
Monday 28 November 2011

Nothing New Under The Sun

This is one of the phrases that resonated through me at the Word Writers Fair in Brisbane.  It was a simple statement but one that has been glued to my memory since.
I struggled with this phrase because I wondered 'Why then do we write? Why then do we continue to craft stories, prose and instruction in an effort to entertain and inspire others?'  Often when you submit a manuscript to a publisher they require that you research into other books that  may be similar to your on the market.  The publisher wants to know how yours is different.  What does your work have to offer that this other work does not?  Why would someone want to read your work? There is after all nothing new under the sun, is there?
Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes that he has discovered there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc 1:9).  And he is right, to a point.  You see when Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, Jesus had not yet come. Jesus was the first fruits of an entirely new race, the children of the living God.  Solomon could not possibly have imagined the inheritance that God has so mercifully bestowed upon us.  He could not have known that our relationship with Jesus would open up whole new worlds of understanding and experience.  When we become a new creation in Christ, the veil is torn and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, giving us new and exciting revelation among a myriad of other things.

 And so although there may not be anything new under the sun, I can guarantee you that there is plenty that is new under the Son.

With God there is always something new. There is always something to keep us wanting more, something to keep us seeking his mystery and holiness.  How privileged we are that he would reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God to us to glorify Him in this age of grace.  I count it as an honour to be ranked amoung those who would give voice to his name upon the earth in this time.  I count it as joy that we struggle and toil in a world that is blinded by darkness.  And so we will continue to weave our manuscripts and herald them to the ends of the earth.  And so we will continue to intrigue others with stories that speak life, when the world offers darkness.  May God be glorified by every word we breathe, published or not.  For we may still toil under the sun, but we live and breathe and write for the Son.

Nicole Watson is a non fiction writer, speaker and author of Sam's Heart.  Nicole blogs regulalry here.  And you can meet up with her on Facebook here and here.  It is her passion that all people would know the reality of God's love and precence in their life. 
'Let me introduce you to the God of Miracles'


  1. Thanks Nicole
    We weave stories as Jesus, the Son, told parables. May our stories bring truth live and hope the way his stories did.
    Your story is a powerful yet practical and honest testimony to the grace of God working in your life. I'm sure the Lord will use it mightily! :)

  2. Hi Nicole,
    That's a question I think we all wonder and you've made an excellent point. I think we all succeed at re-telling ancient truths in our unique ways.

  3. So true Nicole. With God there is always something new. In His word I read things over and over and yet find new thoughts and challenges all the time. In creation the same - we look and look and yet it's always refreshing. I agree it's also true of our writing. There are always ways to say new things with old words.

  4. With God, everything is new and exciting if we live each moment for Him and not for ourselves.

  5. Thank you Jo, and yes Jesus was the ultimate story weaver. He enraptured His audience with vibrant parables and still does. :)

  6. I agree Paula, the truth does not age. Blessing to you as you write for Him.

  7. It is wonderful how the Word is living Carol. He is always speaking with fresh hope, unending love and unwavering faith.

  8. Very true Laura. Each new day is a new adventure of God's making, if we allow Him to reign in our lives.

  9. It's been said that, when you abstract things down sufficiently, there are only six (or so) different plots. If so (and I can believe it), there is indeed nothing new—at that level of abstraction. But even though snowflakes are all snowflakes, a practically infinite number of variations is still possible.

    Perhaps an example of this tension is that publishers seek something new and different—so long as it conforms to accepted standards. Be the snowflake!

  10. What can be new? The author. The audience. The culture. Old message in new vessels ...

  11. I believe what I write and the way I present it will be new. Is what my characters saying a new way, or at least for the reader. They might just pick up that truth that I am trying to get across.

  12. There is only One Saviour, one message of Salvation - but oh so many ways of getting that message across. How many different ways can one say 'I love you' and does that short sentence ever lose its power, even if one hears it every day. No, there's nothing new under the sun - even the sun is not new, but it rises every morning, and how we appreciate all its benefits.

  13. I loved your post Nicole. Thanks so much. Also loved how you pointed out to us that under the SON - there is in a sense all things new - a wonderful comparison from what Solomon expounded in the book of Ecclesiastes. I often marvel at our Creator God - He has not only created all things but has also given us - His creations the task of creating anew. How awesome is that! And what a privilege. Thanks for reiterating to us what a special and joyful calling we all have as Christian writers. Bless you.

  14. Very true Janet. All the more reason to keep on writing.

  15. That's right Melanie, and everytime someone reads your work they take something different away from it.

  16. There is nothing quite like those words is there Meredith? And they are made all the more powerful when followed through with affirming actions. I wonder if we will ever truly know the infiniate love that God has for us. Praise God for Jesus.

  17. Thank you Anusha. What an amazing thing to live in the age of grace. I love reading the old Testament books. There is such wisdom to find them.

  18. So true Nicole. Even though I have a very active imagination, I always pray for inspiration because the Lord just may have something 'new' He wants to add to our work.

  19. Awesome Rose. May God bless every word that you write for Him.

  20. His mercies are new every morning! He is a God of infinite creation, so there is always a new and fresh way to do the same old things. I love that about God! Thanks for sharing. XXOO

  21. Thanks for the reminder, Nicole. We are so blessed to be able to give voice to Gods' truths.

  22. And Peter for the snowflake analogy.

  23. And Amanda for writing the praise we were all thinking.

  24. Beautiful post Nicole.
    God is so amazing!

  25. I am thankful that his mercies are new everyday Amanda, and that we have an awe-inspiring God that is our source of creativity. xx

  26. We sure are Jennifer Ann, what a time to live upon the face of the earth, when God Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all men. :) Bless you heaps.

  27. You crack me up Penny! And yes, praise is all we can have for our God who gives us every good idea that we have ever had. x

  28. Thank you Michelle. I hope that your writing November is going well. Not long to go now. And yes, God is awesome, so let's make sure we let everyine know :) xx

  29. Thanks Nicole, so so true! God does bring new exciting things into our lives every day! :)

  30. Thank you Lynne. He sure does. I wonder what he has in store for us today? x

  31. Beautiful words of encouragement Nicole! Thanks for sharing ;)

  32. Thanks Dorothy. Looking forward to meeting you one day in the future.
