
Thursday 2 April 2020

CWD Member Interview – Writer, Helen Carr

Most Thursdays this year we will be interviewing one of the members of Christian Writers Downunder – to find out a little bit more about them and their writing/editing goals.

Todays interview  is with Helen Carr

Tells us three things about who you are and where you come from. 

  1. I’m from Adelaide SA, I’ve lived here most of my life, (1 year in NSW, 1 year in Vic)
  2. I believe coffee is God’s greatest creation, second to humanity of course. And maybe cats. And dogs. And sloths. Let’s just say it’s one of my greatest loves!
  3. The beach is my happy place. I am so thankful to live just 25 minutes away, and never take it for granted. God does a whole lot of talking to me down there…I’m probably known as “that crazy lady who talks to herself!” 
To continue to seek God’s path for me in this, to write what He wants me to.  There are so many things I would love to do, but unless He wills it, none of them will be effective, as evidenced by the 7 or so blogs that are lying dormant in my WordPress account! I’m learning to seek God’s plan, and not just do what I think is the best, most successful thing. 

Tell us about your writing (or editing/illustrating etc).  What do you write and why?

I’ve always loved writing, probably like most of us in the group. Until recently I was focusing on my photography, which was God’s direction for the past 5 years. In September, he told me that was all about being obedient, and that I was to start writing again {internal jumping for joy right at this stage…I was in church, so didn’t like to make a scene!}. I’m still tuning into what God wants me to write, but have been journaling a lot theses past 12 or so months, and love it, the way God has used this to heal, to speak to me, to encourage, and to reveal beautiful imagery has been such a blessing. 

Who has read your work? Who would you like to read it? 

The most public things that I write at the moment are short Instagram posts. I have very few followers, but I do hope that the people who need to read them the most are encouraged and built up, especially in the world we are living in right now. 

Tell us something about your process. What challenges do you face? What helps you the most?

I’m not an especially organised, orderly person, so I often find that what I write is unplanned; I’ll suddenly be inspired to make an Instagram post, so I go with it, and pray that the hashtags I use are specific for whomever needs to see the posts.  Journaling is a bit different, sometimes I have something specific that I want to write down, other times, I sit with a coffee, and ask God, what do you want to say to me today? Other times I open the Bible, and read a Scripture, and then do a little digging to see what the context is, and why God wanted me to read that specific verse. It’s perhaps a little quirky, but it works for me, and I love that God works with me in a way that matches my brain! 

What is your favourite Writing Craft Book and why? 

I haven’t read any at this stage, but I am always taking in things that people have mentioned, and storing those things away. One such gem was from my Year 8 English teacher - a tall and wide man with broad shoulders, a square-cut beard and booming voice - some 30 years ago; he asked me, “Helen, what is half of a sudden?” He had a point, right?!

If you were to give a shout-out to a CWD author, writer, editor or illustrator – who would they be?

There are so many! Truly, I admire every single person who puts in so much effort into their writing, illustrating, editing for themselves and/or for others, it is not easy, and requires a great deal of mental energy and commitment. I thank you all. 

How does your faith impact and shape your writing?

I said to someone yesterday in a Facebook thread, “my feisty sometimes outruns my thoughtfulness.” I want this to be reversed. I want God to be glorified in every single thing that I write, be it an Instagram post, a Facebook post or comment, or a word of encouragement for someone.  I want my words to bring peace and unity, not discord and division. I want people to smile more and worry less. I want people to know that Jesus loves them, and that His love is far stronger than any past choices or pain in their lives. I want His favour to fall on every word, on every phrase, and anoint the words and give them weight and effectiveness that that goes beyond well-constructed words on a page. 


  1. Thank you Helen. How awesome that God told you to start writing again. I love how you let him infuse your work - I think they call that prophetic creativity. You do have a lovely turn of phrase. Looking forward to reading more of your work :D.

  2. "Half of a sudden." Now that's original! My favourite secondary school teacher was the English teacher I had for year nine and year ten, because she 'got' my sense of humour, and I, hers. She was a very positive influence, though I waited many years before I discovered and began to explore my penchant for writing.

    Thanks for sharing your heart, Helen, and giving us a glimpse into your journey so far. It sounds like God is unfolding his plan for you and in you, like a bud to full bloom - perfectly formed in his time. I anticipate wonderful things to come - for you, and from you, oh writer and photographer. :)

  3. Helen, I love your obedience to God and your heart for others. I look forward to reading your work, when the time is right.

  4. Hi Helen,
    What a lovely interview, and I fully agree that our Adelaide beaches are surely among the best places to reflect and hear from God. We are certainly blessed down here. I love your photography and IG account too :)

  5. What a lovely interview Helen! It was so good to hear more about you and what makes you tick as a writer. The seaside is one of my favourite places too since I grew up within 5 mts walking distance from it and would often be running on the sands with my brothers and sisters and our dog at 5 a.m! I'm so glad to hear of those instagram posts. Love that last paragraph. May God continue to use you as you write for Him.

  6. Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement, everyone. I'm so blessed to belong to this incredible group of people ��
