
Thursday 18 June 2015

I dreamed ...

Photo courtesy of sumetho/
I was watching an episode of our local Masterchef and famous British chef Marco Pierre White gave a short inspirational speech about the power of dreams.

“Dreams … without them you’ll achieve nothing.”

A day later, I popped cross to a blog I hadn’t visited for a few months to find the latest post was an encouragement to write down your dreams. “Ask God again to dream with you. No, to give you His dreams!” (Lynn Donovan)

Okay. I think God might be trying to tell me something.

And just to confirm the following day the daily reading from John Eldredge’s devotional was titled “We Can’t Out-Dream God.” The post stated how the majority of people say they don’t have any dreams and those who do, only a small portion actually write them down and follow them up.


Three strikes.

I couldn’t recall the last time I had spent any time thinking about my writing dreams. Life had gotten so muddled for a variety of reasons and I realised I’d kinda lost my way with my dreams for my writing. I was simply plodding along.

“Awakening and owning the dreams that God has placed in our hearts isn’t about getting stuff or attaining something. It’s about embracing who we are and who He has created us to be. In Him.” (John Eldredge)

So I listened.

Opened my heart and started to dream. Again. With Him.

Sure my world didn’t just change overnight but it was like I woke up again and could see a little further down the road. I’d lifted my head up from having spent too much time looking downward.

A fog had lifted. That simmering flame in my heart suddenly received some oxygen and began to burn a little brighter.

“Because the thing about dreams is, dreams come true.” (John Eldredge)

When did you last get in touch with your writing dreams?

If it’s been a while may I encourage you this week to spend some time with pen and paper (or e-device) in hand and chat to God about them.

Ian Acheson is an author and strategy consultant based in Northern Sydney. Ian's first novel of speculative fiction, Angelguard, is now available in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. You can find more about Angelguard at Ian's website, on his author Facebook page and Twitter


  1. Great post Ian. Glad you are getting in touch with your writing dreams again. Just over three years ago, God was telling me He had dreams for me. At first I found it hard to hear His words but the last three years have been following those dreams. There are (and no doubt always will be) challenges along the way - but there is something freeing about following God's lead into the future.

    1. Thanks Jeanette. Love that you're listening and obeying to His promptings. Well done.

  2. Loved your blog Ian. Thanks so much. I love it how God re-iterates what He tells us by His repetitions. 3 times? Yes, you HAD to take note of course! God's been doing it to me too in a different sphere. I love hearing His voice. Sounds like I would do well to listen to His dreams in my writing life as well. Haven't heard too much about it from Him of late, but plan to sit with Him tomorrow listening to His writing dreams for me. Thanks for the gentle push! :)

    1. Hi Anusha. Praying that you have a special dreamtime with the Lord tomorrow. Do let us know the outcome.


  3. Oh yes. I think you've touched a place in our hearts there, Ian. Especially when we find our dreams on hold. One verse I clung to:
    '...the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are NOT as though they were.'(Rom.4:17b) Abraham must have thought many times that the son God promised him was never going to happen.
    When the ability to see our dreams realised seems dead, God, alone, can resurrect them. And often as not He changes our direction. In my case I was persuaded by key people to take on Independent publishing....and my dreams have been fulfilled.

    1. Fabulous how the fulfilment of our dreams can be via the most unexpected sources and means, Rita. God is good.

      Wonderful that the Indie route is working well for you.

  4. My writing dreams are SLOWLY being fulfilled. It's funny. Yesterday, I was in a funk. Having a huge pity party because someone I know mailed me her debut picture book to review. I am thrilled for her. BUT. I was sorry for me. Ha. Then today I wake up, read this and realize my dreams are not her dreams. My dreams are coming to fruition the way HE wants them to.

    1. "Comparison is the thief of joy" don't they say, Robyn. We all struggle with comparison but love your perspective - your dreams are different ones. God has something else in store for you.

      Enjoy the journey with Him as they unfold.

  5. Thanks Ian. What a great reminder. I do lots of writing bits and pieces (e.g. blog posts, editing for others, short pieces like devotions) and can easily get waylaid from the bigger dreams. Every now and then my husband says, 'What's happening with your novel?' and I realise it's been weeks since I even touched it. So it's good to remember those big picture dreams.

    I also once went to a church service simply because they advertised that week's topic in the local newspaper as "Don't let anyone squash your dreams". It was a great sermon, and I ended up staying with that church until I got married and moved to hubby's church. It's important to tap into the dreams God calls us to, but also to realise that the enemy will want to thwart those dreams. Other people can also squash those dreams and we can believe them and lose steam.

    Thanks for reminding us to hang in there with God and to dream big :)

    1. Nola, yes so important to realise the enemy will try to thwart our dreams and he'll use any means to do that. Important for us to keep hanging onto Jesus and allowing others into our dreams so they can keep us accountable to working on them.

      Thanks for popping by, Nola, to comment.

  6. Thank you Ian. Staring at me from my wall is the quote: "If you can dream it, you can do it." When I get up and walk to the kitchen I read another quote: "If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough." And yes, dreams come true for sure so we better make them BIG. The best dreams indeed are with our Creator. Thank you for reminding me.

    1. Hi Mimi, they're a couple of great quotes to keep in front of mind.

      Thanks for sharing them with us.
