
Monday 23 October 2017

Pinterest : A Thousand Words

by K A Hart

Sometimes I wish I’d pursued the art of painting or drawing earlier in my life. Now, don’t get me wrong. I can whip up a beautiful and intricate landscape of rolling hills or a spring garden brimming with colourful flowers and doting bees. My talents even extend to the chaos of war where hundreds of warriors clash for their king’s victory. 

There’s just a small problem. 

I’m the only one who can see it because it’s all in my mind.

As a child, my best friend and I lived mostly outdoors. We had overactive imaginations. We’d gallivant across the yard and play elaborate games, saving animals from bushfires and cyclones. Our bikes were shape-shifters. They’d transform into any animal we required for our daring rescues. Hay castles. Tractor monsters. Everything we could imagine was possible.

As I’ve grown older, it’s become harder to create those worlds. Worlds need to make sense. They need to have a purpose and I’ve become limited by my own experiences. I now need to write things down or the ideas become lost in the everyday rush and often, those thoughts written into words don’t fully capture what I’ve imagined.

That’s when I discovered Pinterest. Finally, some place to collect pictures, ideas, and information all into one place.

I can search through Pinterest and find almost any picture, article or website related to a keyword. I’ve then been able to set up files or boards where I can save them as pictures around a particular topic. As I’m a visual person, I’ve found it beneficial to set up boards for my novel ideas, character development, even possible locations. This has given me the ability to find pictures that look similar to my hero/heroine and the possible settings of their adventure (this has been invaluable as my WIP plays out in desert, forest and mountain scapes). I used to become stuck on how an action scene might look like. Not any more. 

I have to laugh at some of the things I’ve searched for on google. Who knew there were so many creative ways to drown someone … Maybe that’s why I like Pinterest so much. I can have a public board where anyone can see what goodies I’ve filed away or I can have secret boards. Every story I have written is hidden away from prying eyes. Even those I haven’t written yet. NO SPOILERS. I can always change them later to be public, so readers can see the thought process behind the novel.

When I’m not sure where to go with my story, I can add a friend to the board to help collaborate the obstacles my hero/heroine has to overcome. If I ever have the opportunity to co-author a novel, this would be a great way to correlate our ideas.

Writing can be very lonely and isolating if you let it. Most days I like it this way, though sometimes I’ve needed some guidance. I’ve joined a writing group of talented ladies who have encouraged, on an occasion nagged and for the better part, inspired me to reach beyond what I thought possible. If you haven’t yet joined one, now is the time to do so. But when we’ve all said our goodbyes and I sit back down at my laptop, I have those odd doubts as to why I’m doing this at all. There are so many inspiring pictures and words I’ve been able to capture, which help to remind me of this amazing gift God has given me.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV)

It’s great to be able to keep all my favourite blogs in one place. All those insightful ideas on how to enhance my writing and the words of encouragement from those who have travelled before me. 

I’ve found myself up at one or two in the morning, surfing the web for information about something vital to the success of my hero/heroine’s journey. Moon phases and their meaning have been a particularly sore subject for my WIP. I’ve been able to find quite a few articles and pictures around this subject. The ease in which I linked these to my chosen board for perusal later was amazing. No more keeping a tab open or saving the website to favourites - what if I didn’t like it?

I’ve never been short on ideas - I have enough novel outlines saved on my computer to last me at least a decade. Short stories however, aren’t my strong point and when I have writers block (yes, it’s a thing), Pinterest has been a great resource to help spark my imagination again.

I’ve said it before. I’m a visual person. I now have an entire wall filled with pictures I’ve found on Pinterest. It depicts the storyline of my WIP and helps me stay focused on the big picture. If you ever come to visit, I might just show you.

Still hesitant? Come and have a look at my Pinterest page kahartauthor. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Find fifty you like? You might just have a novel.

If you already use Pinterest, how has it helped you in your writing journey?

K A Hart's first short story, Stone Bearer, appears in Glimpses of Light and another soon to be released in one of the Missed Blessings anthologies. She is currently working on a fantasy novel.


  1. Thanks for sharing those tips with us, Kirsten. I'd never thought of using Pinterest until you showed me some of your boards a while ago. Now I use it for my novel too. I've got some secret boards for my main characters, where I can collect pictures of what they might look like, what they might wear etc. I've also started collecting other things relevant to my settings (e.g. pictures of locations with different types of weather). It really helps when you're adding some setting and description to your WIP.

