Edward Island, in Canada's far east, and shared photographs. I mentioned that I paid a virtual visit or two via Google Earth. We talked about what we enjoyed most about her wonderful books. Photos and quotes from the Anne of Green Gables movies were being commented on and shared.

It all reminded me of something sad I'd read once. L.M. Montgomery once told an interviewer that her biggest regret was 'killing off' a favourite character, Matthew Cuthbert, way too early. At the time of writing, she'd thought it would make a dramatic impact and stick in the minds of readers to have the shy old man die when he did. Anne fans would, of course, remember that it happened at the very end of the first book. He'd been alarmed by an article he read in the newspaper about the closure of his bank and suffered a fatal heart-attack (or was it a stroke?) Down the track, LMM thought of other ways she could have dramatised the end of the novel and wished she had, as she could have used Matthew at other points in her series. However, it was too late. She found out firsthand that writers aren't as powerful as we like to think we are. We can't resurrect characters back from the dead. Well, not in a series like Anne anyway.

I was wondering whether any of us have experienced similar regrets about which we could do nothing. I have. In an early novel, Picking up the Pieces, I had a main character, Claire Parker, go through an abortion. I was in my twenties when I wrote the first draft of that book. Swept along with the plot, it didn't occur to me that I could write it any other way. Her overbearing father's attitude was strong in my mind and I just wrote what happened. Later, when I was working on Along for the Ride, its sequel, I wished I'd let Claire keep that baby. I could've figured out some way to do it, and had an interesting extra character, the child who resulted from a date rape. Too late now though.

I like to think that fiction authors really do get to share and partner in God's creative process. Just as we create plots for our characters, He is busy making plots of our own lives. I have treasured memories of words of knowledge I received from people about the birth of my daughter, Emma, before she was even conceived. God knows what's going to happen in our personal stories but unlike LMM, me and several other authors, He doesn't make mistakes. He doesn't slap His forehead with the back of His hand and say, "I didn't think it through enough! It would've been better if the opposite thing had happened after all!" And as Romans 28:8 tells us clearly, He's powerful enough to make allowances for our free choices and personal mistakes and still weave them in to the story so it ends perfectly, where He intended. I'm so thankful for that.

When you think about it, maybe He's done that in the lives and plots of authors anyway, in spite of story regrets. Even though LMM's Matthew was beloved by many, his death opened up many other story possibilites from Anne of Avonlea onward, such as his sister, Marilla's, adoption of twins. I'm not sure she would have considered taking on a loud and active boy like Davy Keith if her quiet, reserved brother was still alive. And in Picking up the Pieces, I like to think of feedback I've received from young women who have experienced abortions, and written to tell me that Claire's experience impacted them powerfully and helped them process and forgive themselves for their own actions. If my book can be a tool that helps that to happen, maybe it is good for me to have written it just as I did.

Paula Vince is an award-winning author of Christian contemporary fiction, mostly set in the lovely Adelaide Hills where she lives. She is also a homeschooling mother of three children. She likes to fill her plots with romance, drama and some suspense and mystery. Her most recent book, The Greenfield Legacy, is a collaboration with 3 other Australian fiction authors. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

A Method to her Madness

I’ve been working under duress during the past few months. My life seemed busy enough when something extra turned up; like water gushing into an overflowing brook when the spring rains fell. Like a hundred more customers lined up to be served, when the store had been busy enough. Like a thousand seagulls swooped near me as I enjoyed my lunch – each saying ‘Feed me! Feed me! Feed me’!

The Director of the church organisation where I work, left suddenly and I’ve been filling in his shoes since (in a voluntary capacity). I am passionate about what we do – blessing our community. But 24 hours never seems enough now to do all I need to do. And so, I’ve been straining towards reaching three major deadlines. The first deadline was the 6th birthday party of a Support group I run and that was held yesterday. I loved preparing for it. Lots of shopping. Lots of buying. Lots of wrapping. Dreaming up games. Buying a cake. Blowing balloons. Writing twelve letters to the twelve special ladies who would attend. Making cards and awards. Yes, it was fun. But a lot of work too.

