
Monday 15 June 2015

Your Faith Really Will Set You Free

First, let me say that I am thrilled to be an honorary Aussie. I've bragged about this to all my American writing friends. ;-) I am honored to be a part of Christian Writers Downunder. I truly believe this is His will. I was absolutely giddy when Nola first approached me about it. She even linked to my blog post about my NaNo WC. But today I am here to talk about faith in writing.

We all need faith. Even atheists have faith in someone or something.

But when God called me to write, He was asking more of me than I thought I could provide. You see, my son was born with two rare brain disorders. Every day with Christopher is a day to be remembered. Like a diver hunts for that perfect pearl or a treasure hunter seeks out the most magnificent diamond, my time with Christopher is cherished, prized about all others.

So when God said, "Go forth and write children's stories," I argued. How could I write for children or for anyone when I had to use all my energy taking care of Christopher and loving him and searching the internet about certain problems that might crop up?

"WRITE?" Say huh? Step out in faith? As I talked to my husband (who puts up with me for some strange reason), he said he'd always fancied me a writer.  He said he would help me in any way he could. He is one of my harshest critique partners. I still had doubts. But I stepped out in faith and never regretted that decision. You see, God knows what he's doing. ;-) He never asks us to something that we couldn't do. I am living proof. My faith has grown tremendously through all of this. I know now that God knew I needed an outlet. He was right, of course.

Never underestimate Him. The same God, who came to earth so that we might have eternal life, is that same God who pushed me into my writing. If it had not been for that, I would not have met some amazing people namely all of you who are reading this. I can channel my feelings, into my words. Some days are great. Some days not so good. But it all goes into my writing because I gave into my faith.  Paul said in Philippians 1:6 "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." So there you see? We can have the confidence to step out into our writing days. He goes with us. He is bringing it to completion. 

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." I asked for His help. He has not let me down and He never will. 

So this writing journey is a leap of faith. Know He is with you. Forever. The verse from Habakkuk is one of my favorite. :-) I will let you all know how this venture unfolds. I am confident I will use His gifts wisely. If not, I know He will tell me I haven't. He still does speak to us today. In our hearts.

Forgive me for confusing the date. UGH. Nola specifically told me not to forget the time difference. Now I must ask all of you to forgive me. It will NOT happen again.  

Thank you for reading. May He bless us all in our writing endeavors and with our lives. xoxo

I write picture books, poetry for children and middle-grade novels. Since I live on a farm, I have a never-ending spout of sounds and sights and smiles from my animals that I can use in my writing. We have seven children. Six boys and one daughter. We've homeschooled through high school. Still have some time to go on that. :-) 


  1. I pasted in my post and it looks all wonky. *sigh* Half looks good and half looks strange.

  2. Hi Robyn - No need to apologise re the time difference. It's only halfway through Monday here. And no worries about the format either. Can tell you how to fix that for next time.

    The important thing is ... you've written a wonderful post. Good on you for stepping out in faith and doing what God has asked you to do, even though you have a lot to deal with in your life. Wow - seven children! I didn't know you had that many. I've mainly read your poetry and I can see how much you've grown in that since stepping out in that first MOPs challenge. God will use your obedience to bless many people through your writing. You're doing that already. Thanks so much for sharing your faith journey. You're an inspiration! Take care xx

  3. Nola, you and Jenny mean so very much to me (and I'll add Anusha too). I'll never forget how you and Jenny made me feel during that first MOP. If it weren't for you two (and Kat), I may have stopped writing poetry. And it gives me so much joy. I owe you a debt of gratitude, sweet friend. <3 xoxoxo

    1. Hi Robyn - I'm glad you didn't stop writing poetry :) I appreciated your encouragement too as I think we both did MOP for the first time in 2014. Thanks for a great post - and a wonderful demonstration of faith. God bless.

    2. Wahoo. I finally got it to comment. WHEW. I'm glad I didn't either, Jen. God be with you and yours. <3

  4. P.S. yes. Please tell me how to fix that. I cringe when I see it. :-)

  5. I really enjoyed your post, Robyn. Thanks - and go for it!

  6. Hi Robyn,
    Thanks for sharing from your heart. You're an inspiration. God values writing, and yours is another story proving He'll give us the calling when we feel we already have a lot on our plates.

    1. You are welcome, Paula. He knows when, how, and why. We need only listen and follow. That's when our faith grows and grows.

  7. Great post Robyn. I loved it. I was also amazed to hear you are the mother of seven. Awesome! I am one of a large family - I have six siblings and we are all very close. So I think large families are wonderful. I am sorry about your son's difficulties but I know God is glorified in it and I can well understand how precious he is. My son is on the autism spectrum so I understand the challenges of parenting a child who is special!

    Many thanks for your encouragement for our writing journeys. Yes, He never fails. Congratulations on your writing - living on a farm is fabulous for your kids and for your writing apart from other blessings. I can well imagine how many stories must grab you as you move around your beautiful farm.

    Thanks Robyn. Do keep writing and thanks for being part of us even though you live a few oceans away. :)

    1. A few oceans away is right, Anusha. But you know what? I feel as though I've been here for a long time. It's so strange. Like this is home in my writing world. There are so many things happening here in the states that it's nice to have this refuge.

      So you know what Thanksgiving and Christmas is like here then. Ha. I hope you and your siblings always stay close. Family means so much. Ivy and I have a GIRLS bathroom (if you know what I mean). ;-) She insisted after she grew into her early teens. Ha.


  8. Thanks for sharing Robyn. He who he calls he equips - I've proved that. I never even imagined in my first fifty years being an author. now I love writing.

    1. I do too, Jo. It is where I go and let all my worries leave me. If only for a time. I wouldn't trade it for anything. He does equip. Praise Him!

  9. I'm in awe that you find time to write, Robyn, with everything you have on your plate. Puts me to shame! Thank you for sharing about your family and also how you rose to God's challenge to start writing.

    1. Thank you, Jo-Anne. That means the world to me. I still search the internet for my Christopher's problems. I know more than the doctors sometimes. ;-) But my writing is my little getaway. And the fruit is the rewards of actually finishing each story to my satisfaction and the thoughts of being published too. I have short stories and poetry published. But I want to hold a book of mine. :-)

  10. What an extraordinarily lovely post, Robyn. I along with all the other gals were really inspired by your enthusiasm for the gift the lord has given you. It's true, sometimes things which are difficult to say can be written with more depth.

    May the Lord bless you and your wonderful family abundantly!

    1. Hey there Rita, thank you so very much. I have always found it easier to write things than to say them. I remember being mad with my hubby and writing him a letter. Ha. He found it funny that I would do that. Needless to say, it was worked out. He did ask that I SPEAK next time. Haha. May He bless you and yours.
