
Friday 23 August 2013

Many Reasons to Write

My little car Mitsy is one of my prized possessions. We’d been hunting for a perfect little car for me – and I’d almost given up hope of ever finding it. My husband surprised me with it one happy day... he drove it home and up our steep drive way…. just like that. I loved it on the spot. It wasn’t brand new – oh no. It was a good 10 years old when he bought it. It wasn’t the best buy on the market. It had scratches on it – it had been driven around a lot. But it was blue. My favourite colour.

You can’t go wrong with a colour like that could you?

The one problem I had with my little “Mitsy” was that during our long hot south Australian summers, Mitsy’s steering wheel would get too hot to touch. After parking it outside for a little while – I’d get in to drive off, only to discover that I could barely touch the steering wheel – my fingers would practically sizzle. ‘Ouch!’ I’d sometimes place a cloth bag over it – and that helped – well – marginally! But on days when the mercury rose to a good 40 degrees – even that soft soothing sensible bag didn’t help.

One day last November, it was my birthday. I got into my car to drive off to work. As I sat inside Mitsy, I knew there was a difference. What was it? Oh! My steering wheel! It had been fitted with a brand new cover. I touched it. It felt great in my hands – as soft as a baby’s cheek – as pleasing to the eye as the sparkling diamond on my ring. My dear man had got it for me. He’d fitted it without whispering a word of what he’d planned to do. I was warmed. Warmed that he’d cared enough to do it. Just in time for my b’day too. What a man! (Thank you God)

When I thanked Shan for it later – I told him that there were many reasons I liked his unusual gift. It was very soft to the touch – perfect for my hands. No matter what the weather – it never got heated. Just what I needed. I didn’t need to cover my windscreen any more whenever I got down from my car. Nor did it need a bag over its steering wheel. What a relief! Most of all – that beautiful soft cover spelt my husband’s love for me loud and clear. Every time I got into Mitsy I would remember. And be grateful.

As I thought about it, I pondered the fact that having reasons for loving things and loving people is great fuel. Take writing for instance. Why have you chosen to become a writer? Do you know?

I know why I write. It’s because inside this outer covering is a God breathed writer. I believe God has programmed me to write - perhaps there is a wee computer chip called ‘Writer’ embedded deep inside of me? My Mum has been a journalist for over 70 years. Following her role model has seemed to be the most natural thing to do. I write because I am a reader and I love books. The next step is of course to write a few myself. I write because I love playing with the English language. I write because I can't help but write. Most importantly, I write so I can bless others.

“You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage, - pleasantly, smiling, non-apologetically – to say ‘No’ to other things. And the way to do that is to have a burning ‘yes’ inside.” Stephen Covey

Yes, I do have a burning ‘yes’ inside. Don’t you? To live, to love, to write.
Writing perhaps could be called my professional hobby! Because I love doing it!
Does that sound familiar?

As I reflected further, I pondered on another calling. Why do I call myself a Christian? I’m a Christian because of Jesus and His love for me. I’m a disciple of Jesus, because He pursued me. Because He found me. Because He filled my life with good things. Because He showered His blessing and favour on grace on one so undeserving as I. Because He brought deep meaning into my life. Because He gave me a wonderful sense of belonging in a world wide family of God. Oh! Many more reasons would easily gush out as a glad, overflowing fountain if I had the time and space to share them.

Yes, there are many many reasons why I write.
And many many reasons why I am a follower of Jesus.

I am a Christian Writer because God has blessed me more than tongue can tell. I love to share His love with His world. To declare through the written word that the Word of Life is alive and at work and has given me many grand reasons for writing about Him.

What about you?
Please do feel free to share your reasons to write. I’d love to hear them.

Anusha is a writer who feels deeply blessed to be called one. She stands at only 5 feet ½ an inch tall in size but don’t let that fool you – what she lacks in height she makes up in spirit! She’s passionate about life, Jesus, connecting with others, the beauty of Creation and of course WRITING.

Do pop in at her website to say Hello.
Dancing in the Rain


  1. Thanks, Anusha. I like the sound of that steering wheel cover and I love the reasons you write as well. Just this week, I had the opportunity to tell a non-Christian why I write. It's because I believe it's what God wants me to do at this stage of my life, because God has given me the gifts to do that and I want to use them to bless others--and also because I love to do it! Hope this made sense to the person who had asked me.