A big bold Tick on that deadline. Now I have 2 more. Every Christmas, we at CareLink (where I volunteer) make and deliver 50 Christmas hampers to needy people in our community. It’s been one of the best parts of Christmas for me each year. I love making the hampers – knowing there will be recipients whose Christmas is brightened by our TLC. This Christmas I am extra-immersed in it. I’m amazed as to all I have on a daily basis to ensure the Christmas Hampers will be done well. I need to rally our volunteers for the task. Get the church community behind us. Ask for help in numerous ways. Organise gifts for about 100 children. There’s much to do.

A wonderful lead up to Christmas. But I will be glad when I tick the boxes on that deadline too. My 3rd Major Deadline. A Writing Deadline! Does that sound familiar?

I was thrilled to be a finalist in a Christian writer’s competition this year, by an American publisher - Write Integrity press. The book I’m writing is one I am passionate about. One I would love to hit the bookshelves soon and make a difference in our world.

And that’s what this blog is really about. Deadline 3 – to be completed by 31st December! Ever since I returned from the Writer’s Getaway, I have been doing my utmost to devote sufficient time to writing that book. I need to write at least 1000 words a day in order to get my quota done. I rolled up my shirtsleeves and got to work. But did it happen?

I did try. Very Hard. But life kept getting in the way. Help! Meals had to be made (too often), the men in my life need to be looked after (not that I'm complaining), the Christmas Hampers need to be taken care of (I like it!), friends to meet with, extended family to connect with, ministry to do, other Christmas events to attend, Carols to practice….. you get the gist? No – the 1000 words a day did NOT happen. And there I was getting more and more pressurised by the minute.

And then it struck me. I was doing it all wrong. Perhaps I should approach the problem differently? When I am in full flow, writing 1000 words is easy. I realised that I need to tap into that creativity. And so, I decided that instead of writing 1000 words a day, I would write 4000 words one day of the week and 3000 on the other. I’d do the other important things on the remaining 5 days each week. I’d meet my week’s quota and get my other work done too. Right?

Right! This new method worked like a charm! The words got done – effortlessly, well…. almost effortlessly, shall I say? I also stopped feeling pressured. Wonderful. So yes, there was a method to my madness. I was now able to boast not just 7000 words a week but even more that that. Yay!

I wonder what “methods there are to your madness” in your writing? Have you found what didn’t work for you? Have you your own beautiful plan of a Writer’s life?

As a Christian writer, there’s one thing I am determined not to change. And that’s my time with God each day. Even if I am too busy for it. Especially if I am too busy! Some years ago, I realised that the secret to living a life that pleases God is to have time with Him every day – not a rushed 20 mts but a solid chunk of time. It is my meat and drink.

In order to be a writer of integrity, I need to have my spirit bathed in Him. My worldview washed in His Word. So if there is one Method to my madness as a Christian Writer, is that my time with Jesus is never compromised.
It’s one that brings rich dividends.

Now, it’s your turn. Do tell.
What are the special methods you employ to your own brand of Writer madness?
I’d love to hear about it!

Anusha is a writer with a passion; a passion for Jesus and His beautiful world, a passion for people and a passion for life. You can meet her at her website,
Dancing in the Rain at

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Hitting a Road Block

Every week, at the request of the guy who leads our bible study, I choose a song that I think relates in some way to the theme to start off the study which is held in our home. Sometimes it is not easy thinking of and locating song that fits a particular study. But this week I had the ideal song, so I thought. If only I could remember what it was!
What I had was a couple of lines and a snippet of tune. That for me is usually ample to recall the rest of the song, as I’m a person who has a good recall of song lyrics. Not so this time. All week I have had the same few words going round in my head like a mouse on a treadmill and yet getting no further. I prayed God would help me remember more of the song. Still nothing.

