
Friday 12 October 2012


Last summer, whilst browsing in an antique shop, I stumbled across this book. Dorothy's Difficulties. It made me laugh - enough to dig my phone out and take a picture. I thought it might inspire a blog post... someday.

Fast forward to now... and I regret walking away without buying that book. It's pretty, it's vintage style and how cute would this have looked on my shelf? Really, what was I thinking to leave it behind? 

An olde worlde book with my name on it? 

Someone slap me. 

Ok, not too hard, because this week, I've had my own generous dose of difficulties. A bucket full. One of those jumbo sized troughs people use to wash small elephants. So, a book like this might have come in handy. 

Not to add my difficulties to the ones our heroine already has. But perhaps, I may have glued in a few blank pages here and there. So I could hold onto the words whispered to me by dear friends and God himself.

Because difficulties were never meant to stay bound in books. All alone. They're meant to be delivered to God, as cares only He can hold. And in return, He delivers words to raise us up and cheer us on. 

Words like these from my reading in Galatians. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity let us do good to all the people and especially to those who are in the household of faith. Gal 6:9

Yes, I regret not buying that book. For one who can hardly walk out of a thrift store empty handed, I can't believe I turned my back on Dorothy's Difficulties. But I can always hand my own storms over to the One who calms and encourages. For every difficulty I surrender, He has a word of comfort.  

That, is something I can never regret. 

(But, why oh why did I not buy that cool book?) 


What wonderful finds do you wish you'd taken to the counter? Are there any books you regret not buying when you had the chance?

Blessings for a wonderful weekend, dear friends,
May you know God's words of comfort and deliverance,

Dorothy Adamek lives at Crabapple House with her Beloved, their three teenagers and five pampered backyard chickens. She writes historical romance, Aussie style. Follow her love of all thing yesteryear at Ink Dots.


  1. Wonderful post, Dorothy! I love that scripture in Galatians. Thank you for giving me something good to ponder this weekend.

    Karen :)

    1. Thanks for coming over, Karen. You're a real blessing. xx

  2. Hi Dotti -

    I'm glad I can turn Suze's Sadnesses over to my Heavenly Father, who turns them into Suze's Joys.

    Susan :)

    1. Hi Susan, how right you are!! All our mourning turned into joy!
      Blessings, xx

  3. What a great book, and at least you went home with the photo! I think my book would be called Carla's Conundrums! I have a nice little collection of antique books, and wish I could afford more. I adore old book stores and I've been known to sneak a photo or two of books I'd like to pick up some day. Like your difficulties, I surrender my conundrums to the Lord.

    1. Hi Carla, I love Carla's Conundrums. I guess we all have a record of how God has carried us through dark days. Thanks for stopping by... xx

  4. I love your post Dorothy! i've learned alot from it! specially about regrets :) thanks!

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