
Wednesday 22 May 2013

It's not about me

There I was trying to get my dinner started. I was also about to wave goodbye to my man as he went to the gym that evening. I hurriedly wiped my hands on my kitchen towel and scurried to the front door to kiss him goodbye. As Shan reached the door however, he stopped short. He’d forgotten his bottle of water. Oh! I went back to the kitchen while he filled his bottle with water. A minute later he was off. I left my lentil curry gurgling merrily on the stove as I returned to the front door.

He kissed me goodbye and walked out. But…. a minute later, he turned back again. What was it this time? His phone. Oh. I shook my head slowly. Hmmm…! This time I waited at the front door till he returned with his phone. I smiled and waved goodbye to my hard working man as he reversed out of the garage. Then I rushed back to the lentil curry on the stove before it overflowed.

Does that sound familiar? It happens often in our home. Not just when my husband goes out but when I go out as well. Many times I’ve had an annoyed son open the door for me when I’ve had to return quickly (after I’ve gone out), because I have forgotten something. As irritating as it is to him when I do that – I’m sure he knows that I’m not doing it on purpose. And likewise – of course I know my husband doesn’t do it to rub me the wrong way either. He’s a busy man with much to remember – so it’s not surprising that he forgets a few things now and then. After all, we are both on the right side of 50!

It makes me ponder on other situations. Like when someone says something mean to me. Or treats me badly. I know that it’s often nothing to do with me. And all to do with them. Perhaps they had a bad day and they have taken it out on me. Or they are hurting over a difficult circumstance. And don’t realise how they sound. It’s a good idea not to take everything personally. Because very often, contrary to what it seems…. it’s not about me.

What about our writing? Do we take the ups and downs of a writer’s life too seriously? I’m sure I do. The rejection from a Publisher is not about me. But about my work which could improve. The seemingly harsh words from my critique group are said in love – to help me improve my writing – not to bring me down. The sparse number of likes or comments on my blog is not a rejection – simply that people have been too busy to read it. It’s not about me.

Recently after I’d posted my blog, I had lots of positive feedback from my blog contact list, 23 likes on the blog, 10 likes on Facebook….. all of which caused me to get dizzy with delight. I’d never had 23 likes on a post before. I must have done something right.

And so, the next week, I eagerly checked how many likes I’d got on my next blog post. Had be at least 10, right? Wrong. I had only 2 measly likes on my latest blog. I could not believe it. I felt sad for a little while. But after some thought and reflection, I started to laugh at myself. Perhaps it was a good thing I’d received only 2 likes that time. I’d asked God to keep me humble. Maybe He was answering that prayer.

I realised that I became so excited about those 23 likes that I’d forgotten my original motivation to write my blogs in the first place. It was to inspire, encourage and bless others. Who cared how many likes I had? If I had touched one heart or blessed one person it would be enough. It is not all about me. That’s for sure.

Am I puffed up and full of myself? As a Christian writer – it is not all about me. It is all about God. And His kingdom. Am I seeing His perspective? Or has the god of this world blinded me to seek for results that lift me up? Shouldn’t I rather look to please God and to walk in His ways? To follow His plans for me. It’s only too easy to get off track, isn’t it?

Am I doing what God requires of me? That is the question.

Writing is a big part of my reason for living. I love to write – to inspire, to encourage, to challenge, to bless. I hope I will publish lots of books; and become a Writer after God’s heart. But let me not forget… it is not about me. It is all about God. And His Kingdom.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Mathew 6:33

Anusha loves life. She is passionate about Jesus and the difference He has made in her life. Writing is one of the many things she loves to do. Invigorating walks on cold winter evenings, connecting with family and friends, writing contentedly at her computer, connecting with people, singing and making music, sharing the love of Jesus – these are some of her passions. Do drop in at her website to visit her – Dancing in the Rain.


  1. Great encouragement Anusha. We always need the reminder that it's not about us! Thanks.

    1. Thanks Amanda. You are right. It is only too easy to forget isn't it?

  2. Thanks, Anusha, for your delightful blog. A lovely, gentle challenge in an industry where it's all too easy to let our egos rule and to lose sight of the main reason we write and speak.God bless.

    1. Thanks Jo-Anne. Do appreciate your encouraging words. Too easy to lose sight of the main motivation behind what we write sometimes! :)

  3. Well said, Anusha ... I'm going to check out your blog :)

    1. Your blog, Dancing in the Rain, is beautiful Anusha ... humble, personal, sweet and honouring the Lord. Keep trusting in Him.

    2. Thanks so much Butterfly. Thank you also for taking the time to check out my blog. Yes, will certainly keep trusting Him. He is Lord! And He reigns! :)

  4. Lovely post Anusha. Such contrast to the world view which tells us the opposite.Thanks

    1. Thanks so much Dale. Yes, it's so easy to get consumed by the world's standards and expectations if we are not careful isn't it? Bless you for your encouragement.

  5. I have to admit that there have been many a times when I've had to get out of the car because I've forgotten something. A good remaindered to take my eyes off me and keep the main thing the main thing. Thanks Anusha.

    1. Glad to hear that there are others like me Tracey! :) Yes, keeping the main thing the main thing is so important for as Disciples of Jesus, isn't it?
      Thanks Tracey.