In desperation I emailed the music leader from our church, quoting what little bit I could remember. Sadly she couldn’t place the song either. Then I texted my daughter who helps with music in her church and often knows the more recent songs. She too came up blank. Of course all this was after I’d Googled the couple of lines I could vaguely remember and it turned up nothing. I’ve been through the music at church and at home and still cannot locate it. I’m beginning to think I’ve imagined this song. Except I know I haven’t.  I went for a walk and tried to put it out of my mind, to no success. Those lines were still there.
In the end, I thought if I chose another song and stopped stressing about finding that one, it might suddenly come to me - the way a name does when you stop thinking about it. It didn’t.  I had no option but to choice a different song for this week.

It made me think though about how often things like that happen in our writing.  We come to a roadblock in our story where we can’t think what comes next.
When this happens we have several options. One is to pray about it and ask God’s help.  Another is to re-read and go over what we have until some ideas start to flow. Perhaps even make a list of possibilities that might happen. This is where the what if question is good to ask. Think what if this happened what effect would that have on my character, on my story? We can always ask for help if we get stuck and try out a few ideas on a trusted writerly friend. We can stop thinking about it and go for walk and enjoy God’s creation. Exercise often starts the brain ticking over.  We can work on another unrelated piece of work. I usually have more than one thing going at a time, so if something is not working on one project I can switch to the other. In this case I find it helpful to ensure they are not similar types of work, so not two fiction manuscripts but one may be fiction and the other poetry or a nonfiction project. What I find is one then inspires and gives an idea for the other and suddenly the roadblock is gone and the story starts to move again.

It might help to work on a different scene in the same project.  We don’t always have to work chronologically. Sometimes working on a scene from later in the story if you have an idea, might be a helpful thing to do. You can always slot it in the right place later
Sometimes it could mean we have started the story without enough information. In this case it a good idea is to go back to our main character and fill in the blanks. Write out a character chart or dossier about them their likes, dislikes, hobbies, family, background, what they would most like to do to relax, what they most what out of life, where they went to school, any peculiar expressions or mannerisms they have, who their friends are and what is it about those friends that attracts them to them, their favourite colour or flower. It doesn’t matter what the questions are so long as it reveals more of the person to you. Then think about how their character traits and how they would react in a crisis, if they fall in love, if they can’t get what they want, if they have an argument with a loved one, if they lose a long term marriage partner or friend or parent or sibling. The reality is we’re all different and different personalities will handle a situation in different ways. Use those differences to define your character.

If it comes to that, some of you may have had different ideas about the song I was hunting for. Some of you may have given up a lot earlier than I did, instead of wasting time hinting through umpteen music books expecting it to jump out and reveal itself to me, instead of having a few words and snippet of tune running around in my head for days on end and getting no further. No doubt that shows certain stubbornness in my character that I was so determined to get it and persisted when I could have, and probably should have, been doing other things. But sometimes even the most stubborn person has to admit defeat. Think of one of the characters in your story? To what lengths will they go to achieve what they want?
So, no, I didn’t find my song. But at least I hope from the experience I’ve written something that will make us think and help us with our writing.  Since we are all different you may have better or different ideas to those I have suggested. How about sharing what you do when you are blocked with a project so we can learn from each other?

Streets on a Map, Dale’s latest novel was published by Ark House Press. Prior to that, Dale has had seven children’s books and Kaleidoscope a collection of poetry published. Many poems in Kaleidoscope have been previously published in Australia’s literary magazines. She has also written bible studies and Sunday school lessons.More information about Dale can be found at or on her Write and Read with Dale blog


Sunday, 18 November 2012

JenniferAnn/ aroma of Life

I have finally chosen to take the plunge and set up my own blog site. It will be a mixture of bible verses illustrated by stories from my experiences in Australia and Africa. I hope and pray it will be an encouragement to christians as we seek to serve God daily and also food for thought for those who are still spiritually searching. My latest blog is called;

The Chocolate Cake Chief

I hope you enjoy it!

