
Monday 27 November 2017

The Right Write-Life Formula

by Anusha Atukorala

Years ago when I was desperate to conceive my second child, a well-meaning friend suggested that I needed to pray in a certain way in order to have my prayers answered. Hmm...! Isn’t God more interested in my heart than in any prayer formula? God did not give me a second child. But many years on, He blessed me with two lovely daughters in Christ, satisfying my heart’s desires for 3 children—one son and two daughters. The parents of my "daughters" did all the hard work! I had the joy of having them without changing even one nappy! (A great idea, God. Thank you.) My prayers may have been frail and faulty, but they were answered.

More recently, when sharing my health struggles with another (also well meaning) friend, she asked if I prayed daily for good health, telling me it has worked for her. She implied that it was a must in order to receive healing. I do spend plenty of time with God each day. I do talk to Him often. But I don’t ask God for healing every single day, because I don’t think it matters. God knows my heart. Even if my words aren’t quite right or the number of times I pray not the perfect number, I can count on Him to give me His best. After all, it’s not my impeccable prayers which bring results but the mercy and love of a faithful God.

The only Prayer formula I know is not to have one. Instead I seek the Giver of all good gifts. And oh, it’s been a thrilling journey. So … what’s the correct Write Formula if there such a thing?  I’ve spent hours learning the craft. I’ve attended conferences (fabulous times), borrowed a plethora of books from the library, (and read them from cover to cover), written articles and essays, poetry and songs, books and blogs. Perhaps unlike prayer, there IS a right Write Formula? Yes, I believe there is!

It’s true that in order to do most things well, we need instructions to guide us and help us stay on par. We can’t play a game of Cricket or Tennis or Footy without rules, could we, or there would be mayhem. We can’t write a sentence without using grammatical rules or it would not make sense. But what about the right Write Life? Does that have rules too? 

Jesus did not come to bind us with rules and regulations. He came to release the prisoners and set the captives free. As Christian writers, we can take a joyful leap across the chasm of legalism and into fields of grace. Perhaps the biggest decree for our writing lives is that there are no rules? There is only GRACE! Precious, glorious, bountiful grace. The Grace that overflows into our lives as we seek to live for God and for His glory.

Grace means that …

1.     Despite my sins, mistakes and imperfections, He still calls me to write for Him.
2.     It’s not following His laws which will help me thrive as a Christian writer but desiring and seeking intimacy with Him.
3.     If He calls me, He will equip me and help me. It’s as simple as that!
4.     As Paula Vince shared with us so beautifully last week, success as a Christian writer is very different from the world’s view of success
5.     God will use even the deficiencies and failures in my Write Life to touch and bless others
6.     Perfection may often be unattainable but I can aim at excellence

7.     God’s ways are often unusual, unexpected and unfathomable but always trustworthy
8.     My writing may not be exceptional but when I do my best, led by His Spirit, miracles happen
9.     He will always give me a second chance
10.  When I yield to the Holy Spirit. He will use my words, weak and frail as they might be, to prod and poke, to lead and lift, to bless and build
11.  We are each not called to be a carbon copy of other writers but free to pursue our own calling
12.  Most importantly, it’s His glory that we are on about, not our own

So how do I grow into a Christian writer? By spending time with Him, by following the Spirit’s leading, by using my time wisely, by learning writing skills (yes, following those rules), walking in integrity, allowing Him to shape me. being part of the body of Christ and by helping other writers thrive.

Grace frees me to become the writer I was meant to be.
Grace gives me wings to partner with the Holy Spirit.
Grace spurs me on to dare to change the world through words.

Let’s do it! Let's dance in fields of grace!

Anusha’s been on many interesting detours in life, as a lab technician, a computer programmer, a full time Mum, a full time volunteer, a charity director, a full time job chaser, until one golden day (or was it a dark moonless night?) God tapped her on her shoulder and called her to write for Him. She has never recovered from the joy it brought her. She loves to see others enjoying life with Jesus and does her mite to hurry the process in her world through her writing and through her life. The goodness of God is her theme song through each season, as she dances in the rain with Jesus. Please stop by at her website to say G’day to her. Dancing in the Rain. She’d love to see you there.

Her first book "Enjoying the Journey" comprises 75 little life lessons and 16 colour photos. Her second book "Dancing in the Rain - words of comfort and hope for a sad heart" will be published in 2018 by Armour Books. Please stay tuned.


  1. Thank you, Anusha, for sharing your heart with us, and for reminding us of the freedom we have in life and in writing in general, by God's grace. I hope to leap across that chasm of legalism into those fields of grace you mention with my next novel soon--what fun!

    1. Hi Jo-Anne. Many thanks for your encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you take that leap! On the other hand, I believe you are already there, dancing in fields of grace! :) Good on you!

