Thursday, 7 January 2021

Happy New Year! Or Is It?

 As we venture into 2021, what is our posture? Are we excitedly entering a new season, anticipating a great year? Or are we hesitantly creeping in, carefully edging our way forward, wary after the unexpected challenges that unfolded during 2020? I must admit that I was approaching the new year tentatively, rather than expectantly. I was challenged about my attitude, my lack of enthusiasm for the coming year and knew I needed to change my outlook.  

At the beginning of the Covid pandemic I struggled with anxiety, and I missed people, the freedoms we took for granted, and my regular activities (aqua aerobics, Playgroup, craft). But life slowed down. I spent more time walking around our farm, taught myself to crochet, spent more time reading and my garden has never looked better. And best of all, I signed a contract to have my first book published. As I pondered this, I was reminded of how important it is to look for the silver lining and to remember that God is with us, regardless of where we are and what is happening.

Maybe like me, you struggled to write during 2020. Can I be honest? I didn’t want to write this blog. My mind was filled with doubts and fears. And that is exactly why I committed to doing it. I knew I needed to back myself into a corner where I had no option but to write. I needed to be bold and step out of my comfort zone and continue to pursue my dream. If you too have been struggling to write, may I encourage you not to lose heart. 2021 holds 365 (well 358 from today) opportunities for you to begin again. Let’s check our posture and our attitude. Let’s determine to forge ahead in this new year, to pursue our goals, dreams and God-given destiny and continue to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).


Janelle Moore lives with her husband and family on a farm on the outskirts of Toowoomba, Queensland. She has had devotions and short articles published in various magazines and books and her first book, a devotional for Mums, is due for release this year. She is blessed to be part of the infamous Quirky Quills. 






  1. Thanks, Janelle, for your gentle, encouraging words. In 2020, I think I went from plodding to crawling to curling up in a ball going nowhere. It was a tough year in so many ways. But ... we survived it, didn't we? Hopefully, after such a difficult and horrendous year, I'm a bit wiser, and more appreciative of what I do have, not taking anything for granted. Am I looking forward to this year? To be honest, I, like you, have been "hesitantly creeping in, carefully edging forward". But, having read your heartfelt words, the Holy Spirit reminded me of an old scripture based song which says:

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
    His mercies never come to an end,
    They are new every morning, new every morning,
    Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord,
    Great is thy faithfulness.

    (From Lamentations 3:22-23)

    So again, thank you, for giving me a special and startlingly fresh 'God moment' as this new day, in this new year, begins. Thank you for putting his song of promise in my heart afresh today.

    1. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words, Mazzy. Thanks for letting me know that the blog spoke to you. Yes, that scripture came to my mind too. (I actually meant to incorporate it, and then forgot 😆). I hope and pray that 2021 is a much better year for you on many levels, including your health. xx

  2. Wow, what a good, productive 2020 you have had, Janelle, in 2020! I felt as I read it that God has been kind of replenishing and resetting you for the coming year through it all. And I think there will be wonderful things ahead for you in 2021--especially with the signing of that book contract! God bless--and thanks for encouraging us all.

    1. Thanks Jo-Anne, for your encouragement. Replenishing and resetting sounds good to me. I’m aiming for more focus and self discipline re: my writing and life in general. God bless. xx

  3. Warm congratulations dear Janelle on signing a contract on your first book. Wow! That is very exciting. Well done on doing it in a difficult year too. You have done so well.

    And thanks for a lovely post and thank you for the reminder to keep writing. I didn't achieve a lot last year in the writing sphere so will take your beautiful and inspiring words to heart and keep writing. Thank you Janelle. Bless you.

    1. Thank you Anusha. I am excited to have my book published later this year - you can relate to the expectation and anticipation that is part of this journey no doubt. I look forward to reading more of your gentle encouraging words this year. xx

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Janelle, and congratulations on your publishing contract. That's awesome! I haven't been writing at all lately as we are getting ready to sell up and downsize. Nowhere to go as yet but looking at the Lord's future leading as an adventure rather than an anxiety fraught event :) All the best for the new year to you.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I love your attitude, in looking at your move as a God adventure instead of a stressful event. I wonder where He will lead you? All the best as you trust Him. Enjoy this new adventure.

  5. Janelle, I appreciate your honesty in sharing what most of us surely feel and have experienced. How exciting to have your book contract, and you're moving forward with this. Bod bless your words. Love x

    1. Thanks Ruth. 2020 was certainly an odd year - it’s interesting to watch 2021 unfold now. I thank God that we are able to trust Him regardless of what’s going on around us. xx

  6. Great blog, Janelle. Thanks for having the courage to put that out there. I think many of us have been feeling a sense of trepidation, especially now with cases of the new UK strain of Coronavirus in Australia. But we need to remember that God is still in control and we can choose how we're going to view this year and respond. God still has good plans for us in the midst of this. Thanks for the reminder about watching our attitudes. I know I need to heed that advice.

    1. Thanks Nola. I am still learning to keep my eyes on Jesus and make Him my focus, in this crazy unsettled world. And yes our view and response is our choice. How important it is that we choose life. xx