Jennifer Ann is the author of "Broken Pottery the life of an African girl". A fictional account of a girl who suffers from obstetric fistula and her journey from illness to healing. For more information about Jennifer Ann or her book please go to her website;

Friday, 16 November 2012

Writing as therapy

After the Writer’s Getaway this year my husband and I did some travelling around the areas in New South Wales where the ancestors I want to write about next, came from. I sat with some relatives I’ve never met, but had arranged to meet up with. I heard their stories and memories. I got a sense of their personalities.

Some of the small towns we visited; Lawrence, Brushgrove, Mororo, Midginbil, are places I’ve never been to before, and are probably smaller communities now than they were 150 years ago. It’s a strange and inspiring experience to wander in these places, to imagine the lives of  those who once lived there, and from whom I’ve descended.  

It occurred to me that researching for a novel is a fascinating journey, and also a very therapeutic one. Whether searching for facts about people, or historical events, or choosing an environment or particular era for a story, I’m sure we all, as writers, go on a very evocative journey, before we even start to write. 

We reflect on the ways people interact, how they change and grow, how they fall in love and develop relationships, how they cope with trauma and loss, how they achieve great things, and how God works in and through the lives of people. We try to step inside other people’s worlds; people who once lived or who are complete works of fiction, and we draw on our knowledge about how human beings function; what makes them do the things they do and respond to their world the way they do. We imagine ourselves in places and situations and relationships we may never have been, or we go back in our minds to what we have experienced and learn from it. Some may project forward to how things will be in the future, or imagine other kinds of worlds where love or hope or goodness may better be experienced.

Surely we can’t help but be changed ourselves by this process. These exercises of the mind and heart are not unlike those I would use in therapy with people who are stuck emotionally or relationally. Remember, imagine, re-construe. These can lead people to find release from the past, to find closure, to discover hope, and to make real behavioural changes in their lives.

This is surely what we offer our readers as well; an opportunity, not only to escape for a little while, but to imagine other lives, to discover new things about themselves, and hopefully to re-construe some parts of their own lives, and then to make real and positive changes; emotionally, relationally and spiritually.
So I think the writing experience from beginning to end, for writer and reader, is not only enjoyable, but also very therapeutic, a wonderful tool in God’s hands. One more reason to keep writing – as if I needed another reason to do what I love. 

There are three books available in my Turning the Tide series, for which I am doing this research; Mary’s Guardian, Charlotte’s Angel and Tangled Secrets. The fourth in the series, Truly Free, will be released in 2013
Forgiving Michael, an earlier novel, is available to read on blog
Suzannah’s Gold, my first novel, is available on e-book

Friday, 9 November 2012

The power of creativity

Recently, I held the launch of my non-fiction book Soul Friend here in Sydney. While it involved a lot of work, it was a great afternoon and those present seemed to enjoy it. A week earlier, we were still returning from our Queensland trip, where I had gone mainly to give some input at the Word Writers’ Getaway. But that wasn’t all I did in Queensland. I caught up with friends, spent time with family members, signed books in Springwood Koorong, had a strategic meeting with someone on a church staff, spoke to twenty seniors in a home bible study group and was interviewed at a women’s night out at a large church.

But in the months before that, as I look back in my diary, I can see I was busy with all sorts of things—appointments with some women I mentor, other ministry activities, minding grandchildren, family celebrations, speaking at secular venues about my writing journey, sending out lots of emails about my new book release, writing my own weekly blogs and blogs for groups such as this, making a book trailer for Soul Friend, setting up a new website. Forget the housework, shopping and gardening in all that!

As well, I was busy editing my two books for which I signed contracts earlier this year. With my non-fiction book Soul Friend, I needed to work through the nitty gritty of final edits with my new publisher, Even Before Publishing. And with my sixth novel, The Inheritance, due for release next year, I needed to rewrite various sections, getting into my characters’ heads yet again and watching for changes in points of view in particular. I’m glad I was challenged to do that, however—I’m sure my novel is the stronger for it.

