
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Poetry and Me

Poetry and Me

At school poetry for me, was anathema. Keats, Pope, Wordsworth couldn’t capture my interest. Shakespeare was on another planet. (So called ‘poetic justice’ has fallen on me. Our son, Lance, is a Shakespearian actor, among other things).

What changed me? Many little things but major amongst them was, and remains, G.A. Studdert Kennedy’s book ‘The Unutterable Beauty’. He was a chaplain in the World War 1 and wrote with a soldier’s eye. In verses he wrestled with God’s grace and mercy in tragic circumstances.

Interest aroused I gave poetry a go on matters that interested me: Love, family, faith and the person and work of Jesus. Trial and error are strewn across my path as I look back. However with Mary’s assistance I have been able to write some things readable and publishable.

I leave you with a simple example. Thanks for the privilege of sharing.

Shivering within the darkness,
An ice cold heart
Numbed by despair
Made me tearful
As I stood there
And alone.

Piercing into my darkness
Love’s holy fire,
Melted my coldness
Made me fearful
As I stood there
Not alone.

Yielding to Christ’s holiness
Brought me alive,
Flamed my heart
Made me hopeful
As I stood there
Not alone!
Raymond N. Hawkins
Ray has just had his 31 Day devotional meditation ‘Captured by Calvary’ released by Even Before Publishing. It presents the cross as the central theme of Scripture which draws us to a deep understanding of God’s heart for us and the cost He was prepared to pay for our salvation. It is available in all Christian bookshops or direct from the author.

In a few months time ‘Bethlehem’s Warrior Baby’ will be released. This seeks to help us to appreciate Christmas is  a declaration of spiritual war. More details later


  1. Powerfully penned poetry, Ray. Good poetry achieves revelation in so few words and often stays in our mind afterwards. keep writing. Jo xx

  2. Wow! Lovely work Ray. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thanks for those visually descriptive words Ray. Nothing can reach our emotions more than something that speaks to the needs of our hearts. I'm afraid I wince when I read smaltzy, mushy "poetry".

    The Lord's blessings on the release of your next book...keep them coming!

  4. Thanks for sharing the poem with us and glad that you have come to appreciate poetry. My other love as well as fiction.

  5. Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem, Ray. I have always written poetry from as far back as I remember and filled many exercise books in my growing up years. Don't do as much now - but do feel like "a poem coming" sometimes! :) And instead compose songs.

    All the best with your writing and may God bless your endeavours.

  6. G'day fellow scribblers - or should it now be key tappers? I still find it strange yet thrilling, humbling yet uplifting to have folk such as yourselves expressing pleasure at words I formed to express some heartfelt insights.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Ray. :)

  8. Beautifully written Ray. I love your poems. x

  9. A beautiful deep meaningful poem from a shining heart.
    Blessings Crystal

  10. Hello from Brisbane, Ray. I really appreciate your poetry.
    Author Tyrannosaurus Wrecks: Tips to Avoid Life's Pits
