
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Blogging about Blogging

I confess that till recently, I was a very reluctant blogger. Not that I don’t like writing. Not that I don’t enjoy airing my views on paper. I do. I most certainly do. But it seemed to me that life was busy enough. I didn’t want to add another weekly deadline to my already filled up schedule. So ever since I began my “Adventures in Writing” – I shook my rebellious head at the idea of starting my own blog. Blogging every now and then for Christian Writers Down Under was different. I thought that that was the perfect solution and just right for me.

Until one fine day! Our Facilitator of Christian Writers Downunder, the wise and enterprising Lee, shared with me how important it was for a writer to have a platform and that a regular blog was part of that. I was finally persuaded. (Well done, Lee!) And so, this reluctant blogger finally got to her feet in the area of creating, not just her own works of fiction and non fiction but also her writer’s platform. In February this year I enjoyed producing my own website and immediately started on my blogging journey. I was delighted at the very encouraging response I received from family and friends, well wishers and other readers.

Writing is something which has always come naturally to me. I’ve usually had a profusion of writing ideas stacked up in a large pile in my head, just like the mound of delicious books that adorn the top of my bedside table, waiting to be read. My “Idea notebooks” are always full. My problem has always been that I need to find sufficient time to sit and write all I want to. (Perhaps there’s some lack of discipline lurking in there?) Many other vitally important things seem to clamour for my attention all the time - work, people, pleasure, chores and the 101 other facets that go into living life.

Does that sound familiar?

And so, for the first few weeks, I wrote my blog to please any publishers out there. And also to show them that I was indeed worth publishing. But I have to confess that much as I love writing (and writing a blog is fun, isn’t it?) – I would have preferred to spend my precious time working on my next book rather than dreaming up my next blog.

As I began to send my blog link out weekly to my family and friends and many others in my extensive contact list, I started to get many lovely responses to my blogs. There was one friend in particular who did something for me. She’s been going through a tough patch in life. She told me that every blog I’d written seemed directed at her. That God spoke to her and encouraged her through them. Every time. She’d enjoyed my book she said and now she was an avid follower of my blog. My eyes were wet with tears as I read her email. I felt warmed from the inside out.

But you know what? She helped me as well. She blessed me by helping me figure out why I needed to write a blog in the first place. Just like a light switched on in my mind, God flooded my heart and my mind with understanding. In the blink of an eye, my attitude to blogging changed. Since then, I have been writing not to please my publishers.

I am now blogging because I have a call from God to write and encourage others. It’s as simple as that. It’s a way I can honour Him. A way I can be faithful to my call.

What a difference this knowledge has made in my life! My motivations are totally altered – and for the better. Every time someone writes to me to tell them that God had used my blog (and in fact when He’s used anything I write) to speak to them, my heart is filled.

We writers have a great calling in life don’t we?
Are you excited? I am!

Do tell me your stories. How did God encourage you in your writing journey? Was there a reader response that dazzled you from the inside out? I would love to hear about it.

Keep writing and keep blogging and keep on keeping on, my friends. You and I have stories to share that will bring light to the world. And a smile into many hearts.

How blessed we are!

Anusha loves life and all it holds. She delights in connecting with people and living life for Jesus. Writing is a way she gets to know herself and her world. Also a way she shares the goodness of God with the world around her.

Her website ‘Dancing in the Rain’ can be found at:
She hopes you will stop by to say Hello!


  1. I am glad for you, Anusha! Writing for the sake of writing isn't much chop. But writing for the sake of blessing others, now that's a different story. I have noticed how your personal warmth infuses your posts, so it's no wonder that people are blessed - and your reward will come from the Lord.

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you for your kind words. And you are so right. Our reward does come from the Lord, doesn't it? And just knowing that He can us is such a great blessing.
      Bless you for your thoughts,

  2. That's great Anusha. We can minister to others through our blog. We definitely need strive to please God before anything or anyone else. Thanks for the reminder. :)

    1. Hi Amanda,
      Yes, I often remember the phrase 'Live to an audience of One' - God being our chief audience. May we all do so - and all else follows!
      Blessings and thanks for your feedback,

  3. Lovely, encouraging blog, Anusha, and a great reminder to be true to our call from God to bless others through our writing. Just this week, I received a thank you message via my website from someone I have never met somewhere in Australia, telling me how she (or he - not sure) had just finished reading my third novel 'Laura'(released 2009) and had been greatly encouraged to continue on reaching out to others and to persevere in ministry. That's what it's all about, isn't it - and yes, Anusha, it is such a privilege. God bless.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne,
    Great to hear from you. That must have been wonderful - to receive a thank you mail from someone you have never met but who's read your 3rd novel - she obviously has been blessed by your writing. And how wonderful that she too has been encouraged through your writing to reach out to others in ministry! A ripple effect. Who knows how many others she in turn would inspire!
    Blessings and thanks for your lovely words,

  5. Lovely post, Anusha. I love your enthusiasm for life. I bet you're rarely without that gorgeous big smile of yours.

    Blogging used to be a chore for me too. Now I see it as a writing must. An opportunity to connect with readers right away. For me it's the opportunity to use my words to continue relationships and perhaps start new ones. To engage and reply to other people's words whether they be on my own blog, or on their own blog, is a real privilege.

    I used to worry about comments. Were they coming in... Now I leave that to God and concentrate on keeping the conversation going.

    So far, it's working. And yes, Lee has encouraged me in this many times, too. We're blessed to have her around... although I will be even happier when the dear girl has internet connected to her house again.


  6. Hi Dotti,
    Thanks so much for your lovely encouraging comments. As for my smile - I've heard that even when we are unhappy, endorphins are released if we smile, which make us feel better and a good cure for the blues. So I keep smiling when I am feeling down - and find it does work! :)

    Great to hear your story about how blogging has now changed from being a chore to a blessing. You are amazing - you blog three times a week, don't you? That's great. I don't think I could find time for more than a once a week blog for now. So take my hat off to you. Well done.

    And yes, I do agree - that it's a great way of communicating with our readers. I find it's a great ministry tool too - because people open up with many aspects of their lives.

    Yes,we are very blessed in having Lee and praying her needs will be met soon and yes, that she will be connected online again.

    Thanks for encouraging me with your feedback, Dotti.
    Anusha xo

  7. I like your post very much! Godblessyou!

  8. Oh Anusha, you're a gem! I was like you at first. Really intimidated about the whole idea of blogging, but there is so much negativity around, why shouldn't we proclaim the Good News in each of our individual ways? Keep it up, gal! And may the lord bless every word.

    1. Thanks so much Rita. So you too were not into blogging at first? Rather than being intimidated - my problem was and is TIME! So much clamours for my time and I don't get enough time to write my books. But yes, you are so right. Proclaiming the good news can be done via blogs as well as books, can't they? Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Rita.

  9. Thanks Angel-Blessy. Bless you for your words. So glad you liked it. :)

  10. Anusha, I think your blog is beautifully done and inspiring. I am so pleased you decided to do it.
    I have been so busy lately my own blogging has suffered. Thank you for the reminder of the benefits. I need to get back into it. xx