Yet as I sit back now in my rather depleted state after my Soul Friend launch (and before the next onslaught of book signings, speaking etc!), I realise I have been missing something I have enjoyed so much in recent years. I have not had the opportunity to begin writing another book, to immerse myself in the whole creative process involved in such an undertaking. Sure I have written around fifty blogs this year—but to me, it’s not the same as letting my creativity run riot in a full length book. With ‘real’ writing, I can dig deep into the very centre of my being, let those creative juices flow and sense God’s presence all around me and in me. To me, this is a wonderful privilege—and one I am longing to experience again in the next few months.

I believe as Christian authors we are doubly blessed. Like anyone on this earth, we are created in God’s image, as Genesis 1:27 tells us. Surely that means that because God is so amazingly creative, each of us has some aspect at least of this creativity within us? But those of us who know God can let this shine forth in a unique way, just as God has purposed us to do, as we are guided and enabled by God’s Spirit at work within us. No wonder this is such a fulfilling experience!
Is this how you find your own writing experience to be? If you, like me, have been missing out on such fulfilment for a while, may you soon be able to enjoy it again, as you share your own creative journey with our wonderful, creative God.

Jo-Anne Berthelsen lives in Sydney but grew up in Brisbane. She holds degrees in Arts and Theology and has worked as a high school teacher, editor and secretary, as well as in local church ministry. Jo-Anne is passionate about touching hearts and lives through both the written and spoken word. She is the author of five published novels – Heléna, All the Days of My Life, Laura, Jenna and Heléna’s Legacy—and one non-fiction work, Soul Friend: the story of a shared spiritual journey. Her sixth novel, The Inheritance, will be released in 2013. Jo-Anne is married to a retired minister and has three grown-up children and three grandchildren. For more information, please visit or

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Soothing Raw Nerves

Earlier today my youngest boy decided he would attempt to ride my husband's bike; needless to say, things didn't work the way he planned and he ended up squished under several kilo's of bike frame, tyres and greasy chains.

I performed my motherly duties - cleaned the cuts, wiped away tears, soothed with ice cream and sprinkles - and carried on with the day's tasks. Before long he was giggling and laughing; that's when I noticed it. The second tooth along the bottom of his sweet little jaw-line was no longer cute and square-shaped, but had been broken, making it sharp and fang-like! As I made closer inspection of the injury I realised - due to the tiny red dot I could see in the centre - that the break had indeed exposed the tooth's nerve.

Thankfully for my little shark-boy it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain and can be treated with a simple dab of fluoride toothpaste; often this is not the case. Leaving raw nerves exposed can cause sudden flares of intense pain. We then start to avoid using the injured body part out of fear, becoming less able to function in the process. To become free of this cycle we need to treat the cause - the raw nerve.

And isn't this just so much like life? We decide to give something a try and it doesn't come off; buying a house, a career change, just getting through each day is a challenge for many of us. Quite often we end up like my boy, squashed under a mountain of hurt, rejection, failure and many other things; sometimes the crash is minor and we get up and brush ourselves off, but at other times it damages us and exposes a nerve or two. We begin to avoid the things that make us hurt; taking risks, daring to try again, anything that would bring on the pain.

I am convinced that God has more for us than a life lived cowering behind the raw nerves of our souls. And I believe that he will use us - unashamed Christians who write from the perspective that God loves each individual in this world - to share the very best balm of soul-healing to all who read our words.

We read in Proverbs 16:24,

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (NIV)

What an absolute blessing it is to be appointed a writer for God! And in a world that is full of lies, deception and false hope, his Word of truth is needed all the more. 

Be encouraged today as you write; trust that God will use the talents he has chosen to give to you to bring his supernatural healing to someone . . . somewhere . . . somehow.



Monday, 5 November 2012

Australian Flavour

Today, Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, are visiting our small town of Longreach, in the QLD outback.  It is hot here (40C hot), it is often dusty, there are always flys, and McDonalds is a good four hour drive away.  However you will never find more friendly people. You cannot walk past someone in the main street and not nod your head and smile in greeting.  The businesses are thriving, and people know how to make their own fun. When the royal couple descend upon our humble town they will be treated to a welcome they will not forget in a hurry, and a BBQ with many from the local community.  Those attending the BBQ were also given a list of etiquette rules as long as your arm, but their country charm will still shine through.