  2. Thanks Jo-Anne. I'm so happy to hear about your opportunity this week to share with a non Christian. I can see God has led you fair and square - seeing the way He has blessed your writing career so abundantly. I agree that is a prime reason to write - God's calling on us. I'm sure you would have planed a few seeds in the person who asked you - and who knows God will do with that. Bless you as you bless others through your writing Jo-Anne.

  3. Hi Anusha,
    Your article made me ponder the question of husbands and blessings. Loving husbands are truly a gift from the Lord, and so are patient ones and faithful ones. I have also been blessed in this way, but what about those women whose husbands are not like that? Has God blessed them less? No!!!
    Not-so-loving husbands are also used of the Lord as blessings - like the grains in oysters' shells that produce beautiful pearls. These kind of husbands might just be the aggravation needed to produce more spiritual fruit in the lives of their wives (you know… love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). And then that fruit itself becomes the blessing.
    And for those of us with wonderful husbands, the pearl-producing grains don't pass us by; they just arrive from different sources. But we all receive them because God will test our faithfulness in one way or another :)
    As always, a thought-provoking article. Thanks, Anusha!

  4. Hi Margaret,
    Thanks for your very interesting thoughts. You are right that our husbands are all blessings in whatever guise or form. I think God uses marriage and children to soften those rough edges in our lives and to teach us about ourselves. No spouse is perfect (even if we may think we are! :)) - so I bless God for giving us the gift of marriage - and for all the wonderful lessons and blessings that come with it. You are right that God tests us and refines us through those closest to us - and through others too. That was a great insight Margaret,
    Bless you,

  5. Thanks for you post Anusha. What a thoughtful and loving husband Shan is :)

    I can think of many good sound reasons why I write and why I follow God - though sometimes its not about reasons - its just that that is who I have become and its hard to imagine being anything else but a writer = and especially a God follower.

    All the best with your future writing endeavours :)

    1. Thanks so much Jenny. Yes, you are right. Shan certainly has always been a thoughtful and considerate husband and I am very blessed.

      Loved your 'reasons' for writing and following God - especially that it's who you are in essence. Totally true for me too. Can't think of living any other way can we?

      Thanks for your wishes and wishing you the same. Keep writing and shining for Him! :)

  6. Great post Anusha. You writing certainly has been a blessing to many people. Like you, I also feel compelled to share the things God has done in my life and to encourage others to write also (some of my friends have even given me permission to nag!). I also write become I come alive when I'm being creative. It's part of me and I'm a much better person when the creative juices are flowing. Can't wait to catch up with you and all those other creative souls at the Caleb Conference :)

    1. Thanks heaps Nola. Thanks for your lovely encouragement. That's very thoughtful of those friends who have given you permission to nag. They surely must be very special! :)

      That puts it so well - that you come alive when you create. Me too. It made me view it in a different way when you said you are a better person for it. So thank you. Me too! Me too! NT Wright says that every poem or every little thing we create will have its place in the new heavens and the new earth. So it makes sense that we create - following our God who is the Master Creator. And that we feel more alive when we do.

      Looking forward so much to catching up with you at the conference Nola. I hope I get more time to chat to you and to get to know you better. :) Thanks for your encouragement as always.

  7. Thanks Anusha - and excuse those typos in my earlier post. Ugh! Must have been before my cuppa :)

    1. You know what Nola? I didn't even notice any typos. So I'm step further into senility than you are. Hope that encourages you! :) Have a great week!

  8. Hey, Anusha & Margaret, I enjoyed that little exchange between you both about husbands. It is good material for my inspirational romance.blogspot. Can I have your permission to quote you both?

    I'm late to this post because of writing radio scripts and working on proposals. And like you I had a family member who wrote so God had already placed the gene there to write for Him.

    God bless

  9. Hi there Rita,
    I smiled when I read your request and then went back to check what I had written in response to Margaret's comment. Yes, you are most welcome to use mine.

    Sounds like it is a very busy time for you. All the best Rita with all you do for God and His kingdom.
