
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Gifts A-plenty

To many days go by where my focus is on the doing and not the one who stands by me. Reading Ann Voskamps book, "One Thousand Gifts" challenged me to begin a list of thanksgiving to God. (Such a great book - thanks Ann (without an 'E').

Today I was cooking a quiche for lunch, and looking after grandchildren who were playing outside. I had onion and garlic sautéing, roast veggies ready to mix into the egg mixture and excited to surprise my husband and daughter with a yummy lunch.

The sound of happy laughter took me outside to check on the precious gift of my two youngest grandchildren. Once outside I stood watching them and felt overwhelmed by Gods goodness in the gift of their precious faces.

But this wasn't the gift I noted down in my journal ...

A gentle breeze blew through my full line of washing and I thanked God for the break in the rain to get my washing dry. Moving to the line I began to remove and fold the towels as I listened to the sounds of birds and children mixing together.

But this wasn't the gift I noted down in my journal ...


As I raced inside I felt overwhelmed by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. You may say I just remembered, which is true, but how did I remember?

So many times in the past I've ignored the prompting ...

- prompting to call in and visit someone, ignored, only to find out later that they were sad
- prompting to pick up something from the supermarket when shopping, only to get home to find we need it.
- prompting to save my onions!!!!! Yummiest quiche every

When I sit down to write I invite my co-author to prompt my mind and often as I look back I marvel at His hand upon me.

Have you finished a manuscript and actually read it later and think, how on earth did I write that? I feel that way about my books.

If we write for Him, He is in it with us!

Journal entry - Thank-you that every minute of every day you are with me!!!

Tracey Hoffmann – Author of suspense mystery novels.
Lives in Gold Coast, Australia
Books published:
Valley of Chaya


  1. Thanks for the reminder Tracey. I've no doubt God uses others to also prompt us. I've also been reading Ann's wonderful book, but have been caught up in other things this past few weeks and have forgotten to keep recording my gifts and giving thanks. Now I've been reminded what a blessing it is, I'll get back to it.

    1. Its easy to get caught up in other things Carol. I too have to remember to stop and count the gifts and take note. Thanks for you comment.

  2. Hi Tracey. Thanks for that. It's great to remember God is with us in everything and especially to invite his presence with us when we write. Blessings, Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda, thanks for your comment. Love that - "God is with us in everything!"
      be blessed, Tracey.

  3. I love Ann Voskamp's writing. I spent time last year journalling 1,000 gifts and it was a great exercise. Re-trained my mind and prayerful to focus on being grateful.

    Well done, Tracey.

    1. Hi Ian, Wow, you got to 1000! I'm up to 350 but will continue as it is so rewarding. Love that even the little things are worthy of praise. Be blessed, Tracey

  4. How true, Tracey. I've often come to a standstill by not being satisfied at what I'd written. I have prayed for wisdom and then the prompting comes. I am amazed how much better than what I was writing in my own strength.

    And as for God's beautiful gifts, they are overwhelming at times...most times!

    1. Hi Rita, I love that we are all so like minded. Writing is such a challenge at times, a discipline and its great knowing others are on the same page as me. Many blessings, Tracey.

  5. That was lovely Tracey. A great reminder too. I know I sometimes take for granted this awesome gift He has given us of the privilege of writing for Him. And also take his presence for granted - or perhaps not. His presence is the best thing in my life. Praising God for His love, His presence and for blessing us with our writing journeys. Thanks so much for the reminder that He is our Co Author! Wow - the King of the Universe is willing to co-author with us. Awesome!

    1. Hi Anusha, It certainly is a privilege to write for him. Love what you wrote - the King of the universe is our co-author! Too good. Be blessed, Tracey.

  6. Thanks, Tracey. An inspirational interlude to break up the afternoon :) And a reminder that even the things that might annoy can be turned into thanks.

    1. Hi Margaret, Thanks for your comment. I know I sometimes struggle to see the good in some things, but am definitely getting better at recognising the gifts around me. Be blessed, Tracey.

  7. Hi Tracey,
    Thanks for this reminder, not only to look out for things to be thankful for but not to ignore our promptings. I've had similar experiences to those you've mentioned with gentle promptings. I'm glad each day gives us a new chance to follow them and be thankful.
