
Monday 26 May 2014

Not Seeing Clearly

Can you see anything else in this sunrise picture other than water and sunlight?

Did I when I took the photo? It was taken a while ago so I can’t remember. But a friend who had been looking at the photos pointed out to me the cross that is formed by the sunlight on the water. ‘It would be a good cover for a book,’ she said.

 I agreed and though it would have been a perfect cover for the devotional/ bible commentary manuscript I wrote tentatively titled A Day at a Time. Sadly the publisher I sent it to has elected to change direction and is no longer taking devotional manuscripts.

‘Okay,’ so you might say ‘send it elsewhere.’

Sounds good in theory but to date it hasn’t happened.  Why? Is it a case of too many other health issues happening with husband and family? Or am I just over the whole writing and trying to get published business? Only time will tell. But at the moment writing and submitting has come to a stop.

Meanwhile I am just thinking how easy it is to over look what is obvious to others.  When I look around us at the beauty of this place God has brought us to I am amazed that people can look at it and not see the hand of the Creator behind it.
To believe all this beauty just happened by accident takes more of a leap that it does to believe in a loving Creator who made it all.

I’ve also been thinking recently about the wonders of modern science and medicine. Since he seemed to feel his eyesight was getting worse, my husband went to the optometrist. Not only did he need a new glasses, the optometrist picked up that he had a hole in his macula. After being sent to a specialist and then an eye surgeon, they both agreed it was likely that it could be repaired successfully. Pretty amazing eh? This is an operation that has only been able to be done in the last twenty years. Again I thought how can people not see that  mighty Creator is behind the way people are able to come up with such creative ideas of mending what was years ago a major problem. 

The operation went ahead. My husband came home the next day and is now in the recovery period.  It appears the op has gone well, though he is not allowed to drive yet. His eye still feels as though he is ’looking through a bubble,’ he said. Sadly, that’s the way some people look at life, through a bubble, only a bubble of scepticism and unbelief. Though the evidence is right there in front of their eyes they refuse to believe in a God who created people in His own image and gave them the abilities to be able to think and reason and create. Is it any wonder people have been able to do the amazing things they do in medicine and science as well as other creative areas like art and literature and so forth?

Before I become too critical of others for what they don’t see, it made me wonder what I don’t see. Maybe God is trying to tell me something about writing at the moment? Maybe he wants me to give up? Or it could be he wants me to change direction? Or simply to persist? I don’t know the answer.  To date I am just not seeing it.  Or not seeing clearly. Only asking God to make His Will clear and then keeping alert for His answer is the way to whether I will get back into writing or not. And if I do, exactly what should I be writing? Maybe it’s a case of having to wait for His answer on that one too?

Have you ever had occasion where you were tempted to give up or have not seen clearly what to do and had to wait for God’s answer? We’d love to hear about it.
Dale writes fiction, poetry and children’s fiction, and has written bible studies and Sunday school lessons. More information about Dale can be found at or on her Write and Read with Dale blog


  1. Thanks for those insights Dale. You're so right about how we often don't see clearly when the evidence is right in front of us. I go cycling most mornings along a farm route where there are almost always kangaroos and wallabies. However, unless they're actually standing by the side of the road, you have to turn your eyes to see them. Sometimes I have to scan the countryside because they're very good at standing still next to gum trees so they're hard to see. Lots of lycra-clad cyclists hurtle past me each morning and I can't help wonder if they ever even see the wallabies. In my own life, I know there have been many times when I haven't seen what God was doing in my life, but with the value of hindsight, you can see He was working all along. I pray your husband will make a complete and speedy recovery from his eye operation and that God will give you direction for this new phase of your life. Maybe He has a new story He wants you to write. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Nola. He drove a short way for the first time today.I think we're all guilty of not seeing what God is doing at times. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  2. What stunning photos, Dale. That cross in the sunset is awesome. I do hope your husband continues to recover well from his eye operation. As for the point you make, I agree it's interesting when we suddenly see clearly things which could have been evident for years. I hear you loud and clear about your situation. For the first time in 15 years, I haven't got a clear idea for a new novel wanting to come out, but I do have other ideas. And the writing climate seems to be changing all the time. Yes, let's pray for God's direction.

