
Monday 15 September 2014

Thankful Times Ten

With the way things are in our world and all the trouble going on in various places, it is very easy to become despondent. Instead of being despairing and negative, it makes me thankful for the country we live in and the freedom we have in this land. Being an island has its advantages.

The almost constant rain we have experienced recently is another bone of contention for a lot of people at present. I admit rain affects my equilibrium very quickly. So instead of complaining about our world and the rain which was pouring as I typed this, I decided to praise God for a warm dry house that has not let in one drop of water during the onslaught.

The reality is it’s always easy to see the negatives instead of the positives. So I decided to make a list of some positives in my life.

First is having a relationship with the living God and knowing that no matter what happens He is always in charge. Even if I don’t understand what is happening or why, God knows and has a perfect plan.

The second positive is having a husband who shares that faith.  I can’t imagine how hard it must be in a marriage where one is a believer and the other is not. It would be like being pulled in two different directions.

My third thing to be thankful for is a son and a daughter who are following the Lord and serving Him. They married Christians and are now bringing up the next generation to believe in God and follow Him. As I talk to some Christians whose children have walked away from God and His teaching, I realise how blessed we are.

Fourth is living where we live on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales.

Just to go for a walk along the bay is such a blessing. To see that bay at sunrise and know God has given us another day is something to be thankful for. This was the sunrise last Christmas morning. What stunning colours. Like a special Christmas gift from God.   

Living where I am, may mean that I am not living as close to family as I would like,  or that sometimes I can’t travel to get to events or that shopping for certain items is difficult but despite the negatives I wouldn’t swap it.

Fifth is belonging to a church where God’s Word is faithfully preached.

Sixth being involved in that church and being able to serve the Lord as part of the music ministry. Music is such a blessing in life and I don’t only mean church music but lots of different kinds of music. Just as I can’t imagine a church service without music, I can’t imagine a world without music.

Seventh, I’m thankful for eyesight to be able to see the wonders of God’s creation around us, whether that is the scarlet and blue rosellas, the king parrots, the kangaroos that inhabit our area or a flower in the garden or maybe one in a pot indoors.

Eight is the gift of friends who care about us, who spend fun times with and who will pray with and for us.

Ninth is the gift of words- whether we are using them to write a poem, devotional, novel or to share the gospel truth with another person in conversation.

Tenth is books. To be able to read firstly God’s Book and learn more about him. But also to be able to read novels, poetry, biographies, articles.

It would be easy to keep going of things to be thankful for. But this is enough for now. What I would like though is to hear one or two things you are thankful for.
Dale writes fiction, poetry and children’s fiction, and has written bible studies and Sunday school lessons. As well as writing and reading, Dale loves to sing. She is involved in the music ministry at her church. More information about Dale can be found at or on her Write and Read with Dale blog


  1. Thanks for that Dale. It's a great reminder of how much we have to be thankful for. We can also turn negatives into positives. So I'll give another writing one:

    Having your work critiqued is not always fun, especially if the reviewer finds lots of problems BUT we learn so much from that feedback. If we're teachable and apply what we learn, our writing will improve. So I 'm grateful for all of the people who have given me constructive feedback over the years, especially my Quirky Quills friends and my lecturers and tutors at Tabor Adelaide.

    Thanks for starting the week off with such a positive post Dale. Blessings.

    1. Thanks for including that important one of critiquing Nola and turning negatives into positives.

  2. Some wonderful things to be thankful for Dale.

  3. Lovely post, Dale and such a good reminder. Today is a beautiful day here on the south coast. I will really enjoy it and be grateful for it.

    1. We are very blessed living where we do Carol.

  4. Beautiful post, Dale. Spring has sprung in Sydney and I'm thankful for all the flowers that are beginning to bloom.

  5. I think one of the reasons we are predisposed to see the bad is because that's what's on the news every night. The good stuff rarely gets a mention. Reminds me of that meme I saw recently of the newspaper headlines you never see, like '50,000 passengers travel safely on planes!' Why would we talk about that? It's not news, that's why. The good things aren't news, only the bad. Maybe that says more about out positive outlook than we realise.

    1. You've just hit on why I don't watch the news Lynne. I don't need to see all the awful stuff.

    2. Yes, but there's the tension between not watching and not knowing what's going on. I spent many years with no clue and I'm not sure that was a good thing.

    3. I have to agree with you Lynne about not knowing how to keep the right tension about being informed about the world but not getting bogged down by it. Perhaps the answer is that we take the time to cultivate a deep relationship with God - who is of course far far bigger than all the problems and tragedy prevalent in the world today! So we are able to keep our perspective when we hear bad news.

    4. I know enough from hearing the news when I am in the car, which is usually each day. That will do me. Agree with Anusha's answer about how to keep perspective.

  6. The LORD has blessed you. Good list of things to be thankful for, good reminders for everyone.

  7. Great post Dale and thanks for the reminder to be thankful. I have a list about 1000 long. Like to hear it?I am thankful for His amazing love which envelopes me each day. I am thankful for Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit, my Comforter and Counselor and Friend. I am grateful to my Daddy God who cares for me every day.

    I am also thankful for unanswered prayer because it helps me focus on the Giver and not just His gifts. For my husband and son and the life we've built together. For a happy childhood and my wonderful extended family.

    I am thankful for many negative things in my life because they have forced me to a deeper intimacy with God. I am thankful that He's brought us to this beautiful land Down Under because it's a great place to live. I am thankful for the many blessings He showers on me every single day.

    I am thankful for His Word which is my meat and drink my bread and butter. I am thankful for His Presence which changes everything.

    I can go on and on... perhaps I'd better stop now? :)

    Loved your list Dale. Thank you. And bless you.

  8. Thanks Anusha for your list. easy to get carried away once we start isn't it? So much to be thankful for.

  9. Hi Dale,
    Being free to worship God in a beautiful, safe country like Australia, with the support of a loving spouse and family is to be abundantly blessed. Thanks for reminding us of this :)

  10. My pleasure Paula. We have so much to be thankful for in this land.

  11. Thanks Dale....I am trying very hard to be positive about things too, so many times negative thoughts pop into my mind! (What does the apostle Paul say? "For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do"

    What I am thankful for is, the Lord puts a guard at my lips and smooths out the pathway before me each day!

  12. We all have those negative thoughts at times. Love your thing to be thankful for Di. Something a few of us probably need to remember.
