
Monday 27 February 2012

What I Love Writing About by Rita Stella Galieh

Visiting with young would-be writers at St George Girls High School
My first love is Historical Romance as you'll have seen by my books, Fire in the Rock & Signed Sealed Delivered.

A close second is my enjoyment in writing about real life romances in my blog. Oh, I really love hearing about how Christian people met each other, fell in love, and married. I consistently ask folk I come across to tell me their story. Some are quite happy about this. Some agree, but never quite get around to it, so I give their memories a nudge or two. I've even had a couple of fellows who've obliged. Ray Hawkins - one of our members - has his and Mary's story posting March 9. Also Paula Vince, Jan 27; Penny Reeve, Jo-Anne Berthlesen, and Rose Dee are posted consecutively from Feb 10, 17, and 24. Each post lasts a week and some ask their friends & family to leave a comment.

Of course I'm telling you this as a fishing exercise, if you haven't already guessed. Last year I had a spate of American, Canadian and South Africans who obliged, but I need more of you to share. Several young girls have read it without leaving comments, because they've actually told me. I believe it can be another helpful guide to girls wondering about this big life decision.

So...will you share your story on the web, too? (You don't have to be an author, by the way.) I'd like either/or your picture,wedding shots, books to be published etc. I can always edit if it's a little long, but I'd really love anyone who reads this to contact me via email which is >  ritagal(at)optusnet(dot)com. Have a look at  >  to see some of these stories.

* After much difficulty changing from a British program into Word Doc, Rita has just posted her manuscript, The Tie That Binds (the second book of the Watermark Women Trilogy) to Ark house Press.


  1. I'm loving those stories, Rita. Each of them, in their own special ways, displays God's organisational skills in the world of men and women. Yes, bring on more. People, if you haven't put your hand up yet, I encourage you to do so.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Paula. Yes, we all love to hear about happy endings, even with the struggles along the way!

  2. Hi Rita,
    I will be glad to share my story. I am a romantic - and love romances and happy endings. So can full identify with what you say. That must have been a very special time connecting with all those young eager would be writers. You can have a look at my blog - just launched my website and blog today - and I do share part of my romance in it.

    The link is:
    Here's to romance and happy endings,
    Anusha :)

    1. OK, Anusha, you're on! I'll go have look and if I need more I'll let you know. And thanks.

  3. I think that there is real power in the stories of our lives. Thank you for promoting these, Rita.

  4. Oh dear, I forgot to add the "au" after my email address!
