
Thursday 13 July 2023

Using a Magnifying Glass!

 by Anusha Atukorala

Recently, I had the joy of having a new friend over for afternoon tea. Beautiful Susie (not her real name), came bearing a warm apple and sultana cake she’d just whisked out of the oven. How Susie managed to bake a cake while caring for her three small children beats me! Amazing! Her cute treasures aged 4, 2 and 6 months were a delight. The cake was delicious. We enjoyed a happy time together, even if it lacked as much adult conversation as Susie and I would have liked.


I brought out some of my son’s old toys for her little girls to play with. Amidst cars and hand puppets, plastic animals and an assortment of paraphernalia, was a tiny magnifying glass. The two older kids were fascinated by it. They used it for a long time, gazing intently at everything around them. I was a little surprised at first how something so small and seemingly insignificant could have given the children so much pleasure, until I realised that I too still enjoy using one. Nowadays though, they are useful mainly to read the tiny print on medicine bottles or on items off the supermarket shelves!


As a disciple of Jesus, I could do with a magnifying glass, well … a figurative one! Don’t you think? And … whom can I magnify today? How about … Christian Writers Downunder? It’s the best place to start, isn’t it? Christian Writers Downunder began in 2011 with a handful of writers but grew very quickly and now boasts of 1350 members (when I last checked). CWD’s help and support to us Christian writers has been immense and far reaching and I am so grateful.


I was new on the writing scene when I joined CWD, having just published my first book. I remember the thrill of attending my first interstate Writing Conference in Queensland in 2012. It was lovely to be able to recognise many who came that year, the moment I saw them, because we’d already connected through CWD. A big shout out and THANK YOU to CWD’s current dynamic Admin duo – Jeanette O Hagen and Kirsten Hart. You do a fabulous job! And thank you too to Mazzy Adams (whose currently having a well deserved break)  God bless you three richly for all you do. We are very grateful!


I’d also like to magnify a few of the books I’ve drunk deeply of over the years, that have brought me closer to Jesus. 

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster,  

7 Lessons from Heaven by Mary C Neal

Imagine Heaven by John Burke

Life without Lack by Dallas Willard

Satisfy my Thirsty Soul by Linda Dillow, 

Sanctuary of the Soul by Richard Foster

A Call to the Secret Place by Michel Ann Goll

Reclaiming Love by Ajith Fernando

Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich

The Way of Blessing by Roy Godwin

Prayer by Richard Foster

Appointments with Heaven by Dr Reggie Anderson. 

And these are but a small snapshot of a myriad assortment of books that have wooed me to our Saviour. I am so grateful for numerous great men and women of God over the ages and their writings that have grown my soul.

When times are tough, it’s easy to focus on what’s wrong rather than what’s right. We human beings are good at moaning about the bad rather than extolling the good. But God’s blessings abound. Daily, hourly, moment by moment. The jewel studded night sky that fills me with awe, the gentle sound of waves lapping on a sandy shore, a bright silvery moon on a dark cold night, the perfect yellow rose which displays my Creator’s magnificence, a colour splashed rainbow that thrills my soul, sunshine and cool breezes which that bring warmth and refreshment to my being. These are but a few of them.


And of course we are blessed, not only through material gifts. Paul informs us in the book of Ephesians that we have every spiritual blessing in Christ. Every spiritual blessing? Wow! Isn’t that something? Our lives are made richer through family and friends. We are blessed by circumstances both good and bad – even the tough times can be stepping stones to becoming more like Jesus. Thank You God. I magnify all the rich blessings You bring my way. Every. Single. Day!


I also seek to magnify the family of God – and as Paul urges us to do, consider their needs as more important than mine, their accomplishments as deserving higher recognition than mine. As a Christian writer, I magnify and showcase other writers. All of you on CWD! Thank you writers – your writing blesses our world. I won’t mention you by name in case I leave some of you out. But be assured … you do make a difference. And  … there needs to be a word for the good kind of gossip - talking behind another’s back of admirable traits we discover in others? I magnify the unique and wonderful people in my world – who make it a better place. 

Yes, you too dear Reader! You too!

Over the last few years, I’ve been struggling with an issue that often diminishes the joy in my life, like a mosquito that keeps buzzing in my ears. I realised recently that when I had turned 60, I desired one thing for my new decade. 

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” 

Psalm 27:4-5. 

Perhaps I need to make an exchange? Each time I am triggered by the one thing that trips me up … I can exchange it for the ONE THING I surely need. 

To behold the beauty of God!

Yes. There’s One we can’t help but magnify daily for all He is and He has done for us. Our Awesome Great Triune God. The Alpha and the Omega. Who is like Him in the heavens or the earth? No one. He stands apart. High! Holy! Creator! Saviour! Lord! King! Redeemer! Friend! Majestic! Infinite! One who forgives! Transcendent! Mighty! Faithful! Teacher! Wisdom!

                          Light of the World. Jesus.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good; 
for His steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1

               “The LORD is compassionate and gracious, 

              slow to anger, abounding in love.” Psalm 103:8

                      "O magnify the Lord with me. 

               And let us exalt His Name together.” Psalm 34:3


Would you like a peek through my magnifying glass?

Anusha’s been on many interesting detours in life, as a lab technician, a computer programmer, a full time Mum, a full time volunteer, a charity director, a full time job chaser, until one golden day (or was it a dark moonless night?) God tapped her on her shoulder and called her to write for Him. She has never recovered from the joy it brought her. She loves to see others enjoying life with Jesus and does her mite to hurry the process in her world through her writing and through her life. The goodness of God is her theme song through each season, as she dances in the rain with Jesus.


Her first book Enjoying the Journey contains 75 little God stories that will bring you closer to your Creator. Her 2nd book ‘Dancing in the Rain’ brings you hope and comfort for life’s soggy seasons. Her 3rd book, ‘Sharing the Journey’ is a sequel to 'Enjoying the Journey' and was released in March 2020.


Do drop in on her two websites to say G’day! She’d love to connect with you.

Dancing in the Rain 

Light in the Darkness


Thanks for reading!
God bless you!


  1. Hi Anusha, thanks for the wonderful encouragement and great book list, with some thought-provoking theologians, to boot. I love all that the magnifying glass symbolises. Those kids were onto something. And promoting the 'good' type of gossip is a worthwhile challenge.

  2. Thanks so much dear Paula for reading and responding. I'm sure you have a lot of reading to do with your studies. And yes, those kids were sure onto something. Much blessing to you dear friend.

  3. Hello Anusha, your writing is a true blessing from the Lord. It have not read any of your books YET, but I will look on Amazon Kindle today and hope to find them there. With love Crystal Mary Lindsey xx

  4. Yes, I found Dancing in the Rain, but not in Kindle.. xxxx