As Australian authors we have our own flavor flavour.  We should be so proud that our writing does not blend so easily with the international market. Our work has a unique and zesty freshness that once tested cannot go by unnoticed.  Australian authors are beginning to break through in the market place, due to the hard work of many persistent and enthusiastic authors and their publishers. This coupled with God's blessing for His Kingdom's work more than promises our success.  We are pioneers in essence, a rising tide of Christian voices that refuses to be squelched or knocked back for long. The more we write, the more we fight, preparing the way for future voices to be heard. I am honoured to be a part of such a community of inspirational people, who are obediently using their gifts for God's glory.  A special blessing for each of you:

May your heart be at peace and with knowledge of purpose.  May your mind be filled with all manner of inspiration and stories yet to be told.  May your words be sent far and wide in print, to countries you yet to set foot upon. May your work and profit be multiplied according to God's riches. 

Nicole Watson
Facebook Author Page
Facebook-Sam's Heart

Friday, 2 November 2012

Using the ‘Wright’ Word.

After I complained of a sore shoulder two nights ago, my six-year-old proclaimed that he would give me a massage. He raced out of the room and returned within minutes carrying a few objects, one of which was a box of Kleenex. This confused me and I told him we didn’t need tissues. He replied; ‘Yes we do – that’s for the deep tissue part of the massage.’
I giggled softly to myself while I thought of a way to explain his mistake. I wanted to let him down gently and not make him feel foolish, because he enjoyed helping and was always the first to come to my aid. A gentle approach formulated in my mind as he stuffed tissues in between my toes.
Later it occurred to me that the situation with my six-year-old was not dissimilar to the one I regularly find myself in. I have a knack for using the wrong word to describe something. Just ask my neighbour who listens as I read my manuscripts aloud. She often stops me and gently says; ‘I think you meant to use....’, and we have a good giggle about the incorrectness of the word I did use.
I suspect it is a case of my brain running faster than my hand (or mouth for that matter). I know what I mean, and it doesn’t always occur to me that others don’t. Of course, when the fault is pointed out to me, I wonder at how I could have made the mistake in the first place, or how I missed that obvious proofing error.
There is also the excuse that this happens to everyone, (not just six-year-olds with a limited knowledge of physiology, and thirty-something sleep deprived mothers on a writing roll). I recently found a very obvious mistake in a reputable publication. The incorrect use of the word: ‘their’, instead of ‘there’. It struck me as being unprofessional until I remembered that I was as human as they come in these matters. Then, it was a relief to know I wasn’t the only one who, despite professional editing and proofing, had faults that slipped through the cracks.
I have also known some people who are pedantic about precise word usage. That is, until they find themselves in a proper punctuation pickle, or like a review I once read that criticised a book for having distracting typo’s, but finally proclaimed that the book was; ‘... one that you will not be disappointed dispite the erros’......but then, who knows, maybe this had been deliberately done for a laugh? It certainly made me giggle. 

Rose Dee was born in Ingham, North Queensland, Australia. Her childhood experiences growing up in a small beach community would later provide inspiration for her first novel.
Rose, who holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree, decided to try her hand at writing two years ago. The result of that attempt is her first novel, Back to Resolution.
Her novels are inspired by the love of her coastal home and desire to produce exciting and contemporary stories of faith for women.
Beyond Resolution, and A New Resolution are the second and third books in the 'Resolution' series.
Rose’s debut novel Back to Resolution recently won Bookseller’s Choice at the Caleb Awards 2012.
She has also recently released The Greenfield Legacy, a collaborative novel, written in conjunction with three other outstanding Australian authors.
Rose resides in Mackay, North Queensland with her husband, young son, and mischievous pup, Noodle.

Visit Rose at: