
Monday 22 September 2014

Stylish me...........
Di Riley

I am a conservative sort of girl. 

Fashion styles come and go, but mostly, I stick to what I know suits me.
(Fashion designers would go out of business very quickly if they were relying on me!)

I know many join the throng of hopping into what's 'on trend' with what 'somebody-out-there' declares is fashionable for the season.
Thankfully we are created differently.  
Thankfully there are many styles to suit us all, whether it is in the fashion arena or at the book store.
I read with great interest the recent post by Adele (Intergalactic Avian Mutants on the Prairie) on reading outside your own genre and indeed reading a wider variety of books.

A friend asked me, just before she headed off on an overseas holiday, what I would recommend for her to read to pass the hours away on the plane.  
(Poor girl got half an hour of me talking up our great Aussie authors)

My friend and I have, over the years, enjoyed many of the same authors.  As our conversation went on, we ended up discussing writing styles and why we had 'gone off' one particular author from overseas.

Our discussion (and the CWD post) got me thinking and marveling again at how great God is.

God's creation with the stars in the heavens declaring His glory.

The lavender in my garden and their touch from God's imagination, of such a delightful perfume.  

Even the strange bird who comes back to a nearby tree each Spring and sings at 4 am.
All are fearfully and wonderfully made by God to add to our world's rich textures.
The pinnacle of God's creation - us, we are alike, but oh so different.

The style with which each of us write, gifts given by God to bless others.

Our toil is not in vain regardless of your style or mine.

(I am sure the author my friend and I have left behind, has found a new audience to bless with her different style).

As Christian Writers Downunder the Lord is glorified and many are blessed with the words we write

May we continue to serve the Lord with zeal, and the style we are inspired to write with.

 You can find out more about me and my thoughts 


  1. Hi Di,
    People are often surprised when we mention what a prolific variety of good books Aussie Christian authors have produced. I love being in the position of you with your friend, when people ask straight out. Thanks for this post. It is true indeed :)

    1. You wouldn't believe it Paula, I got another opportunity to share about Aussie Christian authors again today.

  2. Thanks for that Di. It's so true that God has given us such variety in writing styles and genres. It would be so boring if we all wrote the same way. Just think how many different styles there are in the Bible, from poetry to historical to instructional to devotional to prophecy. All were inspired by the Holy Spirit, yet wrote in different styles to different audiences on different themes. I'll think about that next time I'm in Koorong looking for that book on the Intergalactic Avian Mutants on the Prairie :) And of course we're now all wondering which author you've left behind - you can whisper it to me at the conference ;)

    1. too funny Nola.....
      I find the Bible such an amazing book, how God uses passages written so long ago, to such a different audience and yet it touches our hearts and inspires us still today! Power of the Holy Spirit!

  3. Thanks, Dianne, for this reminder. Funny, but I have already scheduled my CWD blog for next week that touches on a similar topic--and I recently wrote two others for other blogs on issues related to our diversity and diverse ways of writing. Maybe God is wanting to remind us all to revel in our differences and not try to be like someone else?

    1. I agree Jo. I think it's a great message :)

    2. I totally agree Jo!

      After I read Adele's post I was thinking perhaps I should write something else for mine, but nothing else was coming to great is our God to inspire us through this blogpost to indeed revel in our differences!

  4. Loved your post Dianne and loved the title. 'Stylish me'! Great! You have something in common with me. I too never followed the current fashion. I tend to buy and wear what suits me and what I like. I'm glad to hear there are others like me.

    Your blog was inspiring. Yes - so many different writers - and so many different genres. It's awesome we can bring glory to our Creator through our uniqueness.

    Bless you for sharing the truth and so beautifully too. Many blessings to you, stylish Di! :)

    1. Thanks Anusha....
      I tossed out a pair of lovely suede t-bar shoes once...because they were out of fashion and I thought I would never wear them again! So sorry I did it....(22 years ago) they would have been perfect over and over again for me....Oh Well good lesson! (although I will have to keep an eye out for becoming a hoarder now) :-)

  5. Thanks for your post Di. God does love diversity. Isn't it wonderful that he has blessed us with a diversity of styles and approaches with authors as well. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hi Jeanette seems like it is a timely reminder for more than just me!

  6. A great post, Di - and I'm so pleased you didn't change it on account of those Intergalactic Avian Mutants on the Prairie. (I'm sure they've been wrangled into submission by now. ;-) ) I think finding a fresh literary voice is one of the things that gets me really excited about reading and writing. There have been times I've discovered a new author who seems to have something unique, but by the time I've read the three or four sequels written to exactly the same formula, it takes some of that 'new -relationship' shine off the reading experience. I love that we've all got our own writing voice and can equally learn so much from the 'individuality' of other authors. We definitely need each other to keep it fresh.

    1. Thanks Adele, I was pleased the Avian Mutants didn't scare me off too!
      The past few days have seen me laying about in my pyj's with a flu-ish bug....plenty of time for reading! I pulled a couple of favourites off the bookshelf and enjoyed the stories all over again. My kindle signed me up for a new novel to enjoy also. We are so fortunate to have 'good reads' in so many formats too!

  7. Lovely post Di. I can only agree with all the previous comments!

  8. This is such a beautiful post; how awesome and wonderfully made we are, each of us created in God's image.

    1. Thank you Susanne
      It is great to think about just that isn't it.....stylish awesome and wonderfully made (I say this with the greatest humility)

  9. I've never been a fashion slave either, Di. They'd go out of business if they waited for me too. Loved your post and also that magnificent sunset scene.

    1. Kindred spirit Dale!
      Fantastic photo of the sunset taken by my husband...I take credit for the lavender photo ;-)
