
Thursday 20 August 2015


I found a new word today. Metathesiophobia. Even my spell-checker doesn’t recognise it, so if you do, I’m impressed. What does it mean? “Fear of Change”

Not just a normal fear of change, but one that is irrational and excessive and prevents a person living a quality life. To some extent, we all have a fear of change. I believe it comes from a fear of feeling out of control.

Am I allowed to make up a new word? In good faith that none of you have metathesiophobia I will take a leap and do it. Here it is:

Editophobia: “Fear of external input into your manuscript or current writing project”.

This refers to the people who fear changing their manuscripts; who fear critique and loss of control. And the consequences are that it prevents the person publishing a full, quality, life-giving manuscript in God’s control and not their own.

I’ve had editophobia, and none of my books were published until God took them from my hands, placed them in the hands of a very good editor and brought more than my own filtered mind and experience to the manuscript.

Now another word for you: Intensivesophobia. Yes, I just made it up in the hope that you might discover you have it, decide to fight it, and put your name down for the Intensives at the Christian Writers’ Conference in October this year.

I attended an ‘Intensive’ day with an author/editor a few years back. I arrived on the day with an expectant but cautious heart to be sat in a room with two other writers and my tutor. I was handed a flash drive to put into my laptop, which had changes to the manuscript I had forwarded to my tutor 6 weeks earlier. By the end of the day I had made very special new friends, I had learned to use track changes on my computer (I previously had technophobia), I had learned many new skills and knew how to make my manuscript publishable. Eager and inspired by my tutor, who had been coaching me through editing the whole day, I went home and cut, pasted and changed without fear until my manuscript was ready. Blaze in the Storm is now published and God has used it to change lives.

Why? Because He put it on my heart that it was okay to CHANGE it. It was okay to have someone else come alongside and edit. In fact it was NECESSARY!

If you are thinking about the Intensives on the Friday of the Christian Writers’ Conference this year I cannot encourage you enough to actually register and do it. To register, go to:

If you are unable to attend on the Friday, there are also opportunities for 30 minute appointments with an editor during the actual conference. Appointment request forms are available on the Costing page of our website.

Let us not fear change and loss of control, but rather, fear our own limited knowledge and inability to change, which hinders the work of God in our lives, making Him unable to use us for His glory. Our God is all about change, renewal, rebirth and growth.


Jenny is the wife of Rob Glazebrook and the mother of Micah, Merridy, Clarity and Amelia. They live in the country town of Gundagai with lots of pets. Jenny is the author of 5 published novels with the final 2 of her Aussie Sky Series due out this year. Jenny enjoys inspirational speaking, and is passionate about sharing her writing knowledge and experience and encouraging others in their walk with Jesus. To find out more about her and her books, go to


  1. Thanks for a thoughtful post Jenny. I think my son has a mild dose of Metathesiophobia - he doesn't like going to new places or doing new things. I 100% agree with you about needing to allow others to see and edit our work. The intensives sound awesome. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make them but can see that they will be valuable.

    1. Glad you'll be at the conference though, Jeanette. I look forward to catching up with you again this year.

  2. Had to chuckle Jenny. Maybe we all have fought that battle in releasing our work to someone else in the beginning. What? Improve on what I've spent months slaving over? And then we get a big dose of reality.
    All the best for your part in the upcoming camp. Would love to go, but after hospital visit, car accident and major dental surgery, finances just won't stretch that far. But like they say 'next year in Jeru.... er, Sydney!'

    1. Meant to add I just ordered a combo of your first two books!

    2. Hope you're okay, Rita. May God continue to protect and preserve you as you continue your valuable ministry! And thank you for ordering the books. I'll try to get them in the mail this afternoon.

  3. I hope you're not scared of me anymore, Jenny! ;-)

    1. No Lynne, I actually look forward to getting my manuscripts back from you : ) It's very satisfying to be able to read your comments and know your suggestions will make the book so much better.

  4. Great post Jenny. I think the intensives are a fabulous idea. The only reason I haven't signed up is that I'm enrolled in an online Year of the Edit course that starts this Monday and goes ... well ... for a whole year. It's tutor led and interactive, with inbuilt critique sessions. But if there's anyone out there who hasn't done this type of thing before, I'd just encourage you to do it. There are fabulous non-scary tutors for the intensives and I'm sure they'll impart a wealth of knowledge. Even the world's bestselling authors go through revision and editing cycles with each new book, so its's all a learning curve. Thanks for sharing Jenny :)

    1. Your edit course sounds amazing. And yes, it is so much better to be able to work with someone else on our project to get their input.

  5. Enjoyed this, thanks Jenny. I'll be sorting and packing and looking to buy a house in that time frame so have said 'no' to nearly everything for several months. But I'll be hoping to be there 2016.

    1. Hope you can get there 2016 too, Jeanette. I do understand the need to use our time wisely and say 'no' to the things the Lord isn't directing us to at this time.

  6. Great post Jenny. And a needed one I think. We all need to let go and let God deal with our manuscripts at the hands of able editors. Yes! :) You've described it all so beautifully. And well done on your latest book. Great going.

    1. Thanks Anusha. I am still thoroughly enjoying your book, 'Enjoying the Journey'. I've been reading a chapter from it each night before I go to sleep and meditating on His love and goodness. A nice way to drift off to sleep!
