
Thursday 8 August 2019

CWD Member Interview – Nikki Rogers

Most Thursdays in 2019 we will be interviewing one of the members of Christian Writers Downunder – to find out a little bit more about them and their writing/editing goals.

Today interview: Nikki Rogers

Question 1: Tells us three things about who you are and where you come from. 

I’m a mother, teacher, Jesus-follower and author/illustrator of Created To Be children’s books. I currently live on the Gold Coast with my husband, two children, and four bantam chickens.

Question 2: Tell us about your writing (or editing/illustrating etc).  What do you write and why? 

I have written and illustrated 7 inspirational children’s books so far. I originally started writing books for my own children to help them understand valuable life lessons, encourage them with the truths that they are unique and inspire them to be all they were created to be. I now hope to inspire children all over the world with these messages and maybe even remind some adults to shine the beauty within. You can find my books at

Question 3: Who has read your work? Who would you like to read it?

Many people have read my work. My books have been used as resources in schools and given as gifts to many children around the world. However, I would love every child to read my books; they may be just what kids need to hear.

Question 4: Tell us something about your process. What challenges do you face? What helps you the most?

My biggest challenge is marketing. I believe that my books were God-inspired and will be a blessing to many, but I struggle to promote my books and charge for them. I also often have my doubts about my ability, that I’m not qualified, and my books aren’t professional enough. 

To overcome these doubts, fears and challenges, I find it helpful to look over the many positive reviews I’ve received from people who have really appreciated my books and remind myself that God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

Question 5: What is your favourite Writing Craft Book and why? 

I don’t know.

Question 6: If you were to give a shout-out to a CWD author, writer, editor or illustrator – who would they be?

Naomi Eccles-Smith is an incredible storyteller, gifted illustrator and author of the Dragon Calling Series. Her books and illustrations are amazing!

Question 7: What are your writing goals for 2018? How will you achieve them?

I would love to get my books into the hands of more children and families, renew my passion for why I do what I do and start on a new book that has been on my heart for a while. I hope to achieve this by doing more author talks, gifting books to foster families and surrounding myself with people who encourage me and help me stay focussed.

Question 8: How does your faith impact and shape your writing?

It is in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for. I feel a great sense of responsibility to be a good steward of what God has given me and I want to bring Him glory through my writing.
The main thing I want people to know is this: You aren’t here by chance. You are not an accident. You were created in the image of God and He is for you. He has amazing plans for you. Go and be all that you were created to be!


  1. Hi Nikki, I loved reading about your inspirational books for children. How the Father's heart must thrill for joy to see your care for them being put into words and actions in such a mighty way.

  2. Great interview, Nikki. Love your passion & pray that your books will reach a wider audience. And, I agree, Naomi Eccles-Smith is awesome.

  3. Great interview! You have such a golden heart, Nikki, and I am honoured to be sharing the Writer's Journey with someone like you. :)
    p.s. Thank you for the shout-out. It's made my day.
    p.s.s Thank you Jeanette, now I feel doubly honoured!
