
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Awesome Aussie Authors

In around the year 2000, I remember searching through bookstores, complaining there wasn't enough Australian Christian fiction, particularly historical romance - my favourite genre. Sure, there were books set in Australia written by non-Australians, but I always found problems with them. For example: crocodiles were called alligators, cyclones were called hurricanes, Aussie terms used in the wrong context. It was enough to frustrate me.

That's when it struck me that I should attempt to write the kind of novel I was looking for. Until then I was muddling around with contemporary stories. So, I came up with an idea for a trilogy, set to work and quickly discovered a passion for historical writing. Incidentally, that first novel is finally coming into publication in November this year as Ellenvale Gold.

Since then, however, I have discovered several Christian Aussie writers, and the number has continued to grow. This year I am proud to say that half the books I have read this year have been written by Australian's. Not all of them were historicals, but I don't mind that. Soon enough there will be plenty to fill my whole year of reading I expect. I adore reading about my own country and my own culture and my own history and I'm sure many others do too.

I count it a privilege to be numbered amongst authors such as Meredith Resce, Mary Hawkins, Paula Vince, Carol Preston, Dorothy Adamek, Sandra Peut, Julianne Jones and Rita Stella Galieh, only to name some of them. There are still others I have not yet read.

If you have not read any of these authors' books, I would encourage you to look them up. Go into your local Christian bookstore and ask for them by name. There is a lot of Aussie talent out there and they are all worth supporting.


Amanda Deed resides in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne where she fills her time with work, raising a family, church activities and writing historical romance novels. For more information, see:


  1. My sentiments exactly, Amanda. This will be such an exciting blog.
    I've had the privilege of having feedback from American readers from time to time. They all seem to report that my books, along with those of other Aussies they've read, are refreshingly 'different'.
    To me, that means that our authenticity shines through.

  2. Oh, Amanda, may our frustrations be forever put to rest!

    That's an interesting comment, Paula. If we hope to get anything pubbed o/seas, some publishers expect us to use American characters. I tried that with one story and brought them over here to Australia. But if enough of us keep writing good, authentic stories they might just clamour for us. Go Aussies!

  3. Yes, Paula, I'm excited about this blog too. Hopefully we will be able to draw more O/S readers to our 'different' style. :)

  4. Thanks Rita. I agree with you. Let's be true to ourselves and our style and pray that o/s interest will rise. :)

  5. Amanda, I agree it's great to walk into Christian book stores and see numerous books from downunder authors on the shelves. I'm looking forward to reading more books from our local authors :)

  6. Yes, Narelle, it's exciting to see how quickly the numbers are growing, too. :)

  7. Amanda, I love it that you craved a book... and then went and wrote it! That's exactly why people should write - to tell the story of their heart, already written there by God. Can't wait for your next one!!

  8. Great post, Amanda, and you're right, it is annoying when you read a book about Australia and the terms aren't correct. It certainly would be good if people overseas got excited about our books. But you know what would be even better?

    Aussies getting excited and buying Australian books and not overseas ones. Now THAT would be wonderful!

  9. Thank Dotti and likewise I can't wait to read yours and all about our very familiar PI. XXOO

  10. Yes Lee, I totally agree. I think once the word gets out about how great Aussie books are we will get plenty more Aussie readers. A lot of people just don't know they're there. I think a change is in the air... :)

  11. Thank you so much for your kind words that included me, Amanda! I have not met an Aussie avid reader of Christian Fiction yet who does not agree about wanting to read books by Australian authors - and set in Australia. Of course, we all do enjoy great books no matter who writes them but there is just "something" we enjoy more about "our own" books. This is especially true of historicals.

  12. I didn't know you had started I saw the info for the blog but not the start up will add it to my blog. hopefully we get some here. I have a Canadian friend who is currently reading Paulas books and is going to start looking at others. shes enjoying the different voice and learning the way we speak. she knows some of it as we have been online friends for over 10 years.

  13. I think it is important to support Aussie authors. As it is we are saturated by Americanisms as it is, it is nice when you read something and think "I know where that is" And we have the Aussie slang and terms that are part of our culture, which we could be in danger of losing, if we don't support Aussies
