
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Omega Writer's Conference 2019 - Registrations are Open!

Just to help you, this is the information you need to put on your calendar right now:
  • Friday October 11th: Arrive Omega Writers’ Conference
  • Saturday October 12th: Omega Writers’ Conference
  • Sunday October 13th:  Omega Writers’ Conference
And then you can click here to go to the Omega Writers website and find out all the finer details at your leisure.

Or maybe you haven’t even considered coming?

I get it. I really do. Life is so busy. Everything else is shouting for your attention. The cost of living has gone up. People can be draining. It just feels too hard.

But what if conference this year were to provide the refreshment you need? What if you were to make connections that change the path of your future? What if you were to re-connect with old friends and make new ones who will be your greatest encouragers? What if this conference, you hear something – even one thing – directly from God that gives you the strength you need to keep going? And what if you develop and grow in ways you never dreamed you could?

It’s not only possible. I would say it's guaranteed.

We understand how busy life is and we understand how hard it is to be a writer and faithfully use your gifts for God to make a difference in this world. That is why our theme this year is:

Find the words that change the world at Jesus’ feet

Omega Writer's Conference Session

We want conference to be a chance for you to hear God’s still, small voice amidst the noise of the world.

We truly believe He has something special for you.

We understand that every Christian writer needs support, encouragement, training and pastoral care. We were never meant to go it alone. This conference is an opportunity for all these things. We have experienced writing professionals lined up, waiting to share their wealth of experience and knowledge with you. We have opportunities for you to meet with editors and publishers. We have chaplains available to support you and encourage you along the way. We have, fellowship and fun and so much more.

We cater for all writers at every stage of the journey whether multi-published, pre-published, and even those with no intention of ever being published. If you are a Christian and write (doesn't matter what you write) we want to see you there!

If finances are an issue, there is the option of a scholarship for new attendees. (More details to come.)

We are especially conscious of our first-time attendees and will ensure you do not feel alone or unsupported. You will be welcomed with open arms.

This year our special guest speaker is Steve Laube.

Steve is an American Christian Literary Agent, a veteran of the bookselling industry with nearly 40 years of experience.

Steve Laube, Literary Agent

If I can’t tempt you with any of the above, let me try with our BOOKSHOP!

It is well known that writers make the best readers just as readers make the best writers. So, we have a bookshop full of all the newest titles (and many of the old) from Australian Christian authors. Not only can you buy these books, you can have them personally signed by attending authors.

Omega Writer's Conference Bookstall

For those who are unsure what to expect, or who need reminding, we have a link on our website giving you further details, including travel options, accommodation and attendance options, what to do if you have special dietary needs, and much more: Omega Writer's Conference FAQ

There are so many more exciting things I want to tell you about the conference, but at past conferences I've learned valuable things like sticking to my word limit so I'll stop. For further details and all the other things I really want to tell you, go to our website.

Conference is from Friday 11th October until Sunday 13th October, 2019 at the Edmund Rice Retreat and Conference Centre, Mulgoa (Sydney).

Registrations are open NOW!

Click here to register.

Oh, and I think I might have mentioned we have a website.

And click here to visit our Facebook page.

Hope to see you there!

About Jenny Glazebrook

 Jenny Glazebrook writes inspirational Christian fiction. She grew up in the small town of Gundagai, Australia and after years living in other parts of Australia, she have recently returned with her husband Rob and four children, Micah, Merridy, Clarity and Amelia. They have added many pets to our family including two blue-tongue lizards, a cat, a goose, a budgie (parakeet), many chickens, a sheep who thinks she's a dog and a dog who thinks he's a sheepdog.

Find Jenny online at

1 comment:

  1. These conferences are always a highlight of my year. Great sessions and fellowship with other Christian writers. A great place to be encouraged. God always says something special to me through the conference and it's not always what I expect, which is probably a good thing. I've also had some really key discussions with others at the airport to and from. Team Toowoomba have already booked. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