    I've also started collecting articles and find it must better than just saving them to favourites. For articles etc that don't already have a Pinterest button attached, I've discovered the Pinterest button you can add to your Chrome toolbar to save any articles. Very handy.

    Thanks for opening me up to this fun way of researching a novel (and finding all manner of other useful things). Will have to come over and check out your wall of pics. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. You should check out my Natural Phenomenon board - the complexity of the different types of weather this world has to offer is astounding. There are some great ideas you could incorporate into your WIP - though I'd suggest not to use the whirlpool as your MC may end up dying in the first chapter.

      I'll have to look at your article board and scroll through them sometime. Thanks for reminding me about the Pinterest button you can add to your toolbar. It's great to be able to add any website to your boards for further study that aren't already linked to Pinterest. I'll have to do this more often.

      I'm glad you're having fun with it :)

    2. I'm having a little too much fun on it, Kirsten. Can be a good way to procrastinate, but I also find it perks me up. I'll just have to write more sci-fi so I can justify all the sci-fi pins I collect :)

  2. Great post Kirsten. It sounds like Pinterest is a very helpful tool in a writer's life. Collecting pictures, ideas and interest in the one place does sound a cool thing to do - and would make a writer's life easier I bet. I haven't tried it yet. But now that you've opened my heart to it ... hmmm... I just might have a go! :) Well done on those 2 short stories Kirsten and all the best with your novel.

    1. Thanks Anusha. It definitely helps with the writing process and inspiration.

      I'm glad to hear you'll have a go. Make sure to add me to your following list so I know when you're up and running and I'll come have a look and follow you. :)

    2. You can find lots of great Christian stuff on there too Anusha, so I'm sure you'll find lots of inspiring things to save.

  3. What a great blog Kirsten. What an ingenious way to use Pinterest. I checked out your board ( is that the correct term😄). Wow! Enjoy the conference. x

    1. Thanks Janelle. Yes, that's the correct term. You can find almost anything on Pinterest. When you're stuck inside on those rainy days you'd still be able to find inspiration for those devotions. :)

      We'll have to tell you all about the conference when we get back. It's going to be great fun!

  4. Hi Kirsten, I love your first paragraph, because that's the sort of painter I am too :) Thanks for describing the charm for authors of using Pinterest. It makes a lot of sense, and I imagine can be a real time stealer.

    1. Haha, yes Paula. Sometimes I find it's a good way to destress after a long day at work and I don't have the energy to write. It helps build my momentum and drive ... and sometimes it's a complete time waster. However, some of the pictures I've come across when surfing through Pinterest randomly have inspired character development and a few short story ideas. :)

  5. My back yard had a complete cave system with death-defying chasms to leap, treacherous rotting timber bridges to cross, booby traps to avoid and mysterious tunnels to explore. Fortunately, I had flaming paw-paw tree leaf torches to light the way, otherwise I might have fallen all the way through the earth to China! The paw-paw tree leaf stalks also made good bubble pipes. Just sayin'. Clearly it's time for me to board the Pinterest train. Sounds like it's just the ticket. Next time I see you, you can conduct me through the process. Thanks for a great post Kirsten.

    1. Wow, your backyard must have been one interesting adventure. Though China might have been exciting to visit.

      I'd be happy to show you the ropes of Pinterest. You might find ideas for your next novel there.

  6. Very Pinteresting ... ;-) I must confess I've never ventured into the world of Pinterest, but can see how handy it would be to have a place to collate electronic images, links etc for a WIP. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. It's a great way to keep articles and links handy without clogging your computer with files and files of research. A good space saver.

  7. I hadn't even thought of using pinterest, Kirsten. Great idea. Now i'll be up till 1 in the morning...

    1. Hi Pam. Hmm, it might be best to set your alarm so you have a set time for Pinterest-ing. That way you still have time for sleep :)

    2. Ha ha. You sound organised!!

  8. Kirsten, I've just been catching up on my missed blog reading. It seems I'm always behind! I love this post. Your personality shines through and your writing style is so unique, I might just have to nag you to keep going, lol. Love the idea of Pinterest! I've only dabbled with it myself but will look into it further as it does sound like a wonderful way to keep things together, as well as gather so much inspiration. I'm also (mildly) interested in how many ways there are to drown a person. You never know when that might come in handy...for a story, of course!) (PS. You look gorgeous in your profile photo. :))
