
Friday 10 May 2013

Returning to a dream

This is my first post on this blog, and, to be honest, I've been feeling a little daunted at the thought of sharing something. For some reason, I have no problem adding posts to my own blog...

My journey to being a writer started when I was in high school. Writing was my escape from life and a way I could shine. I won some awards, including a cash prize, and even had a couple of plays performed at church. One piece I wrote had the school Welfare Coordinator asking me if everything was OK at home as it was a realistic story about child abuse.

When I finished high school, there were no creative writing courses at university and writing wasn't considered a career choice, so I studied journalism. To cut a long story short, life got in the way and I stopped writing, until I started blogging around 2006. At last I was writing again.

A few years ago, I closed down a business I had run for around 9 years and came back to creative writing. I have been writing short stories, tried my hand at novels, and written picture and chapter books for kids. Right now I'm waiting for two flash fiction pieces to be included in an anthology - my first published work.

It's amazing looking over the last 15 or so years and looking at what I've done and seeing God's hand at work. When I finished school I tried to get a picture book published. It was good, just not great and was rejected. Now I know that I needed more life experience to have a more realistic story and I'm editing it to get it to the stage it can be published. Even with my business experiences, I'm drawing on these experiences to write a series of short stories. This experience is also going to help when my books are published as far as marketing and the business of being an author.

I'm currently returning to my dream of being an author. Every day taking baby steps while juggling working and being a single mum to two gorgeous boys who are my biggest cheer leaders. All the way trusting God to continue to bring people into my life to help me along the way as well as inspiration for amazing stories.

Melissa Gijsbers is a budding author and mum of two gorgeous boys. Her blog is


  1. Well done, Melissa. Great first blog here. And all the best with those writing endeavours. :)

  2. Hi Melissa

    Isn't it wonderful how, in God, nothing of our past is "wasted" - both the good and even the bad. I do relate to your journey as I returned to my dream of writing early last year following a death of another dream in 2009 and a couple of career changes. It has been an exhilarating ride. Congratulations on the upcoming publication of your flash fiction pieces and all the best with the short stories and children's books. God bless.

  3. I think you have a lovely, clear, warm writing style, Melissa--your blog was very easy to read, which is great! And something else that might encourage you is that I began my writing career only around nine years ago--in my middle fifties!!

  4. Great post.
    Thanks for sharing your story.

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey Melissa. May God turn those baby steps into giant leaps :)

  6. Thank you, Melissa for being brave enough to post this blog, I enjoyed reading it. I hope that God will bless you as you progress through your journey as an author.

  7. Thank you everyone :) I'm looking forward to continuing to share with you.

  8. Well done Melissa. Great post. Isn't it wonderful how God has led you? Life must surely be very busy for you being a single Mum of 2 little boys so you are doing very well indeed to find time for writing amidst all else that needs to be done. May God bless you and lead you into the amazing future He has planned for you. Keep writing Melissa! You do it well.

  9. Thanks for being bold and sharing. I'm sure your journalism background will be a great help to your writing in the future! By the way, nice blogging...

  10. I enjoyed reading your story Melissa. Well done returning to your dream, and congratulations on the publication of your flash fiction.

  11. Hey Melissa
    Thanks for sharing your story with us. Jenny is right nothing is wasted in God's economy and the experiences life brings to us teaches us amazing things to share with others!
    Looking forward to continuing on this writing journey with you
    With a bunch of love

  12. Thanks for your post, Melissa. As Jenny said, not a scrap of our 'life journey' is ever wasted in God's hands. Also love your reflection of sometimes having to mature into our writing. (I say, reflecting on a lag time of 14+ yrs between my first novel's initial draft and the now pending publication!!!) :) There's such inspiration in sharing our creative journeys. Thank you!

  13. Hi Melissa. It's very encouraging to know we're all travelling along in our writing journey. Maybe we're all in different places on the way, but heading in the same direction.

    Sometimes we feel life interrupts us but really it's all those experiences of life we need to be authentic.

    May God bless you and your boys

  14. Hi Melissa, life experience! This is what we draw from as writers don't you think? The emotions that rise as we write come from within... Suddenly saw a good side of a rejection letter - growth, emotion, life experience. Great blog.

  15. Good for you Melissa.Thanks for your post. Cheering you on.

  16. Hey Melissa,

    I love your honesty. It takes time but enjoy the ride. You will have to convert the measurements but a fave old saying is "yard by yard it's hard: but inch by inch it's a cinch." Small steps lead to big things. Be encouraged.

