
Monday 10 October 2016

A Sunday School Song I love.....
(or a bit of encouragement from the Bible)
Dianne Riley

The best book to read is the Bible
The best book to read is the Bible
If you read it everyday
It will help you on your way
Oh, the best book to read is the Bible

I wonder if you know that little Sunday School song? Such an old fashioned song, but so true.

For some the Bible is the hardest book to pick up and read. 
I’ve always enjoyed reading the Bible and journaling. Over the years I have filled many fancy and ordinary books with my thoughts, ramblings, special verses and prayer lists.

Although I have to admit, as a teenager, going into my room and shutting the door to read was mostly an escape from my father’s smoking!
Reading is certainly an escape for so many. 
How thankful authors are for this!

As we know the Bible is a wonderful handbook for life. So many authors, so many different stories, topics, inspirations and real ‘page turners’. 
How about Haman, in the book of Esther? A really bad guy, plotting the downfall of Esther’s Uncle Mordecai, I love how the tables are turned! Who would have guessed?

What a wonderful opportunity as Christian writers to bring the flavour of love, victory and hope into what we write.

Whilst meandering through the Psalms once more, I came upon some real encouragement in chapter 37.
King David encourages his readers not to fret because of evildoers (v:1). There is also a reminder for us to trust in the Lord and to ‘do good’. To ‘feed on His faithfulness’ (v:3).

The world is full of despair. Fear, as terrorism seems to be everywhere in the media, showing atrocious acts of violence. God has given us the gift of wonderful imaginations to bring some goodness into the minds of those who have come to ‘our’ writing to escape.
May we ‘do good’ and lead others to the feast awaiting us in the ultimate escape – heaven.

I can be found in the Southern Highlands of NSW, recently relocating there to escape to the country with my husband. Having unpacked (well mostly) I am ready to sit at my desk find inspiration from God, the amazing view and write!


  1. Hi Dianne. Thanks for a timely, beautiful reminder. Perhaps God is nudging me through your post. I LOVE the Word and its truths never fail to nourish me and strengthen me in my walk with God. I do spend time reading and studying it for several hours each morning - my favourite part of the day. However, I also try to read a few chapters each night before I go to sleep - am reading the Bible from cover to cover (for the first time, believe it or not!) - and that has been very exciting and has opened my heart to God's amazing story in a fresh way. In the last few nights though, I've been tired and have turned to reading my other night time books instead of the Bible, so your words spoke to me. It's time I got back to the Bible's narrative! And I shall.

    How exciting that you've moved to the Southern Highlands. Sounds a perfect spot to write. Enjoy your new surroundings Dianne and may you continue to be inspired!

    1. Thank you Anusha - good on you for reading your Bible cover to cover! I love so many of those Old Testament stories, as a Scripture teacher for many years I have had the joy of teaching some of the stories over and over...but always they speak to me in a fresh way.
      Yes I am expecting big things from myself writerly-wise now!

  2. Thanks Diane for those wise words. My husband and I have made it a habit to read together every morning. Our quietest time is after the breakfast dishes are done and we can sit, read and pray. It always prepares us for the day ahead. It wasn't always so, but now we are able to do this. Together with its challenges and tons of encouragement, the Bible speaks to our deepest needs. And as King David said, 'Thy words have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.'

    1. Rita what a joy to read and pray with George each day. You are both certainly a wonderful example to many.
      Paul and I make sure we pray together each night before we go to sleep....think we have only missed a few over 33 years (apart from when he has been away for work).
      I do love the way God speaks to our hearts through His word, the best book to read!

  3. Great post, thanks Diane. A timely reminder not to neglect the Word - God's story to us.

    1. God's story to us - I love how you put that Jenny!

  4. Hi Di,
    That was a lovely post. What I love is that we can always find something fresh within the pages, for different stages of our lives, no matter how familiar we feel with the contents.

    1. Thank you Paula. How amazing it is to find a fresh 'ah-ha' moment with a familiar passage...God is good!
