
Thursday 9 October 2014


What will He write in the way of recording my life and yours?

My first chapter began at birth and followed my growing up years until I reached school age. Then followed fairly uneventful teens filled with longings I didn't fully understand.
Then I grew up only to discover the chapter of romance and love and being cherished in return. I also learned about conflict and resolution. A few years later I became a mother and found another love in my life. Then the chapters fly by and I believe there are more to be written, but I still wonder about the culmination of all that's been written in my final chapter.

His Word, the Holy Bible, was written by His scribes. Even so He is the Author. No one can add or take away from this precious book. It stands for all time unedited.

He is my wise all-knowing Heavenly Father. He is also the lover of my soul who is always there to listen to me...ME! The wonder of this never ceases to amaze me.

He allows things to happen I would never choose for myself. But when I look back I can see the purpose. Sometimes a case of correcting, sometimes a time of learning. Often the special training for patience because He knows I hate waiting. Yet everything, yes, everything is for my good. And only a loving father does that.

My name is already written in His BOOK of LIFE, but there are still many chapters to be written and I cannot read between the lines. And being human with a free will, I can make a host of mistakes. That is why He took the trouble to give us HIS STORY which is even more than mere history. We are privileged to read the Manufacturer's Directions every day... if we choose. And so many genres! Poetry, history, love songs, praise songs, prophecies, guidelines and more ... it's all there.

What will my next chapter be? I can plan a rough outline of my life, but desire His will not mine. He knows best as I've proved so many times in my life. And He wants the best for me ... and you. To think He loves us so much He gave His only Son, Jesus as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for all those sins of ours!

Oh yes, my Lord is a God of variety creating us to fulfil His purposes. And best of all, following Him is NEVER DULL. Our lives can be real page turners when He is in control.

What will be the next chapter in your life? 

*  Rita Stella Galieh is a scriptwriter and co-speaker on Vantage Point,   a 5 minute program broadcast throughout Australia. She is now with the
Living Word Literary Agency and at a "waiting state" for a publisher to accept her manuscript. As a contributor to several US Anthologies by
Adams Media, she has two Historical Romances published by Ark House Press. Each year she and her husband minister in Buddhist Government schools, prisons, hospitals, shopping malls, and churches in Thailand.  
Follow me on Twitter  @RSGalieh


  1. Thanks for sharing that Rita. It's a lovely perspective to think about how God is writing the chapters of our lives. Sometimes there's a plot twist and we think our story isn't going the way it should, but He is the author and knows what's best. His ending will be perfect and one day we'll be able to see how all the strands of our story fit together for good. Thanks for sharing.

    1. What I love best about reading His Word is the way He speaks to me. And usually just what I need for that day. So true Nola, those plot twists may knock us at first until we realise He already knows and has the remedy.

  2. Thanks, Rita. Like you, I am still constantly surprised at the twists and turns that come my way in life. Just yesterday, I found myself agreeing to take a one-hour creative writing workshop for four different levels of high school students--one after the other! I'm so thankful God is always there for us and that we can delve into the depths of his Word each day.

    1. I guess you're praying the Lord will give you the needed strength to cope with that load, Jo. But what a great opportunity.

  3. Yes, God is the author of our lives - though we choose the paths we take, He knows all the chapters of our lives and work together all things for good those that follow him.

    1. Thanks Jeanette, I love that scripture. When things puzzle us at times it's great to know He has it all in hand.

  4. Hi Rita,
    Yes, it's a beautiful thought that, even now, He is busy writing current chapters for all of us. Not only is He a master writer, but He can work on billions of stories all at once, simultaneously.

    1. Amazing isn't it, Paula? Not only is He working in all our lives, but answering all those billions of prayers. Our God is a wonderful God.

  5. Wonderful Rita, trust and focus on our Lord. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I'm so glad we don't have to stumble through life without any real purpose. Just look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

  6. That was lovely Rita.Thank you. I was pondering recently on the verse in Psalm 139 which tells us that every day of our lives is already written in the book of life. So good to know there are no nasty surprises for God - He knows every detail of both our past and our future. I've been suddenly thrown into a new season of life this year - and as I've come through the pain - I've been catapulted into a season of blessing. Thanks for putting that so well into words Rita. :)

    1. Hah, so true nasty surprises with Him in control. Yes you have come through quite a lot this year, so glad those blessings are coming your way!

    2. I meant to add - Take a peep at NOLA PASSMORE'S STORY on my blog:

  7. Lovely post Rita. I've been wondering about that next chapter of my life a bit recently. Thanks
