
Monday 28 October 2019

God's Ways and Ours

I love reading stories of God’s reality in our world. So this year, I hoped to submit at least one story for the Stories of Life competition. I believed I knew which story God wanted me to share. It was about moving home—a season when He’d taught me much about Himself, His love and His ways. He’d taught me then how to pray using the scriptures. He’d taught me how we can witness His power and His glory and I couldn’t wait to share it with the world.

For weeks on end, I worked hard on my story, refining it over and over again like an athlete in constant training before her winning race. An idea had been percolating in my brain on the next story I’d write, but God surprised me a week before the closing date of the competition with a huge dose of His love and I knew that that was what I had to write about. It didn’t take long to rustle up a 500 word story which I sent off as my second entry.

I was certain my first story would be chosen for the anthology. After all, I’d been writing for twelve years now and knew how to write a good story of faith. (Or did I?) Besides, God would want the world to know what He did for us back then. But … when the long list was announced, my eyebrows shot up and my puppy dog’s tail had to be tucked in! The story which I had persevered over for weeks on end hadn’t made it. Instead … the little tale written in a flash of inspiration—that had got in. Wow!

After the initial shock wore off, I could not stop smiling, because the truth bopped me on the head and I could finally laugh at myself. Of course! Silly little me!
  • ·       I can hope for success but it is God’s will that will come to pass.
  • ·       I could work hard but unless God blesses my work it is of no avail.
  • ·       I might plan, but it’s always God’s purposes that will prevail.

Like the sun’s golden rays, Isaiah 55 shone light onto my path. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9.

My journey into becoming a Christian Writer had started after a series of failures in finding employment. Yes, failure was the springboard to my writing life, my dream life. That’s what God does. Failure in His vocabulary is often spelt SUCCESS! As soon as my first book was written, He found me a publisher—just like that. That was God! My second book on the other hand, took years to get published … I faced rejection after rejection from various publishers for eight long years! That was God too—He kept me humble and leaning on Him. Thank you God. Don’t you love it how He shapes us and grows us through life’s journey?

God has blessed me beyond measure as I’ve followed His heart in my writing. He has also helped me discover time and time again that in myself I have nothing to offer the world. I need the Holy Spirit’s help in all of my writing, because unless the Lord builds the house, we build in vain. Yes, God’s ways are rarely our ways; His thoughts are rarely our thoughts.

Where you are in your writing journey dear fellow-writer? Are you inspired and productive? If so I rejoice with you. Are you struggling with the delays and disappointments that have blocked your way? I know what that’s like. Don't forget that what you class as failure, might in His book have a bold title: “SUCCESS”. Being faithful to all He has called you to is what matters. In eternity, you will discover the fruit of your hard work, your journey, the relationships you have nurtured, your life. And you (and I) will be surprised—what we consider achievements here on earth may be just a small dot on the heavenly landscape while what we discard as failures may be what the Father delights in and brings glory and honour to His Name.

No, God’s ways are not our ways. And for that we can be thankful.

All that I have seen, teaches me that I can trust God for all that is yet to come.
I know your Writing journey must bring great joy to our Father’s Heart. 

Keep writing! 

Anusha’s been on many interesting detours in life, as a lab technician, a computer programmer, a full time Mum, a full time volunteer, a charity director, a full time job chaser, until one golden day (or was it a dark moonless night?) God tapped her on her shoulder and called her to write for Him. She has never recovered from the joy it brought her. She loves to see others enjoying life with Jesus and does her mite to hurry the process in her world through her writing and through her life. The goodness of God is her theme song through each season, as she dances in the rain with Jesus. 

Her first book Enjoying the Journey contains 75 little God stories that will bring you closer to your Creator. Her second book  Dancing in the Rain brings you hope and comfort for life’s soggy seasons. Her third book, Sharing the Journey is a sequel to Enjoying the Journey and will be launched on March 7th 2020.

Do stop by at her website Dancing in the Rain to say G’day!


  1. "Being faithful to all He has called you to is what matters." Thanks Anusha. Yet again your gentle encouragement points me, and draws me, towards the Father's love and faithfulness, and reminds me that his way is always the best way.

    1. Thank you dear Mazzy. So glad it drew you to His love and faithfulness. As I wrote that I realised His love and faithfulness is like a magnet which draws us to Him time and time again. How blessed we are! Thanks for doing a wonderful job at CWD.

  2. Thanks Anusha! His ways are definitely not our ways but it is comforting to be reminded that God is always working for our benefit? Oh the delight when an answer comes and the penny drops that God knows what we need, when we will need it and surprises us with His encouragement and with His blessings and love along the journey!

    1. Yes, indeed dear Lesley. How blessed we are to know the truth of Romans 8:28. And yes, He always gives us what we need along the way. He is a Good Good Father. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Bless you.

  3. It lifts my heart to read that what i term failure could possibly be God’s definition of success! Thank you for pointing out in your own journey how this looks like!

    1. Thank you dear Anita for taking the time to read and respond. So glad the words were relevant to you too. God bless you for your constant encouragement. And all the best to you in your writing.

  4. So true, Anusha! We can put our noses to the grindstone...and indeed we should do just that...but if God's not the wind beneath our writerly winds, our work might just disappear into the clouds. You never know though, when a story that seems like a failure in our own eyes because it doesn't get published, might still be exactly what God wanted. Perhaps what we wrote encouraged and uplifted just one human precious human being whom God loves beyond measure. Thank you for writing this particularly lovely piece. xo

    1. Thanks so much dear Melinda for your loving encouraging words. They bless me no end. And you are right about that story that didn't make it. I personally was blessed as I wrote it, because God kept reminding me all that He'd done for me then and I needed that kind of encouragement to keep going in my present day battles. He definitely used it in my own life for good. I am also wondering if He wants me to share that story in a book - there was SO MUCH He did for us on that housing journey. Perhaps it's too big to be contained in a small 1500 word story and needs to be shared in a bigger and better way. All in all, I'm so glad I can trust Him. And I'm so glad this resonated with you. Blessings on your writing journey dear friend. It's been a huge year for you and I'm sure there's lots of inspiration (though probably insufficient time) for your artistic creations to abound. Much blessing and much fruit being prayed over you. :)

    2. Thank you for your love and blessings. And you know something? I think it just might be a great idea to include that story of yours in another book...perhaps a short story collection of your experiences with God's grace and provision?

    3. Thanks so much for the idea Melinda. Yes, I need to seek Him to know just how and what He requires. What He did for us needs to be told. Thanks for your thoughts which helps confirm my own ideas about it.