    1. Thanks Paula. Photos turned out well considering it is only the camera on my little phone. Dh is getting better day by day. Yes, prayer is definitely needed for direction..

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hi Paula - I just noticed that the same comment appeared twice so I deleted one of them :)

    2. Thanks Nola,
      That's a crazy thing that seems to happen with my google account sometimes.

  4. Thanks, Dale, for your beautiful photos and also your honest comments about truly seeing things with God's eyes--both the world around us and also what is happening in our lives, particularly with our writing. I hope your husband's sight continues to improve and also that you will soon see the way ahead with your writing as well. I love the way you wait for God's leading with your writing--I think that is the key thing that has kept me going--with both my writing and speaking. God bless and guide.

    1. Thanks Jo-Anne. Interestingly I would have to say waiting is not my strong point but perhaps I am learning a little.

  5. Those photos are a treat. Here we are doing this and that; missing things we ought to see, imagining and worrying about things that can't be seen - often because they aren't even there ... but through it all we learn that day by day, God has a plan, and he hasn't given up on us at all. He's still writing our stories. Thanks for reminding me of that.

    1. You're welcome, Cathie. Glad you enjoyed it. We all need reminding at times.

  6. I reckon most writers have or will have that in between time, Dale. It's good to know the Lord has us in His hand and when the right time comes you'll be refreshed and into it again. And yes, beautiful photos.These special sunset / sunrise scenes come and go and like the tides and ebb and flow of our lives. "There's a time for everything under the sun."(Eccl.)

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words Rita.

  7. A lovely post Dale. So glad your husband's operation went all right. I loved all your pictures. I am in the similar place to you right now where all my plans for the year suddenly went flying out of the window - after I suddenly lost the job I loved and was passionate about. So am waiting on the Lord taking one step at a time. My writing has taken a battering due to all I went through so I too am seeking His leading. May He lead us both. :)

    1. Thanks. Maybe we can pray for each other then Anusha?

    2. Sorry to hear about your losing your job Anusha. Praying that God will lead you to the next step. I am sure he has something wonderful for you.

  8. That's beautiful Dale.. And so true.. I definitely sometimes don't see the forest for the trees. And yes I was wondering if my Faith for my story was just narrow minded thinking... but my heart just couldn't see the other way.. I believed... but I learnt too... to trust.. to appreciate the grow.. And leave the building of the kingdom in the hands of the King.

    1. Thanks Brian for sharing part of your journey and your wisdom.

  9. I read your post yesterday, Dale. on my phone but can't reply from there. I love the photos which capture the amazing world God decorates everyday for us.
    The writing journey can be discouraging, but in this electronic age we can publish little pieces of writing all the time in blogs etc. Maybe we need to be happy to reach a small pond until God opens floodgates into bigger ones. Just an idea. May God bless your writing and your family. Thanks for great insights.

  10. By the way.. it took me 5 years to finally get a publisher for my book only released 3 months ago. That's 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 years of looking. It isn't an easy road.. That's for sure.

    1. At least you got one in the end Brian.

    2. Well done Brian. Your persistence really paid off.

  11. Yes.. especially as I now get to meet some really amazing and wonderful beautiful people who actually really do know how to write.. Have a passion for writing and are NEEDED.. expecially when you consider that the majority of students probably don't even know what Sunday School is.. we need to have awesome Christian writers excelling in their craft to shine in the schools of Australia.

  12. Hi Dale. I love your photos - especially the first one of the cross. So true that people look without seeing. The world is an amazing testimony to God's greatness. Praying that God will lead you where he wants you to go along the writing journey and the journey of your life.

  13. Thanks Jeanette for your words and prayers.
