
Thursday 11 June 2015

The Original Author by Jo Wanmer

"The tablets were the work of God; 
the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets." 
Ex 32:16

According to the Bible, God's first published words were written by the His own hand and self published. This isn't surprising as He is very familiar with Words. He is the WORD. "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was GOD..." (John 1:1) Those first words penned by God approximately four thousand years ago are well known to all of us. (Ex 20)

However those first published words were lost in a crash, not a computer crash but a crash of  frustration, of rejection. God's intended readers refused His first publication. They turned their attention to another source with disastrous consequences. (Exodus 32)

Graciously, God republished his work and presented Moses with a second set of tablets, this time in a hard cover to protect them. (Deut 10:2)  Then he instructed Moses to write down the rest of the revelation. (Ex 43:27)
Image from Wikipedia

God is very insistent about writing. In the Bible, He tells the Israelites to write on door-frames, stones, tablets, scrolls and hearts. It is because of this instruction we have the Bible. Many stories are passed from generation to generation verbally, but are eventually forgotten. Written words remain.

The Lord likes everyone to know about what he has done. This is demonstrated after Moses won a serious battle against the Amelakites. . As long as Moses held his hands in the air, his soldiers were victorious. The priests propped up his tired arms to ensure the battle was won. God told Moses to record the details and make sure Joshua, the leader of the army, read it. (Ex 17)

God is still saying 'Write, write, write.' A newer prophetic voice in Australia, Lana Vawser, has been encouraging authors to keep writing. (I posted her latest blog on Christian Writers Downunder on Facebook yesterday.) She says God is releasing new revelations, understandings of the Bible, stories, parables. He is looking for those who will record them for others to know. God is promising revelations for those who will position themselves to write.

Encouraged, I determined to write this week. But it's been a battle to even sit at the keyboard. I could list what has happened in the last few days, but if I'm honest there has still been enough time to sit and wait on Him and His revelation. It just seems hard to get there. The opposition is subtle, but strong. I need help to win this battle, Divine help, your help. We need to help each other.

Just as the priests held up Moses arms, I believe we need to pray for each other. In that way we can support each others efforts and win the battle to release His words to our nation and across the world. Will you join me as I pray?

'Lord, I pray for every one of us who write for you, from the accomplished author to those who scribble jottings in their journals. Burn in us with your passion and love. Stir up our giftings. Open glimpses of revelations and doors of opportunity in front if us. Release stories of passion and power through us. Use us to produce books that bring hope, healing and understanding. You, Lord, are the Author of all authors. You have known us from the moment you spoke us into being. Your creativity is deeply rooted in us all. Take us, Lord. Use us, lead us. May everything we pen glorify your mighty name. Amen.'

Jo Wanmer is the author of Though the Bud be Bruised, published by Even Before Publishing in 2012. She loves to write stories about real people, bringing the God of love and wholeness into real-life messes. Meanwhile she is a pastor, bookkeeper, grandmother and a few other assorted things as the Spirit requests.


  1. Amen, Jo--have just joined you in prayer. Thanks for such an encouraging and honest blog.

  2. It's no coincidence you wrote on this, Jo. I have also been writing about God being the greatest Author of all time. He is the author of all history and as we read His Word, He is still writing His message on our hearts. And the more we get to know know Him from reading His Word to us, the more He can use us.

    One particular verse that thrills me is from II Peter 1:3. ' His divine power has given us everything we need ((Isn't that wonderful?)) for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises....'

    1. Great verse, Rita. And Yes He is wonderful. It is encouraging to know someone else is on the same page. Thanks.

  3. What a heart-piercing post, Jo. Thank you for that prayer. You are a diamond in a world filled with thorns. Although, there are more diamonds than we know. I have had the same frustrating week. Trying to write and disturbances coming from every direction. It is good to know I was not alone. :-) Thank you for being honest and for helping me to remember that He is the Perfect Author. Praying this prayer too.

    1. You have so encouraged me Robyn. Let's keep praying together for each other. Thank you.

  4. Fabulous post, Jo. And like Jo-Anne, gladly joined in praying your prayer. John Piper released this video the other day on this same subject - well God as author. Here it is:

    1. Thanks Ian and thanks for the lovely video. Isn't it interesting when we are hearing similar things.

  5. A timely post indeed Jo. A lot of things are happening for me on the writing/editing front at the moment, but this week has really been a battle. Thanks for the reminder to uphold our writing and each other in prayer. The enemy isn't happy that we're writing to glorify God, but we know who has won the victory. Blessings xx

    1. And bless you Nola for all your efforts and service toward us, the author community. xx

  6. Thanks for sharing this Jo! It is very timely for me and very provoking. Thank you! Now for the courage of action!

    1. Thanks Charis. You are right. Now for Action. Blessings.

  7. Yes, I really agree we should pray for one another. And as Christians, we need to write with the Spirit of the Great Writer in us reaching out into the darkness. We have a lot to say with His life in us.

    1. I love that. 'The Spirit of the Great Writer' is within us. Thanks Jeanette.

  8. Great post Jo. Wonderful to be reminded that God Himself was rejected by those whom He had created. So true. And thanks too for the reminder that we need to pray for one another. YES! My writing journey in the last little while has been dotted with question marks. What you posted yesterday did encourage me. Waiting on Him and seeking His face at this time as to what He requires of me in many areas. And yes, joining you as we hold hands together and pray! May His kingdom come on earth as it is heaven. May all of us writers WRITE as He calls, equips, inspires and leads. Bless you, Jo.

    1. I believe all of Christiandom is in a transition process. God is birthing a new thing and many of us are feeling the pressure. Hang in there lovely lady.

  9. I love that post, Jo. It is so encouraging, and makes me want to stick to it.

    1. Never, never give up, oh mighty author, Paula.

  10. Really enjoyed your post Jo, very encouraging, thanks.
