
Wednesday 30 January 2013

A Loss or a GIFT?

I’d bought it for $12.00 at the village – a small shiny silver elephant brooch. I thought it would look perfect on my black jumper. And so the very next Sunday, I wore it to church. The striking contrast of a shiny little silver elephant against a black jumper caused many friends to notice and admire it. Yes, it was twelve dollars well spent.

I wore it again and again. But guess what. The clasp behind the elephant didn’t work very well. So practically every time I wore it, I’d lose the brooch in a few hours. The very first time it occurred, I’d given it up for lost, when a lady placed it under my nose, asking me ‘Is this yours”? “Yes” I exclaimed in glad surprise. How did she know? Perhaps the little elephant’s fame had spread far and wide.

Another time I lost it only to find it a few days later, reposing on the floor of my car. A third time, a friend found it and returned it to me. Yay! Every single time I lost it – it somehow found its way back to me. Returned. Reclaimed. Re-owned. Amazing! (I think that little Elephant was determined to stay under my loving care. Don’t you agree?)

As a follower of Jesus, when I think of lost and found items, the parable of the lost sheep leaps to mind. All of us Christian writers have been like this little lost sheep at some point in our lives, haven’t we? And God has found us. How blessed we are!

I wonder if you have lost something this past year? Was 2012 a difficult year for you? Did you feel glad to see the back of it? Did you lose a relationship that was close to you? Or did you lose something tangible that was dear to your heart? Did you lose a dream? Did life perform an unwelcome series of antics in your presence and steal some of your joy? Did Satan trample hard on your desires? Did you lose your hope? Or courage?

I have good news for you. For a Disciple of Jesus – God’s Word holds out many blessed promises to all who grieve. Comfort, Strength; a New Beginning. Jesus Himself and His presence with us. Hope. So I’d like to assure you today that God has promised to return to you what was lost. Sometimes He replaces it with something far better.

As a Christian Writer – is there something you’d like to reclaim today? Inspiration? Fresh ideas? Readers to buy your books? New ways of promoting your wares? A way to push out of writer’s block? Courage to stay true to your calling?

As I write this today, on the 11th of January 2013, I am about to lose something precious. My independence. In 6 days time, I will be on an operating table. My right foot will be subject to lots of torture. Well, not torture but surgery. (Same thing, isn’t it?) An ugly bunion will be sliced and corrected. A badly dislocated toe will be shortened and re-made. Tendons and ligaments will be sewn up. And then for two long weeks, I will not just be house-bound but also bed bound. Not allowed to do anything apart from gazing at the ceiling with my foot raised above my heart.

On the whole, it’s not my favourite way to live.

But wait a minute. Perhaps it will be just what God Himself ordered. I’m sure it will be an unforgettable experience. Perhaps when the worst is over, I might even write a book about it. Perhaps after the pain has lessened, I will gain lots of pleasurable time to dream, to plan, to read, to write, to spend with God. My loss of independence will be difficult. But I might have a perfect little Writer’s Retreat during those 3 months, when I can write to my heart’s content and read to my heart’s content too – all in a wonderful guilt free mode. I have to admit that it’s sounding better by the minute!

What have you lost today? Is God calling you to something new through what you lost? Often our losses bring new blessings gift-wrapped in God’s special wrapping paper. I pray that you will find the package God is delivering to you in 2013 marked with Your Name – a special parcel filled with Hopes and Dreams for you alone, and God’s loving signature written with heavenly flourish, stamped all over it.

May your loss compel you to reach up to receive a brand new Gift from Him today.
Reach up and claim it dear Friend. It is yours.

And perhaps you can write a best seller about it one day to bless your world!
What do you think?

PS It's now 12 days since my operation. I have been under the surgeon's knife. Yes, it's hard being totally dependent on others for ALL of my needs. But - I have been deeply blessed. I am presently into my 13th day post op - and it has been a wonderful, restorative, restful 13 days. Many refreshing times with the Lord and my cup overflows. It was indeed a precious gift from Him. I pray that your loss too will be the same - an amazing gift from our Father God.

Anusha loves life and loves people. She’s passionate about Jesus and the difference He has made in her life. She has always been fascinated by the English language and enjoys playing with words. She also loves to inspire and bless her world through her written word and through her life. You can visit her at her website ‘Dancing in the Rain


  1. Hello!
    Interesting blog. Welcome to
    :) Wish you a happy new year!
    God bless you!

    1. Thanks Cristina.
      Many blessings to you too.
      Have an exciting and fruitful 2013! :)

  2. All the best with recovery. No matter if we are experiencing joy or pain or somewhere in between, God always meets us with His presence, it is so wonderful.

    1. Thanks Jennifer Ann. Yes, God's care and presence is something amazing I agree.

      Thanks for your wishes, Jennifer Ann. :)

  3. Thanks Anusha. for the reminder to keep our hearts on what God may be working on in our lives. I hope your time of recovery continues to be such a blessing rather than a burden.
    Thanks for the deep encouragement you are!

    1. Thanks for that Penny. Really appreciate those wishes. Bless you. :)

  4. Oh yes - God in all and all for Him. Enjoy your recovery bearing much fruit! xo Margaret

  5. Thanks Margaret. Appreciate those wishes. Bless you. :)

  6. I wish you all best in your recovery. May God heal you quickly and keep your spirits up.

    But with your blog, it made me think about all those things we go through that may not be what we want that we can use it as time to write in your case or inspiration. I am sure the 'elephant' could tell a few stories.


    1. Thanks Melanie. Really appreciate those wishes.

      Glad the blog helped you make some fresh discoveries. Definitely all of our life - the good and bad is both inspiration as well as learning experiences, aren't they?

      Ah! Now that's an idea - about the Elephant's perspective. Perhaps there's an idea in that for a children's story Mel? :)

    2. For one writers prompt I did, I ended up using it as a children's story. And children respond so much better when you "tell" a story rather than 'read' a story. But it is all right like writing yourself notes, just not the whole story.

  7. Love your brooch story, Lee. Did not know about your surgery and thankful all is going well. Do continue to rest up.

    1. Thanks Mary. It's me Anusha who posted this time. It comes across as Lee's for everyone's blogs. So glad you liked the story. :)

      And yes, all is going well with my foot and thanks for your encouragement.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lovely post Anusha. Sometimes in those hard losses, especially of freedom, we learn a lot about ourselves and also other people.
