
Monday 3 December 2012

Writing Atmosphere

What kind of environment is ideal for you to write in? Do you need complete silence? Do you need the strains of music filling your ears? Or, perhaps you need the busy sounds of the market place.

I am intrigued by the differences us writers have in the way we are able to function at our best in a certain atmosphere. For me, the sound of silence allows the voices in my head to come to the fore. Any noise is a distraction. Worries, cares, demands will drown out the characters who want their story heard. The sound of children laughing, fighting, or even playing on the Wii will invade my thoughts.

Then again, if I put headphones on and play classical music, this will override the household noises and put me in the historical and romantic frame of mind. I can disappear into the world of Victorian charms with some piano adagios singing in my ears -- pity on anyone who tries to get my attention then!

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, right now, I am writing on the laptop while movie plays on the TV in front of me, with one child after the other coming to speak to me. It seems when I'm writing blogs, my concentration level does not need to be as deep.

So how about you? Are you the kind that needs quiet? Do you need music to inspire you and if so, what kind? Or, do you like to sit in a coffee shop and type away while the world goes on around you?

Amanda Deed resides in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne where she fills her time with work, raising a family, church activities and writing historical romance novels. Her new novel, Black Forest Redemption, was released on the 1st of October this year. For more information, see:


  1. I'm like you Amanda, I need silence to write anything creative. I can't write a story with the TV on, but the biggest distraction is the constant "Daddy, give me a biscuit!" that I get at home. This is probably one of the reasons I find it hard to get any kind of regular writing schedule. There is nowhere in my little house to be alone. I haven't really tried writing with music. It would have to be something without lyrics. Maybe I'll give it a go some time.

  2. Hi Adam. Yes, I can relate. Small house, three kids, there is no quiet corner. I get my best writing done at 5am when everyone is asleep. :)

  3. I think quietness is preferable but I can work in chaos and switch off when necessary. The homeschooled kids make a bit of racket but nothing compared to my sax-playing hubby :)

    1. I dunno how you can switch off, Paula. It is quite a feat! :)

  4. I've been laughing at Paula's comment about her sax playing hubby. I can well understand how much noise that must make! :)

    Thanks for your post Amanda. I love having the house to myself in order to produce my best. Alas - that rarely happens. My computer is bang in the middle of the house in the family room so my hubby and son are constantly walking past me, the TV blares behind me.... the phone rings next to me... and so on. One day, when my ship comes in, we will buy a new beautiful home with a quiet space for me! :)

    Till then... I have to learn to create amidst the din. And grab an occasional quiet day when it happens.... as today's turned out! :)

    Quick... let me get to it. Author at work! Do not disturb! :)

    1. Hi Anusha. It seems most of us can't get a moment's silence. Hope you had a nice quiet day of writing today. :)

  5. I need quiet, Amanda. No music as I only ever listen to music with words and the tendency then is to sing along which means those words get in the way of writing words.

    1. I totally agree, Dale. If there are words it becomes a distraction - even if it is music that normally has words without the vocal track - I would still sing along. :)

  6. Quiet is best for me, when I'm at home. When away from the writing nest, I can crank up the ear buds with 19th century hymns and slip away... Helps to be where no housework calls though. I once squeezed a good amount of writing into a short stay in an airport lounge... until the Aussies found Collingwood on the TV and then... it was all over!

  7. I like a quiet environment, maybe with some classical music in the background. Then again, I wrote five novels while seated at the end of our kitchen table, with my husband speaking loudly on the phone in his study nearby, so it can be done. That's why I regard the study I now have in our home as an absolute luxury and don't take it for granted! However, it's also our spare bedroom--and we have visitors next week!
