
Monday 30 June 2014

Hearing God's Voice

by Karina Hudson

Hello! This is my first blog entry for Christian Writer’s Downunder and I hope that those who take a few minutes from their day to read it, will be glad they did.

It’s quite daunting to write something for an audience of writers. A similar feeling emerges when I sing in front of other singers; actually, no, it’s more like when I sang in front of a group of highly trained speech therapists! Thoughts that went through my head included things like “Are they analyzing my larynx for any signs of stress or strain? Is my vocal tract worthy of the title of voice teacher?”

Anyway… after a lot of thought over the content of this blog, I decided on this one ….. HEARING GOD’S VOICE - the how and when of God’s call on our lives.

I’ve known the Lord personally since I was 8 years old. I’m a month away from turning 42. During this time, I’ve come to know through experience that God chooses to speak to me in 4 ways:
1. His Word  2. Prayer/Meditation  3. People  4. Circumstances. I also believe that God can speak through our dreams and through His creation although the former 4 ways will be my focus today.

God’s word doesn’t give me specific instructions on matters of guidance like “Karina, write books for Christian Blended Families” or “Resign from your permanent part-time teaching position”. Wouldn’t that make life easier?  However, God will give me scriptures like “God comforts us in all our troubles so we can use that same comfort to comfort others (2 Cor.1:1-3) or “God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him” (Rom. 8:28) to quicken my spirit as to what HIS Spirit is doing and then invites me to get on board with His plans.

I’ve found that the study and meditation of God’s word through daily devotional time coupled with time of prayer and then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, applying His word in my life is the best way by which to live and fulfill His purposes for my life. I certainly haven’t always gotten it right, but would like to hope that the older I’m getting, the wiser I’m becoming to be more in tune with God’s call to answer His promptings without delay.

I try not to play a Russian Roulette of sorts with the Bible anymore, by offering up a popcorn (quick) prayer and then opening the Bible randomly to either expect or hope to hear His voice. Rather, I will take time just to be in His Presence, thinking of Him, waiting for Him and then open the Word. Sometimes an answer will be immediate; other times, I will need to wait and allow Him to show me His will through scripture on another occasion or through people and /or circumstances.

I don’t allow just any person to speak into my life. I have a small number of trustworthy and godly people in my world who I will ask for prayer, wisdom or advice - all of whose advice will line up with God’s word. If God is wanting to reveal His will for me at any time, He will not do so only through His Word, my prayer life and godly people but also through circumstances. This way can become quite exciting; as you seek to see God at work in the everyday, orchestrating seemingly ordinary events to help accomplish His purposes that He delights for us to partner with Him in.

A number of years ago, I believed I heard God’s voice calling me to write books targeted specifically for Christian Blended families and although I tarried in answering His call at first, God, in His everlasting love, grace and patience has continued to grow my faith and reassure me that I DID hear His voice in this direction by saying “My sheep hear my voice” (Jn. 10:3). He used scripture, my times of prayer, people and circumstances to confirm to me what He was calling me to accomplish by His strength and through His grace.

August 12, 2014 will mark the day my first book MY TWO HOUSES will be released to both the United States and Australian marketplaces. I also believe it will be a day of great rejoicing in heaven as another of God’s children has heard God’s voice and been obedient in acting on His calling.

Be assured that God can take our ordinary circumstances and with the creativity and imagination He instills into His children who are writers, can use US as tools to help others hear God’s voice as well. That IS exciting!

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecc. 9:10).

Like the eloquent C. Spurgeon has written, “Some people are foolish to think that the only way they can live for God is by becoming a minister or missionary…. Beloved, it is not the work, it is the earnestness with which it is performed”. And I would add “after hearing God’s voice and courageously answering His call.”

Find Karina on her
or her Facebook pageKarina Hudson- Author/writer


  1. Thanks Karina. its a difficult and mystical subject you talk about here. I wish I used these ideas many years ago when my zeal sometimes got in the way of wisdom. Also congratulations on your book being published.. I really hope it flourishes. I have found that Australia is especially difficult to be "Christian" in your writing and to be accepted. libraries and related anything Government (schools, council) tend to reject Christian ideas (this has been my experience anyway).. so persevere and don't give up.

  2. Thanks for sharing your journey with us Karina. So encouraging to hear that your obedience to God's voice led to the publication of your book. The topic of your book is important for so many families. It's great to see a Christian perspective on that. I hope it's the start of many more wonderful adventures in God for you.

  3. Hi Karina and welcome to CWD. Good job with your first post and for tackling a challenging, sometimes controversial, subject.

    Congratulations on pursuing the dream that the Lord birthed in you and for being published. A fabulous achievement.

    I'd love to read in a future post how you plan to tackle the US market with the release of your book. All the very best with your launch. Keep pressing into the Lord and following the Spirit-led nudges.

  4. Hi Karina. Thanks for your post. Congratulations on your upcoming release of TWO HOUSES. Hearing God's voice and soaking up his Word are two great things to be reminded of and important in our writing journeys.

  5. Hi Karina,
    Welcome aboard and lovely to meet you. I'm sure you'll find we're such a varied bunch of writers posting on this blog, there is always something of interest. Thanks for these interesting thoughts on guidance, and congratulations on your new release.

  6. A lovely and uplifting post, Katrina. I read your site and feel your book (so timely) will surely be blessed.

    A big cyber hug to welcome you.

  7. Sorry I misspelled your name. KARINA it is!

  8. Great post Karina and a warm welcome to our CWD Blog. It's wonderful to hear of your journey of obedience to God's call. I know He will continue to lead you and guide you in your writing and make your books a great blessing to many blended families. How exciting for you that your book launch is a couple of months away. I can well understand the excitement. Bless you for your faithfulness and may He continue to do wonderful things in and through you. xox

  9. Hi Karina, thank you for sharing your joys, experiences and wisdom with the rest of us. It is so encouraging to see that God is busy at work in the lives of his children. All the best with the book releases. I was especially blessed by your Spurgeon quote.

  10. Thank you to all of you who have written me a comment of response. I appreciate your thoughts and encouragement. I look forward to writing on the CWD blog some time in the future and give you an update on how things are progressing with my first book. If you head to my FB page and 'Like' it, not only would I be very grateful but then you can see more regularly how MY TWO HOUSES IS doing and activity that is created from it. I look forward with great anticipation my first book order that will arrive on my front doorstep this Thursday!

  11. Thank you, Karina, for your thoughtful input on hearing God's voice--really important. And congratulations on the imminent release of your first book too, which looks excellent. God bless!

  12. Lovely post Karina and huge congrats on your book.

  13. Welcome to the blog Karina. Sounds like you have a wise approach to listening for God's voice.
    Congratulations on the publication of your book!