  2. Thanks for posting another inspirational post, Anusha. There surely is a difference between legalism (a slavish following of rules to make ourselves worthy) and the freedom of grace (God's loving acceptance of us despite our failures and imperfections so that we might live in step with Him). Though interesting enough, that doesn't mean we are lawless - but rather follow the law of love and do in freedom and grace what the law requires (that is to conform to God's character and to love God with our whole beings and our neighbours as ourselves). So I guess it's not that there are no rules, but that the rules are there for our (and the readers) benefit rather than the other way round.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Jenny and for sharing those definitions which say it very well. I do agree fully that we do need some boundaries in order to live well. I think grace changes the law from legalism into something else - a safe boundary from which to do life isn't it? And yes, the rules when edged with grace do benefit both readers and writers. Accepted! :)

  3. Thank you Anusha! I love it! 'Grace gives me wings to partner with the Holy Spirit.' Inspiring and so, so timely as always. I am about to sit down and write out a talk for our local church gingerbread evening. I've been struggling over it as I have been given five minutes to share the Gospel. Rules. Seems impossible to me. And yet, I am reminded that led by His Spirit, in His grace, He can make one simple word worth a thousand by using me, His frail but available vessel, to reach hearts. I will sit here at my computer and let my fingers dance in fields of grace across the keyboard as His Spirit guides my preparation. What a blessing your words are as they fix my eyes back on Him.

    1. Thanks sweet Jenny. You made my day by your loving words of encouragement and appreciation. All the best to you as you prepare that 5 minute talk. Not easy is it to condense it all into just five minutes? You are such a beautiful and available vessel Jenny - I know God will not only give you the right words but also use them to reach hearts as he did with your testimony as a 13 year old. Picturing you sitting there at your computer with your fingers dancing in fields of grace across the keyboard as you partner with the Holy Spirit. :) Have lots of fun. Praying for you.

  4. Thanks Anu. I do agree. And you say it all so beautifully.

    1. Thanks so much dear Nettie. So glad you liked it and so glad you agree.

  5. Couldn’t agree more Anusha! I was so taken aback when God called me to write my first book that I had to rely on His grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit. He let me know in no uncertain terms that if I believed He had called me to do something so alien to me would He leave me floundering in confusion and uncertainty? No, of course not but it took a while to be convinced. What a ride it has been since I said, ‘Well, okay, but You have to help me,’ One of my pastors said a long time ago, if God said it, I believe it and that settles it! What a privilege to be asked by the Creator to speak on His behalf through the words we put on paper for the enjoyment of others.

    Sure we have to put a little effort into it but it is so satisfying to know that when we do He is pleased with us. So dancing in the fields of grace with you and glorifying our God in the process for all He is and for what He has done and is doing in our lives.

    1. Hi Lesley. What a wonderful story it is - the way He called you and eqipped you to write that story. Bless you my friend for being were willing to be used of Him despite it being a tough journey and a difficult book He called you to write. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit used your words to bless and reach many. I do agree that it's a huge privilege and honour to be called by the Creator of the Universe to write for Him. It's lovely to have you dancing in fields of grace with me. :) May He continue to use your words to build His kingdom and to impact many with His amazing grace.

  6. What a lovely post, Anusha. I've also done a lot of work on my writing craft (e.g. conferences, workshops, intensives, writing magazines and books, critique groups). However, all of that can come to nothing if I don't trust God with my writing and follow his leading. Some of the best ideas in my novel (all of the best ideas?), have been little things I've felt God popped into my heart. I can't wait to see your new book in print. I know it will impact many lives for his kingdom. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks very much dear Nola for your encouraging words. You have been so faithful and prolific in using your gifts to the full. I know God has been glorified over and over again as you have yielded to Him and allowed Him to lead you as you shared your gift of writing and speaking and teaching with the world. Bless you for empowering other writers to do their craft better - as you have empowered me too - many times over. May He continue to use you and your giftings to bless our world and touch many hearts. I know He will. xox

  7. I love your heart, dear Anusha. You're right, there is no formula. Even when we can't speak, the Spirit intercedes. Love your approach to writing as well. xxx

    1. Thanks dear Elaine. You are right that the Spirit does take over - especially when we are too weak or unable to speak or write or even think sometimes. Bless you for your encouragement my friend. Greatly appreciated.

  8. Thanks Anusha, your writing is always sweet,honest,inspiring and refreshing! Looking forward to dancing in the field of grace with you! xx

    1. Thanks dear Di for your words of encouragement. You are very kind. And yep! Looking forward to dancing in those fields of grace with you. Definitely! :) Blessings on you and yours.

  9. Wonderful post about grace, and I love it, Anusha. We are studying Romans in our bible study, and grace abounds throughout! So your topic is very timely for me. Yes, I agree we live by His sweet grace and write by it too. Our unique callings are for His glory, not ours, and that knowledge frees us. God’s richest blessings as you prepare your next book! I know it will be a huge blessing. 🌸❤️

    1. So glad you liked it beautiful Karen. Romans is a wonderful book isn't it and yes, grace abounds throughout. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Every blessing right back to you and may you and I continue to write and speak and do all we do for His glory. Much blessing. xox

  10. Hi Anusha, thank you for that honest and touching post. I like the way you express that. The best formula is not to stick closely to any formula, and God's grace does abound.

    1. Thanks dear Paula. So glad you liked it and yes, praise God for His grace which always abounds. Blessings. xox
