
Thursday 17 March 2016

Fish and Bread and the Writer's Life

I was looking at a flyer that had been shoved inside our letterbox—it was for “Angela’s Pizzas”, which I am told, taste scrumptious. My son looked at me.

“Did you see that?”
“See what?”
“They’re Christians.”
“Why do you say that?”
He smiled. ‘Look!” he said.

I looked. I saw. Their logo was the word 'Jesus', cleverly camouflaged. Wow! How had I missed it? It was thrilling to discover a Christian Pizza Business. Even better that they let their Christian presence be known. I thought it was subtle but bold. Refreshing. What has Jesus to do with pizzas? Can we put food and Jesus together? Why not? He often ate with people, didn't He? It brought to mind a well known story.

I've been studying John’s gospel this year with my church family, as we focus on the word GRACE. When I read the story of the feeding of the 5000, I pondered on the little boy who was willing to give up his lunch to feed the masses. Wasn’t he a generous little lad? But you know, no matter how altruistic, he could never have fed all those present. Five loaves and two fishes might have fed two or three people. There was no way they would feed 5000. Unless of course a miracle took place! I think that story is like a multi later cake (with gooey delicious icing) which must sliced and eaten slowly, in order to be appreciated.

It’s not what I can do that will bless others. It’s what God does with it.
It’s not just sharing the little I have. It’s offering it to Jesus every day.

Has God called me to write? I believe He has.
Can He use what I write? Of course.
But how was the bread and fish multiplied? Through prayer and thanksgiving.
Ah! Prayer and thanksgiving. The fuel of our Christian journey.

What are the 'fish' I can offer Him in my writing life, I wonder?
1. My walk with God?
2. My hopes and dreams?

And what are the 5 little barley loaves I can give Jesus?

1. My time
2. My experiences
3. My unique giftings
4. My mind, my hands, my feet, and indeed, all of me
5. My desire to share God’s love with His world

If they are all blessed by Jesus, who knows what will happen?
So here’s my challenge today:

1. Be like the little boy —share with others; my gifts are given for the greater good
2. Be like Andrew—discover what God’s providing me with today
3. Be like the disciples—do exactly as He asks.
4. Be like Jesus—Compassionate, thankful, surrendered, prayerful.

And don't forget ... expect a miracle!

Let nothing be wasted, said Jesus.12 baskets full of food were left over. A blessed reminder of the abundance of God’s kingdom. What did the disciples do with them, I wonder. Feed the hungry? Have it for their own dinner? Take it home to their families?

What do those 12 baskets signify in my writing life?
What could be the overflow of my writing?
1. My own life being transformed as I write
2. Readers discovering God’s love for themselves
3. Readers' lives changed by the Holy Spirit
4. Readers blessed and built up
5. God being glorified.

Father God. Thank you for calling us to be Christian writers. This morning, we offer our all to you. Our hearts, our minds, our giftings, our dreams, our desires. Thank you for blessing us richly through them. Please multiply our efforts and use our writing to reach, teach, bless, inspire, edify and build your kingdom. May all that we do, resound to your glory. In the mighty and precious name of our Creator God, Jesus, the Word. Amen.

What are the unique God moments in your own writing journey? Times when you remembered to follow His lead and when blessings followed? Or moments when you, like that little boy, offered all you had to Jesus only to be surprised and thrilled that God had multiplied it? Instances when like Andrew, you were humble enough to lift others up or bold enough to bring them to Jesus? Times when like the disciples, you didn’t comprehend what was about to happen, but obeyed implicitly and witnessed a miracle?

I’d love to hear your God stories.

Anusha’s been on many interesting detours in life, as a lab technician, a computer programmer, a full time Mum, a full time volunteer, a charity director, a full time job chaser, until one golden day (or was it a dark moonless night?) God tapped her on her shoulder and called her to write for Him. She has never recovered from the joy it brought her. She loves to see others enjoying life with God and does her mite to help the process along through her writing and her life. The goodness of God is her theme song each season, as she dances in the rain with Jesus. Please stop by at her website to say G’day. She’d love to see you there. Dancing in the Rain


  1. Fantastic post Anusha - I love the lessons your draw from the story of the 5000. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Jenny. Love the Word and all it has to teach us. Was pleased to discover some truths for the writer's life in that story! :)

  2. As always a very important message written just for me. I have been struggling with many questions that you have given me answers to think about.

    1. Thank you Helen. I'm delighted it resonated with you. I sought God and it seemed this was what He asked me to write about. Perhaps He had you in mind. I am very glad I obeyed. And I wish you well with all you are mulling over, Helen. Bless you.

  3. As always a very important message written just for me. I have been struggling with many questions that you have given me answers to think about.

  4. Thank you for continuing to do your 'special thing'. Always a blessing and an inspiration. You continue to inspire me to put pen to page (or at least tap the keys). You'll be the first to read what God is stirring in me lovely.

    1. Hey Debbie,
      Lovely chatting to you this morning and thank you for reading and responding to my blog. I relish getting feedback so thank you. Looking forward to reading your outpourings one day. I know it will be awesome. May He continue to do mighty things in and through you and in those you love dear friend. Bless you. :)
