
Monday 25 July 2011

Extraordinary God

I have such doubt in myself and my writing ability. Even as I write this post, I can’t help but feel that I don’t really ‘belong’ in such a group of writers.
I have no English degree; I don’t research history, time and place; I don’t create plot and character and I have no idea how to tell a story others want to read.
I write from my heart. I love God with all my heart. I share my life to encourage others, especially mums like me. I have some life experience, a passion to write and a God who can use someone flawed and ordinary to do extraordinary things for His glory.
Then I realised that I’m not so different.
Each member of this writing group is using his/her God-given talents and experiences for His glory. Whether we write fiction or non-fiction, whether we speak, publish or write poetry, our desire first and foremost is worship God with our words, to share His love with our readers and to inspire others to seek a personal relationship with Him.
Let’s continue to write for His glory, it’s never about us and what we can achieve, what awards we can win or the fame and fortune we may make (ha,ha!) – it’s all for Jesus; ALL glory to Him.
Psalm 115:1, “Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.”
Blessings and Love,
Narelle Nettelbeck
(Encouragements, books and resources for mums at
Just to give you some info about me:
I live in Perth WA with my hubby of 14 years and our sons aged 9 and 5.
I operate a Family Day Care service from home 4 days a week. I have found my niche writing devotional material and short articles – just as well I like to write brief entries as it suits my busy lifestyle!
I have had 2 devotional books published and have recently created and published a small magazine for mothers. God has used this ordinary mum to do amazing things in His name and I pray it continues.


  1. Thanks for such an honest post, Narelle. We're all different and all have something to contribute. As a quote I often use from Rob Bell says: 'We need you to be you. We don't need a second anybody. We need the first you.' And Psalm 115:1 is the verse I chose to put on my website so it would continually remind me why I write!

  2. Thanks Jo-Anne :)
    Love that quote from Rob Bell.

  3. Another good reminder to keep our eyes fixed upwards and not inwards. Thanks Narelle. I like how you find time time to write, it is my current challenge also.

  4. I'm sure your heart to serve God and to bless others comes through in your writing, Narelle, and that's the most important qualification for writing. Carol

  5. Great post Narelle. Thank you for sharing that.
    The people who will draw nearer to God because of our writing - bringing him glory - love that.

  6. And isn't there a song called, "Be yourself, because everybody else is taken"? Jo-Anne's quote reminded me of that and face it, we're also so different, even writers within the same genre. Thank God for our differences.

  7. Yes it would be very boring if we were all the same!

    Glad this space is here so we can encourage each other :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It seems my original comment bounced! Here goes again.
    I looked up your website for mums, Narelle, and especially enjoyed your post on Maintaining Relationships. I'm so glad the Lord doesn't require us to possess degrees or diplomas to write for His glory.

  10. Thanks Narelle. I relate to your feelings. It is a year since I walked into my first writers meeting pushing down the nagging voice that was accusing me of being a fraud. However when God ordains he also equips!

  11. Great post, Narelle. Yes, we are all unsure of our writing and whether it will impact others. We are doing it for our God and the all the glory goes to him.

  12. I love your booklet for mothers, Narelle. It's full of heart-warming stories and advice, which is so important in this day and age.

    I also love the fact that being a writer doesn't mean you have to have a degree in writing. God calls us no matter what our educational background is like.

    Keep writing, Narelle, our young mothers need your wisdom! :)

  13. Narelle, great name btw :) thanks for reminding us that our focus is on Him and writing for His glory.

  14. LOL thanks Narelle and Lee :)
    Thanks for your encouragement guys, it means a
    lot to me.

  15. Well done Narelle! Just read your post. I too write devotional and inspirational material so you touched a chord in me. It sounds like God's put his finger on you and is using you and your desires to serve Him. Bless you. Thanks for sharing with us. May He continue to be glorified through your pen. Blessings! :)
