
Monday 12 August 2013

Who needs Minions when you have perspective!

Recently, I jokingly said that I needed Minions. They are the little yellow beings in ‘Despicable Me’ that run around looking after all the menial tasks so that their master can get on with whatever he wants to do. I had decided that all the necessary things I needed to do in life were keeping me from what I love to do – write.
Finding the time to write is a topic well versed in literary circles. Unfortunately not every author can boast a great living from writing, so we have ‘day jobs’, and also ‘home jobs’; ‘mother and father jobs’; ‘generally-helping-others jobs’, and the lists go on and on. Then there are the vital tasks of promotion and helping others promote their work. It is amazing how long you can spend sitting at a computer at night. I was starting to wonder if I would ever get the chance to concentrate solely on a new work in progress.
Lately I have even grown to loathe my catch cry of ‘I’m sorry, I’m so busy.’ It is starting to sound like an excuse for everything, even to me, who finds frustration in just how busy I am. But then I came to a realisation - to everything there is a season.
My new writing may be a slower process than usual, but perhaps that is the plan. Maybe all this business is the Lord’s way of telling me to slow down on the new work, He has something else for me to do right now.
When I look back and see the enormity of releasing four books in less than twelve months, I can see that I needed a break. My released work also needed a break. It needed to be nurtured, and to grow. How does it grow? It gets fed. So only having the time to feed my released work has really been a great thing.
As writers, churning out new work is what we think we need to do. But the fact is an author doesn't just write anymore. We also need to promote and support the publisher who has taken the risk on our work. It’s about taking the time to work on getting our books read.
So I have decided that I don’t need Minions. I need to be in God’s plan for the work I am doing for His purpose. I need to give myself a break and pray about where He wants me to be – and BE there with a committed work ethic, and a joyful heart.


  1. Hi Rose,
    You were like Super Woman, or maybe Super Author. I so agree that creativity needs time to brew. It also worries me that if we followed all the recommendations we hear about what we need to do to be successful authors, that creative process would be sacrificed. Enjoy your slower-paced new writing project.
    Oh, I'd still like a few minions, even with perspective :)

    1. Yes - a few minions would be nice. If nothing, they would certainly brighten a dull day with their antics. :)

  2. Hi Rose - wow - releasing four books in less than 12 months is a huge achievement. Well done. It is hard to juggle all that needs doing and prioritizing time and tasks. So much more falls on the author these days in term of promotion too. Wishing all the best as you get your books out there and find time to write some more.

    1. Life is a balancing game of what we love to do, and what we must do isn't it. I can certainly look back now and see that I was a little tired after those 12 months. lol.

  3. Well said Rose. You've certainly been a Super Author as Paula said. Four books in 12 months is phenomenal. I think the time has come to rest awhile....and be refreshed. And yes - you will have plenty to do just in seeing to the marketing aspect of those books too.

    It's a timely post for me too. It helps to know there are others like me - for whom it is not always a busy writing season much as I'd like it to be. I began a job I love 3 months ago. When I said 'Yes' to it, I heard God say to me 'It's time to give up your writing for awhile, so you can concentrate on your job (in helping people). I said 'Yes' to God because I knew it was in God's will but felt it would be a big sacrifice. But do you know Rose - I have felt so very fulfilled these past 3 months - that I realised that my sacrifice was no sacrifice after all.

    I am looking forward to when I will have more time to write. But meanwhile - I will enjoy this present season too. Who needs minions when you have perspective. You got that right my friend.

    Thanks so much for that beautifully stated reminder!
    God was encouraging me through your experience so thank you,

    1. It certainly is a relief to find you in the same place as I am, Anusha. It's a real testimony that, no matter what we are doing, if it is God's will for our lives, we will be fulfilled and happy. I think it is so easy to get caught up in what we perceive as HIS will, and sometimes it's a matter of trusting Him to lead us where He would have us. That is certainly where we are at our best and have the greatest joy. I know that the people you are helping right now are very grateful you are there with them. Love to you, my friend.

  4. Thanks, Rose. By God's grace, I have had a book of mine published each year for the last seven years--but I sure wouldn't like that to happen more frequently than once a year, so well done to you! Personally, I feel I need that year in between (or even longer) to focus on promoting my latest book, while still quietly writing or editing the next one, but we're all different.

    1. Jo-Anne, once I stopped feeling guilty that I wasn't as super productive with my writing as I thought I needed to be, I knew I was in the right place for now. Seasons come for a reason, don't they! It's important not to miss one, or we will wear out and become stale.

  5. Wow. You hit the nail on the head for me, Rose. That's right where I'm at. Thanks.

  6. Thanks Rose for these thoughts, so true: to everything there is a season.

    Currently my goal is to spend two mornings a week writing/editing. Progress is slow but noticeable.

    1. Sometimes it feels like the Lord works in the blink of an eye, and other times He works in stages. I think it has to be different for each one, because each one is different. I have been thinking my progress is slow too, Susan. But this has been great, because I am learning to juggle life and work, and learning new things.

  7. I so agree Rose. You did an amazing job in getting your books done in that time, but I'm sure you need refreshment and new inspiration for a while. I feel the same. There is a season for each part of our lives and without the season of rest, reflection, new inspiration - sharpening the saw, as they say, then the work becomes blunted and dull. Enjoy the pause in your writing. I 'm sure God will bless it.

    1. Thank you, Carol. It's not always easy to see the 'big picture'. Thank goodness we can tap into God's perspective of where we are at.

  8. It's been encouraging to read your post and also the comments. Super-heroes like you, or others like me, seasons seem to befall all of us. Yet I know from experience that God works each one of those seasons toward the good of His purpose for us (even painful ones). Nonetheless, I wouldn't mind having some minions of my own :) Enjoy the release from all that pressure to perform...

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Sometimes we put too much stress on ourselves. I would love some Minions to cook dinner for me. :)

  9. Great post Rose. I'm in awe of you releasing four books in a year. It's taken me over six months to write 15 000 words of one book and I have a couple of days free a week (LOL). But everyone is different, and as others have said there are different seasons. I also think it can be great to have those breaks between books to let the creative juices percolate. I can think of a couple of authors I used to like, but I've felt the quality of some of their more recent books hasn't been the same. I wonder if it's because they have to get the four books out a year. It must be hard because their publishers are probably putting on the pressure for that, but to use the cliché, quality is better than quantity. I'm sure God will give you the right ideas at the right time so that your next book will reach even more people. God Bless.

    1. Well Nola, it did take me longer than 12 months to write all those books, even though they were all released in a short time frame. It was about 2.5 years between starting to write the first book and releasing the last. It was still quick I think, but that is what I am realizing - it's God's timing. It was fast then, and now He would have me slow down. I was also very lucky to have a great publisher who is committed to God's vision, not commercially driven. I also feel very much for authors who are pressured to be writing machines just for the commercial opportunities. Thank goodness we don't have that stress.

  10. I've been so busy I missed this, Rose. But here I am enjoying both the content of your post and all the comments. Hey, it seems we're all of one mind in this. And LIFE is so important, we can't let it slip by while we sit at our computers.

    God bless you while you get back to normal without those helpful little minions.

  11. Hi Rita, Thank you. Yes, life without minions is actually a good thing. :). xxooR