  6. Good thoughts, Anusha. Yeah, we do that forgetting thing all the time too. And I know exactly what you mean about your blog. It's so great when we get comments or feedback, we feel like we're making a difference and walking on air. Then, after spending a lot of time on the next, 0 comments makes us unnecessarily sad. I know just what you mean.

    1. Thanks Paula. I do agree that we spend a lot of time on our blogs so it is rather disappointing when there is little feedback. I reckon we will know only in heaven how many lives we have touched both through our writing and by our day to day lives for Jesus. A challenge I often give myself is to live to an audience of One - God Himself. If I am pleasing Him - then the results are not mine to worry about I know.

      Thanks for your encouragement Paula.

  7. Hi Anusha - I think your husband and I must be twins. I'm the one who usually says goodbye to my hubby only to return three times! And I can relate to what you say about getting those "likes" on blog posts and Facebook. It's too easy to judge the worth of something we do by the number of "likes" or comments rather than seeing it as God does. Thanks for the reminder. And I do love your blog - I'm in the category of people who don't always get to read it, but you're doing a great job :) Love Nola xx

  8. Hi Nola,
    You made me smile. So you do the forgetting thing too? He too isan Academic like you (he was a Uni lecturer for 14 years) - so perhaps you both have too many important things up there to remember the day to day stuff! :) Thanks so much for all your encouragement Nola. And I fully understand you not reading my blog - I don't have time to read many blogs myself. So I totally understand. But appreciate you cheering me on. Thank you.

  9. A great reminder Anusha "It is all about God. And His kingdom." Thanks.

    1. Thanks Jenny. Yep! Yep! Yep! Let me not forget! :)

  10. Haha. I have forgetful moments just like those and I'm only 35.
    Thanks for the great reminder that its not about us. I think this is a lesson I'll need constant reminding of.

    1. Hi Adam,
      Good to hear that even young people have forgetful moments. :) And you are right - we need reminders all the time don't we?

  11. Ah, yes, how often I forget things and find I'm running from one end of the house to the other. I think I try to keep too many things in my head all at once, and yes, they're often 'me' things. Good to be reminded to keep in mind the big picture - the plans of God, of which I am a small part.

    1. Thanks Carol. So easy to have those 'me-thoughts' swimming around our heads I agree. :)

  12. Great post Anusha,

    I think we can assume incorrectly for a start. I am just responding to your post almost a month after it was written, why? Because life is hectic and reading blogs is a luxury at certain times. I want to get around to all the good writing but there is a flood of blogging (unfortunately also being a primary marketing tool expected these days!)

    It is a trap to get too concerned about what people think but to some degree we need feedback and others to bounce ideas and growth off. It is great that you are checking your motivation. That is something we all need to check now and then I am sure.


    1. Thank you dear Kayleen for responding. It has unfortunately taken me 5 years to respond. :) Just saw your comment. You are right that to a certain extent it's important to care what people think - so we live an unselfish life. On the other hand, if our focus is on God and His kingdom, then automatically all of that will fall into place. Living to an Audience of One is what it's all about. Blessings and thanks so much for reading and responding. Much blessing to you in your writing and illustration journey.

  13. Lovely post Anusha! It’s good to be reminded that’s not about me! I laugh at myself all the time for forgetting. Came in to the church today with my laptop to get some work done and i’ve left the charger at home! I have about 30% charge left which will probably not be enough. thank you Lord for USB’s so I can work on one of the church computers!

  14. Thanks so much sweet Jo'Anne for taking the time to read and respond. Yes, it's easy to forget that it's all about Him and His Kingdom - and instead focus on my own little world sometimes. I love it when God reminds me that it's all about Him. Thank you for your blessings and much blessing to you too dear friend.

  15. Hi sweet Jo'Anne. I heartily agree. Sometimes it IS all about us. We do have needs and God does supply those needs through others. I am so sorry that you have had no response especially considering that you have been getting others to church through your loving kindness. I am praying that someone would volunteer to pick you up. I can understand you wanting to go. "Father God, I ask earnestly that You would provide Jo'Anne with a ride today. I do believe You desire her to be there at church today. Holy Spirit, please nudge someone's heart so they put their hand up. I pray you would take Jo'Anne and bless her abundantly as she desires to walk close to you. Touch her body and make her well Lord Jesus. I ask all these things boldly knowing You desire for us good health and a close walk with You. Thank you in advance for Your answers. In your mighty Name I pray. Amen."

    Praying God will answer sweet friend. Praying also that you would recover from your bug asap. FBH's (Feel Better Hugs) my love and prayers. xoxo

  16. Hi again sweet Jo'Anne I heartily agree. Yep! Sometimes it is indeed about us. Today it IS about you. I wish I were closer and could drive you to your church event. I hope and pray someone volunteers to pick you up. It does sound a wonderful event and yes, you should be there. Praying for a way to get you there dear friend.

    "Father God. I bring my beautiful friend Jo'Anne to you. She needs a ride to church Lord as You know. Holy Spirit, please nudge someone's heart and make them offer to pick Jo'Anne for tonight's event. Lord I know You want to bless her. You know how important this is Jesus. So I ask fervently for an answer. I also ask for healing of her body as she battles this bug. May Your healing power be over her today. And Lord, we await your answers with hope and expectation because You told us to ask, seek and knock. Thank you for your answers. In the precious Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

    Will be praying you can attend tonight sweet friend. FBH's (Feel Better Hugs), love and prayers. xoxo
