
Monday 22 August 2016

Searching for Treasure

I dig around – it must be in here somewhere. I’m sure it’s here…

I keep searching – going deeper – getting to the bottom and finding fluff and broken bits and things that haven’t seen the light of day for a while.

I strain my eyes – sometimes when looking for something, my eyes pass right over it. I’m sure you’ve done the same. So I look at each item and name it, just so I can’t miss what I’m looking for.

There’s a lot of stuff in here: treasures, junk, forgotten things, insights, incomplete thoughts, words from other people, words that belong to other people, half-started piece of writing…

Surely amidst all the experiences of my life, I can find something to write about. I have friends for whom there simply are not enough hours in the day to get it all on paper. But I rarely write like that. I have to discipline myself to stop and listen; to chew over experiences and insights; and to listen to what God is asking me to put on paper. It’s all too easy not to be a writer! I even struggle with calling myself a writer – more than 20 short pieces and a booklet in print and I hesitate with the epithet ‘author’. An author? Are you sure? I don’t write much really. In fact not at all sometimes.

And I realize, I’m letting my thoughts undermine my ‘work’ as a writer. And that leaves me wide open to the enemy undermining who I am and who I can become: ‘A testimony? You? With your safe little life? Ha, ha, you’re so ordinary.’
I’ve started two new jobs recently – it’s pretty busy. There’s not a lot of time to write, (or market my booklet!), and I’ve been wondering how to go about meeting my writing commitments. However, my new jobs provide me with plenty of driving time, mostly alone, and I try to discipline my mind to prayer and meditating on Bible verses.

I think over books I read last year – books that talk about who we are and who we can become with the power of God in our lives. Our application of faith to our lives is often so small – we see our lives empowered within the context of who we are and what we do with each day. Our Heavenly Father sees our lives empowered by His Spirit within the context of the world with all the resources of Heaven at our disposal.

So I refute the arguments that try to destroy my identity and my inheritance.
I have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling in me
I have all the resources of Heaven at my disposal and for the glory of God
I am being changed into the perfect image of Christ
I have a strong testimony about the work of God in me and in my life
And there is a whole world out there needing to hear about the saving grace, goodness and love of God through the written word

I am…a writer.


  1. Loved your post Pamela. I can identify with that search for treasure. I usually have an abundance of writing ideas (too many to use) but there have been many occasions when in spite of it, the words simpy would not come. I have to pray a lot then, leaning heavily on the Holy Spirit and God reminds me that in order to bring up those treasures, I do need Him to guide me. Loved the way you began and loved the way you ended. Yes, you are a writer. And what an awesome calling. Many blessings to you on your writing journey. Hope you sell lots of books.

    1. Hi Anusha. Thank you! Writing has been something unexpected for me- I never imagined it would become so important! And leaning on the Holy Spirit is the only way I can organise my thoughts in limited time frames. I drive a lot now so plenty of time to enjoy the Lord's presence. Looking forward to seeing your book out too.

    2. And thank you for the photos- you are my techno- assistant!

    3. My pleasure, Pamela. :) Glad you liked the pictures. xox

  2. Great affirmation Pamela - Yes, you are a writer through God's grace and power. I love the 'thinking time' driving (especially non-city driving) can provide. A great silver lining to the extra time it takes.

    1. I like the silver lining idea! Lots of people have told me I'm mad doing all this travel but I find God makes everything an opportunity to grow closer to Him. So special.

  3. Well said, Pamela :). The enemy does war against our identity in so many ways and he's especially threatened by writers and other creatives. He is well aware of the power of words. Thanks for reminding me that I am a writer too :D

    1. You most certainly are, Sue! So looking forward to seeing you again and reading your work. You are right when you say the enemy attacks creativity- we are vulnerable in this area - kind of like it is at the core of our being.

  4. Oh, you're definitely a writer Pamela. Let no-one tell you any different. You are what God made and gifted you to be.

    1. Thanks Lesley. I'm learning all the time about my identity in Christ. It's an amazing thing to discover how God works in our lives. Bless you

  5. Oh, I love the strength that is so evident in those last few statements in your post in particular, Pam! You do indeed have things to say that the world needs to hear.

    And yes, you are a writer! I well remember my own struggle to call myself that, but now I say it with ease--so keep practising it, Pam!

  6. I love your writing Pamela!Thank for sharing....I remember Gilbert Blythe told Anne of Green Gables to write about things she knew instead of her fanciful romances - I think it is good advice. My writing certainly flows from the things I know about and am passionate about!
    I am looking forward to reading more from you xx
