
Monday 15 April 2019

What do you think He meant?

There was this awesome Easter cartoon I saw – I cannot post as I don’t have the rights, but it can be found on this site.

It shows Jesus walking out of the tomb right into a paparazzi of disciples holding mobile phones taking footage of the event.


 Of course it is ridiculous because the mobile phone wasn’t invented in 33AD, but after having chuckled I thought about the depicted scene a bit more.

Why weren’t the disciples waiting in anticipation to see Jesus walk out of the tomb? 

I combed through the Gospels and turned up all the things Jesus had said to his disciples during those years he walked closely with them. Matthew recorded that Jesus said he would be crucified and that he would rise again on the third day no less than six times, not including the Last Supper.
Considering the miracles the disciples had seen, and all the strange things Jesus had said about being the Messiah and Saviour of the World, it would be reasonable to expect that they might have been camped there, ready for the action on resurrection morning.

 What happened? 

Half of them were in hiding, and the women who did come to the tomb early in the morning weren’t there with mobile phones in anticipation. They’d come in mourning, with spices to anoint Jesus’ body.

How are we like this today? If there is a new announcement about a new iPhone being released, people will camp outside the store ready to be first. There is more faith in Apple than there is in the words of Christ.

Jesus said many amazing things during his life on earth, including that he had come to save the world, and that whoever believed in Him would have eternal life. 

On Resurrection morning, Peter was hiding, ashamed of what he had done. He had boasted of his commitment to the cause, yet had denied Christ at the first sign of pressure.

Judas had misbelieved, lost hope and when he was at that point of despair, he made an irreversible decision. He’d got caught up with the idea of making money. He believed and followed Jesus, but had his eye on the opportunity to build his wealth.

 John and the others were disillusioned and bewildered. John had been caught up with the position he thought was his due in the coming kingdom. Then when Christ was crucified (as predicted) everything fell apart. What happened to the kingdom and the position? Had they just wasted three years of their life following a circus? 

Mary was grieving, believing she had lost the one man who had believed in her and forgiven her.

None of them expected the promise to still be on track—poised and waiting to break forth.

What do you think Jesus meant when he talked about overcoming the world? Where are you situated this coming Easter? Are you poised with your mobile phone ready to record the miracle?

I have promises from God that have come by Scripture and prophecy, and some of those promises look impossible, right at this moment. But this Easter, I’m going to be facing the tomb—my disappointment—and I am going to be waiting for the Saviour to break forth in victory. I don’t want someone to have to come after me in hiding to say, guess what? He did what he said he would do!

There is a song I heard on the sound track of the movie, Fire Proof called ‘While I’m Waiting’

While I’m waiting, I will serve you, while I’m waiting, I will worship.

Let me add to those lyrics: While I’m waiting, I will watch for the victory. 

We could ask the question of the disciples and followers of Christ: What did you think Jesus meant when he said all these things?

We could ask the same question of ourselves.

What did you think he meant?

While you are waiting, serve and worship. 

You are writers, and even while you’re waiting for an international break through, you can always serve and you can always worship. Serve with your ability to communicate with others, and worship the same way.

God Bless you this Easter

Meredith Resce

Author of the ‘The Heart of Green Valley’ series, and many other titles including ‘Falling for Maddie Grace’.


  1. Hi Meredith, that's such a great call, and encouragement to lift our faces to the right place and keep on moving, without losing sight of God's promises. Perfect for the start of this week in particular. And I did love the cartoon :)

    1. It is always good to keep this message in mind, given that we so easily run and hide in our disappointments.
      Happy Easter to you and your family

  2. Thanks so much for such an encouraging word, Meredith. Love the picture of the "disappointment of the tomb" - life so often seems to resemble this, but faith is about living in the truth of the resurrection. It's all about perception, really - do we see from a Kingdom perspective or from a worldly perspective? Working on living from the first more and more! Blessings, Ruth

  3. Thanks for your encouragement, Ruth. Blessings

  4. What a beautiful word if encouragement Meredith! All we need to do is have faith!

  5. Loved your post Meredith. Thanks so much. I confess I never realised the truth of what you shared - that Jesus had told the disciples 6 times that He would be resurrected - but they didn't get it. Wow! Sounds so much like me! :) They were cowering in fear rather than watching out in anticipation.

    When I was travelling to Sri Lanka a few months ago, I was given a free $20.00 voucher at the Changi airport. After much deliberation, I decided that God was leading me to buy a $9.00 wooden key-tag as my main purchase - the words on it are: "God keeps His promises" (found in an over-priced secular bookstore). God had just given me a promise for healing (Psalm 41:1-3) and I believed He wanted me to keep claiming it. I also recalled the other seemingly impossible promises He'd given me via prophecy, so this was the perfect gift from my Papa. I have attached the little keytag to my handbag so I see it often and claim His promises with expectation.

    I will approach this Easter taking your challenge on board. With anticipation and excitement to watch for what He will do, to know with certainty that He will come through on ALL His promises.

    Thanks again for the fresh encouragement and hope your post resonates with Meredith. A very blessed Easter to you.

    1. I'll stand with you in believing, Anusha. Blessings to you and your family

  6. Great post, Meredith. I loved these questions:

    'How are we like this today? If there is a new announcement about a new iPhone being released, people will camp outside the store ready to be first. There is more faith in Apple than there is in the words of Christ.'

    'Where are you situated this coming Easter? Are you poised with your mobile phone ready to record the miracle?'

    A thought-provoking post. Thank you! ❤️

  7. Maybe the disciples, just losing their leader, were thinking about themselves and forgetting the promise that Jesus had told them.
    We can be consumed with ourselves forgetting His promises or declare ourselves unworthy because of our indiscretions.

  8. It is soooo easy to forget and become consumed with ourselves. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Perhaps they thought he was speaking metaphorically?

    It's a very encouraging post, thanks Meredith.

  10. Perhaps they did, Susan, but given the amount of times he said it, and the accompanying miracles, and the fact that they were talking about positions in the coming Kingdom, they obviously thought he was going to set something up, so when the plan was going south, it's a wonder they didn't twig and think, 'Oh, right, this is what he meant!'

    1. Yes, it is a wonder, but then I think about how slow I am at realizing what God is doing/planning, and I understand their lack of faith. So glad, he didn't give up on them, or us!

    2. Amen to that. He didn't give up on them, and he won't give up on us.

  11. Thanks for an inspiring post, Meredith. A great reminder that God does what he says he will, often in unexpected and even miraculous ways. Something to hold onto.

  12. It certainly is something to hold on to.
