
Friday 14 March 2014

Sight But No Vision... by Gregory R. Morris

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. ~ Proverbs 29:18 (NIV)

At first glance…you may not readily recognize this verse but we’ve all heard a man or woman of God minister from this passage or we’ve probably quoted it a time or two as well. The King James frames it this way, “Where there is no vision, the people perish but He that keepeth the law, happy is he”. In other words, without divine guidance, vision or prophetic revelation from God…we are prone to “cast off restraint”, run wild and literally stumble all over ourselves” in a futile attempt to find our way. What a vivid description of the human condition apart from total reliance on God.  If there was ever a time to immerse ourselves in the Word of God…that time is now. “A lamp to our feet and light to our path” (Psalm 119:105)…we find direction for our lives as we make time to open His Word, meditate, study, prayerfully consider and apply it. There is no sliding scale or “let’s make a deal” or quit option concerning the importance of the Word of God and our submission to it. Spiritually so…it is literally a life or death scenario.

Stripped of her hearing and sight at age nineteen months by illness…Helen Keller said it best, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." So imagine the blessing of placing your life under the authority and guidance of God’s Word on a daily basis. Imagine the spiritual growth, discernment, insight and vision you would gain over the next few days, weeks, months! There’s nothing like abiding in God’s presence as He readily reveals to us what’s on His mind and His heart about us. As awesome as 20/20 vision is…someone possessing 20/10 vision can see things twice as clearly. It’s vision with greater clarity, focus and direction. King David articulates this way, “Before I learned to answer you, I wandered all over the place, but now I’m in step with your Word.” ~ Psalm 119:67 (MSG)

So my friend why settle for the mundane, the status quo and the “just enough”? Go for “GREATER”!! 

Pastor Gregory Morris is a communicator at heart with a passion to share the Gospel via the spoken word, the written word and song. As the “pen of a ready writer”…the mandate upon his life is twofold: a) to reach a hurting, broken world by extending hope through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and b) to equip and empower born again Christians by igniting a greater thirst and hunger for God’s Word through sound, balanced teaching and preaching. 


  1. Thanks - this is a great reminder and a timely word for our world today which has been turning away from God's word - and throwing off restraint in equal measure.

  2. Thanks for that message Gregory. I really love that example of Helen Keller. In spite of all of her physical limitations, she was used mightily by God and her spiritual vision was indeed more important than eyesight. I also love your biographical note at the bottom of your post. What a great mission statement. May God continue to bless you as you write the words He gives you.

    1. Nola...thank you so much!! This is a phenomenal group of talented and gifted writers. I'm humbled to be a part...

  3. Thanks for a great post Gregory. I say Amen to that. During a period of convalescence after an operation I've had lots of time every day to soak in His Word and His presence. I've loved it. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed it. I can continue the same for 6 more weeks. After that I will need to get into the 'real world' as it were. I do need to find ways of having sufficient daily times with His Word even when life gets busy. So thanks for the timely reminder. Bless you Gregory for the way you build up Christians through the Word and your words of encouragement. May God continue to guide you and use you through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    1. Anusha...amen!! Great testimony indeed. I wholeheartedly receive your words of encouragement...

  4. Thanks Gregory for the gentle reminder of how powerful regular prayer and reflection on God's Word is. In a world of chaos this is what it takes to keep focused. I always enjoy reading your reflective posts on face book.

    1. Susan...much appreciated indeed!! Thank you very much for your feedback...

  5. Thank you for the important reminder.

  6. Love the example and quote from Helen Keller. thanks for this post.
