
Thursday 9 June 2022

No barriers

 Jo-Anne Berthelsen

Soon after my first novel Heléna was published in 2007, I became curious about where all those early copies would get to. I remember wishing I could install a tracking device on them so I could see who read them and what interesting adventures they had along the way. Of course, I also realised that could be discouraging. After all, some might end up unopened on dusty bookshelves somewhere or, worse still, in the recycling bin! On the other hand, some readers might love the novel and even lend it out—or buy it as a gift. Some copies might end up in libraries too and hopefully be borrowed often. The possibilities were endless!

During COVID lockdown, I had several requests for my older novels, especially All the Days of My Life, the sequel to Heléna. It seemed people had re-discovered Heléna on their bookshelves while bored at home, then decided they would like the sequel. I do not stock any of these two novels now, so asked family and friends if they would part with their old copies. Several were unearthed in this way and it was fun to give them another chance at life with new owners.

Then this past week, I received another request via email for All the Days of My Life. A lady wrote to tell me her husband had just finished reading Heléna and loved it. So … did I have any second-hand copies of the sequel available? I didn’t—but I knew a friend had one. I drove to pick it up and emailed the prospective buyers to sort out postage, only to discover this couple actually live in Canada! Apparently, they found my novel Heléna in their church library—but how did it get there? What’s more, the copy is signed by me, so I must have sold it personally to someone.

To be honest, I am amazed people anywhere are still reading my very first novel published way back in 2007—and I am certainly amazed a copy has ended up in a church library in Canada! Somehow, time and distance have been no barrier for this particular copy at least.

Yet, as I have reflected on this whole story, I have realised something even more amazing. I may not be able to install tracking devices on my books, but God knows where they have all got to—and God is quite able to carry them through time and space to wherever they can minister to someone. Those fifteen years since Heléna was published here in Australia are the mere blink of an eye to God—they are certainly no barrier to the One who was and is and always will be.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8

I find this verse so reassuring, don’t you? Somehow, it puts everything I worry about into much better perspective. Things may take longer to unfold in life than I might have hoped—and yes, my books may also not have as wide a distribution as others. But I can be at peace about it all, because I belong to the most awesome, powerful Creator of the universe for whom no barriers are ever insurmountable.

Jo-Anne Berthelsen lives in Sydney but grew up in Brisbane. She holds degrees in Arts and Theology and has worked as a high school teacher, editor and secretary, as well as in local church ministry. Jo-Anne is passionate about touching hearts and lives through the written and spoken word. She is the author of seven published novels and two non-fiction works, ‘Soul Friend’ and ‘Becoming Me’. Jo-Anne is married to a retired minister and has three grown-up children and four grandchildren. For more information, please visit


  1. Wow, Jo-Anne, that is amazing -Canada. Well, as you say, our God is amazing.

  2. Loved your blog. Yes I agree that no barriers are insurmountable to the Lord. On Thursday, I was asked to give a talk about my books at an Orchid Club, as they had no speaker for the day. I showed them my latest book, 'Opera, Orchids and Oz,' which is book 3 of my memoirs and hot out of the press. The result is that they bought, not only the latest one, but Books I and II as well! A totally unexpected outcome from an Orchid Club. Thank you, dear Lord.

    1. So lovely to hear this, Hazel! I remember meeting you way back before your first book was ever published and here you are, still writing and producing books. Well done to you for persevering and getting your beautiful story out there. So glad those books sold for you too. God bless!

  3. Jo-Anne, this is such an encouraging and beautifully penned post. One of the librarians at our local library had the loveliest saying when one of my novels was borrowed out - it was going on a new adventure. Your reflections here expand those adventures across continents! Timeless stories are always new when they are read for the first time, and yours are standing up to that test. How exciting that God knows exactly when and where these stories will be discovered. :)

    1. Thanks for these lovely comments, Adele. And I love that librarian at your local library, as of course our books go on lots of adventures--some even overseas! God bless.

  4. How exciting to know your novel has gone around the world!
    It is incredible to think how God arranges your writing as the the best way to minister to someone across the Pacific. So encouraging.
    (And yes, it would be fun to put a tracking device in our books!)

    1. One day we may be able to work out how to do that, Pamela--it would sure be intriguing. Then again, perhaps it's better we don't know!
