
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Trendsetting with God by Hayley Solich

A friend of mine, Louise Barton, shared with me her revelation that God is about as 'cutting edge' as you can get and I have to agree.  She pointed out that he was setting trends right back in the days of Noah when He told him to build an ark.  So this got me really thinking about how God works in us and through us to create new waves of innovation and community trends.

Here are some of the standout and less obvious trends that I have identified from the stories in the Bible and this is by no means a comprehensive list...

Adam and Eve, through shame, introduced clothing.  What a shame - we probably all would have been a lot happier not knowing what nakedness was or feeling embarrassed about our bodies.

Moses introduced glory times with God.

Isaac introduced genetically modified sheep - it's true…he manipulated the gene pool to produce superior sheep.

Essau introduced fur coats.

Joseph introduced dream interpretation as a means of getting out of jail. 

David introduced slings and rocks as tools of war, not to mention dancing in your jocks in worship!

Elijah introduced retreat weekends - he took time out in a cave.

Saul introduced lay ministry - anyone can have a go at prophesying.

Jonathon introduced brotherly love.

Job introduced being ruined and rebuilt by God - real men don't question God!

And if we skip forward, Jonah set the trend of whale transportation, Daniel of dynamic leadership, Ezekiel of freaky prophetic action taking and Hosea of marrying 'below your station in life'.

Solomon introduced work/life balance with his "all is vanity…a time for everything…"

And Jesus set new trends in friendship, healing, tax collection, fishing techniques, weather control, winemaking, religious attitudes, resurrection power…just to name a few!

I'd say we had some very creative forerunners, wouldn't you?

If you were to look at your life to this point, what have you introduced?  Some of these characters introduced things that were really helpful.  Others, not so helpful.

We have resident within us the same ability to create as God.  What we often lack is faith.  As I was away in Esperance this weekend I watched the movie 'Faith Like Potatoes' twice.  It was so inspirational - if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you watch it and it was even better the second time through as I got to pick up on all the nuances of the characters.  And this movie showed me how important it is to just trust in God for creative miracles.

As you are sitting down to write your next whatever, think about that thought.  What can you create with God that is miraculous?  What can you introduce that is going to be powerful?  How can you extend your faith, trusting in God, to give you something that will be of benefit to others?

If J K Rowlings can be 'discovered', published and influence generations with her witchcraft books based on 'magic', how much more could we be influencing the world with our truly miraculous, God-powered trendsetting?

Hayley Solich

Hayley Solich is the Publishing Editor of Golden Pen for Christian Women Magazine and also Golden Pen Magazine.  Hayley has been writing professionally for the past 20 years in both the public sector and in private industry.  Hayley's business, All Purpose Communications Pty Ltd focuses around helping people to create products and services for the marketplace and includes all aspects of publishing, communications, graphic design, editing and web marketing.  Hayley's ministry is called Heart Called Ministries and she is an itinerant Worship Minister and Preacher.


  1. Not to mention all the wonderful things God invented even before he invented us - technologists today are still reverse engineering God's creation to bring out the latest advanced gadget :)

    Thanks for the reminder Hayley to let God influence the world through us.

  2. Thanks Hayley, we so often underestimate what God can do through us.

    1. Indeed, Susan. I think of it like this. We get saved and we are like a chord being plugged into the power socket. It is up to us if we are going to flick the switch and allow the power to operate through us. God is willing. We just have to be the conduits for Him to move through. :)

  3. I so agree, Jenny and Susan. I just think we sometimes forget to press into God for that extra bit of sparkle and miraculous wonder that I like to call the prophetic edge on what we are doing. It is always there if we are willing to ask, receive and believe.

  4. Thanks Hayley. That was a great post. Loved it how you looked into our Faith Forerunners and discovered what they introduced to the world. I think it's a great idea to check on our own contributions and see how we can add both salt and light to this beautiful earth God has planted us in.

    Many thanks for your interesting thoughts,

    1. Absolutely, Anusha. We are so capable, way beyond even our own understanding or belief.

  5. What a fresh insight, thanks Hayley! Each of these guys really wanted to please the Lord (exc. Jonah) and God used them all in such special ways. We're all individuals and the Lord knows just what we can do that someone else can't do in the same way!

    1. Thanks, Rita. I'm sure if you looked in your own life you would see some of those instances for sure. :)

  6. Great words for thought, Hayley. I love that we are in partnership with our creative God.

    1. Thanks, Tracey. And that is the absolute key - partnership. Him in us is powerful.

  7. Creative thinking at its best Hayley. Great post. x

    1. Thanks, Elaine. I'm thinking I might expand this article for our Creativity issue coming up later this year for Golden Pen. :)

  8. I love the concept of God being 'as cutting edge as you can get'! He is always innovative! Always coming up with new ideas. We know that every move of God is opposed by the previous move of God. Why? His people forget that He is a cutting edge God and every time He moves He will do it differently! Every move builds upon the previous one, but takes our breath away with its freshness!
    Thanks Hayley for being one of His cutting edge followers. :)

    1. So True, Jo. Don't you love that every day can be completely different. Think about it. There really are no two days exactly the same. Even if you have a routine, there are variation in what you see, the time it takes to do things etc. So every day is absolutely unique, just like every person. And us all doing our part, makes up this huge big picture that is being created, with everyone contributing. It's an amazing life!

  9. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the feedback and encouragement. I am just getting in the flow for our 'Cutting Edge' issue of Golden Pen Magazine due out next week. Going to have to get my skates on now to finish it off!

  10. Great post Hayley. The Bible is just so full of God's creative power and he gave us the ability to tap into it. Brilliant!

    1. Thanks so much, Nola. Best research tool in the world, the Bible!

  11. Some fascinating thoughts. One of the coolest gifts God has given us is his ability to be creative. Like most things, we can use that gift for good or for evil.

  12. Great post, Hayley. I had some laugh out loud moments, but what you said is so true. All our talents and creativity comes from God. xo

    1. That's great, Rose, cause I was writing a little tongue-in-cheek. :) Good to know that I hit someone's humorous spot.

  13. Loved your way of looking at it Hayley. Good post.

  14. Hi Hayley - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

    I was thinking how even the simplicity of 'truth" today is a new idea in many ways. Just sharing testimony about God or his ways would appear to be controversy, shocking or cutting edge to some.

    There is nothing more thrilling than seeing God magnifying our creative passion and making it more than we imagined. What an amazing God we serve!


    1. So true, Kayleen. He is awesome, inspiring, beyond limitation, incredible, wonderful, and so worthy of every other amazing adjective that is positive!
